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清嘉庆以来广东及东莞地方志中有关于东莞南汉经幢的多种录文,近来又有旧拓公布。通过比对现有资料并对该经幢石刻第一面铭文重新录文,对与该经幢相关的两个重要问题获得了新的认识:其一,这一石刻并不是塔,而是经幢,当时除建有这一经幢外,另建有五层砖塔(或石塔);其二,此幢建造之目的,是为了超度被杀之象,而非镇象。  相似文献   
Samuel Burgum 《对极》2019,51(2):458-477
The Grenfell fire was symbolic of an unequal urban landscape closely tied to material and aesthetic norms around property ownership and entitlement. The aim of this paper is to unsettle these norms by advancing a novel genealogical approach. Through systematic review of government archives seldom studied by property researchers, historical comparisons are mobilised to challenge the taken‐for‐granted way in which we approach property and ownership today. It is shown how, in the face of a comparable housing crisis and direct action, both Churchill's and Atlee's post‐war governments temporarily overlooked property norms by extending wartime requisitioning powers. Going further, however, the paper argues that by revisiting history, we can also rediscover a legacy of “forced entry” that might open up political possibilities in the present. By advancing a genealogical approach to ownership, the paper contributes to wider discussions around property norms, concluding that we have before (and can again) enact property differently.  相似文献   
宁绍地区早期遗址群的时空变化是钱塘江以南聚落考古研究的重要课题。本文全面收集了这一地区的考古资料,着重从量化分析的角度,对距今7000~3000年间的遗址进行了考古地理学考察。在提取高分辨率年代序列的基础上,绘制出多幅遗址群分布地图,初步恢复性重建了宁绍平原考古时代的聚落群景观。  相似文献   
1963年,在东阳南寺塔内发掘清理出一件北宋建隆二年(961)的贴金彩绘石雕经函。经函须弥座上所绘之10人乐舞图,与唐代以来佛教的净土思想有关。此类乐舞在北宋中原地区的佛寺中十分盛行,于11世纪中叶之前北传至辽地,并对11世纪末宋、辽墓葬中散乐图的大量出现产生重要之影响。  相似文献   
<正>陕西唐陵大遗址保护项目的考古工作荣获2007~2008年度全国田野考古一等奖。这是国家文物局和考古学界对我们工作成绩的肯定与鼓励,也是我院田野考古工作者开拓创新、辛勤工作的结果。以下将唐陵考古工作中的思路、方法、措施以及得失作以介绍,以期得到考古界同仁的指教。  相似文献   
本报告发表的是中国社会科学院考古研究所考古科技实验研究中心碳十四实验室和中国科学院地球环境研究所西安加速器质谱测试中心在2007~2011年期间测定的40个考古数据。数据表示方式与以往所发报告相同。为方便应用另做如下几点说明。1.碳十四年代半衰期按5568年计算。2.校正年代所用程序为OxCal,校正曲线为1998年公布版本。3.与以往报告相同,所给年代误差范围均为±16,年代范围的概率分布为68.2%。4.由于树轮年代校正曲线各区段形状不同,校正后年代范围可能形成几组,总合概率为68.2%(与过去报告中总合概率表示为100%相同)。5.校正均按单一样品方式处理。6.数据均作碳十三  相似文献   
2008年南京报恩寺阿育王塔出土了白木香和乳香两种北宋时期香料。本文梳理了南京报恩寺及阿育王塔的历史,通过文献说明了阿育王塔与宋代长干寺圣感舍利宝塔的关系;整理了我国古代典籍中对白木香和乳香的记载,考证出阿育王塔中的白木香乃沉香中的上品,乳香是印度的上品乳香-滴乳;探究了七宝阿育王塔中装藏白木香和乳香的缘由。最后,综合前人对现代白木香和乳香有效化学成分的分析结果,比较了阿育王塔出土白木香和乳香的有效化学成分。  相似文献   
W. C. Mahaney 《Archaeometry》2013,55(6):1196-1204
The title of Kuhle and Kuhle's (2012) (hereafter K&K 2012) paper in Archaeometry appears to be mostly a tirade against the Traversette Route of Hannibal's Army, as originally favoured by Sir Gavin de Beer—a man possessed of singular scientific experience and near‐singular interest in Carthaginian history—in the mid‐part of the last century. The mere fact that Mahaney et al. (2010a,c) added to de Beer's corpus of evidence that Hannibal followed the southern route appears to have brought K&K (2012) to lodge not only a protest, but one of accusatory tone, stating that Mahaney et al. (2010c) had erroneously misinterpreted historical texts to prove the Col de la Traversette as the Punic Army col of passage into Italia. Aside from the fact that the tone of these allegations rises to a curious level, it is the intention of this discussion to put facts where they belong, rooted in what is known of the Hannibalic Invasion and what is inferred by the prevailing scientific evidence. It is important to note that there is not one preferred route as stated by K&K (2012), but three in fact (see Fig. 1 (a) in Mahaney et al. 2010c), and all have been discussed by a legion of historians (see, e.g., Freshfield 1886, 1899; de Beer 1969; Proctor 1971; Prevas 1998; Mahaney 2008).  相似文献   
ICOMOS charters guide global heritage conservation practices. Fundamental to most is the notion that a ‘monument is inseparable from the history to which it bears witness and from the setting in which it occurs.’ Yet buildings have been moved for centuries. Neither the fabric nor the size of a building, nor planning regulations, nor even heritage listing, have prevented their relocation. This article briefly examines the history of relocation, reviews attitudes to relocation in ICOMOS charters, and analyses two case studies involving the mass relocation of heritage buildings in the UK and in New Zealand to question the assumption that buildings lose their authenticity if moved.  相似文献   
This paper relates a specific and professional understanding of the nature of archaeological sites to management needs and approaches. It focuses on how the nature of the resource itself relates to a system of valuation, conservation and preservation. The perspective taken is that of the contribution of landscape planning to the development of tourism and heritage management. One of the central aims is to explain the visual values of archaeological remains in the landscape, relating them to the different measures of preservation available for archaeological sites. Examples are included from Latvia and other European countries.  相似文献   
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