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This paper documents a comprehensive study of coarse wares for table use, serving, washing and cooking, found at the archaeological site of Paola (Cosenza, southern Italy). Major aims of the study were to group local products and imports and to determine technological features of local products. Results were obtained through a combination of archaeological (stratigraphy and ceramic typology), chemical and mineralogical–petrographical techniques (ICP-OES, ICP-MS, INAA, XRF, OM, SEM-EDS and EMPA). Data integration revealed that the coarse wares found at Paola were produced locally or imported over short (Calabria region), medium (Campania, Pantelleria, Sicily) and long distances (Greece and Africa). The local production focused on basins, stewpots, pitchers, bowls, pans, casseroles and lids, sometimes imitating African, or Pompei (Campania) or San Foca (Puglia) typical shapes. The production technology of local ceramics used a sandy–clayey blend of materials collected in the immediate vicinity of the archaeological site, fired at intermediate (about 800 °C) to low (around 650–750 °C) temperatures and used a Fe-rich clayey compound as a red ceramic coating. From a technological perspective, the Paola example arise new questions about table wares produced with clay bodies typical of cooking wares.  相似文献   
唐代校书郎之员数和设置时间,诸书所栽多有出入,《新唐书》错讹尤多。校书郎实为有唐一代士仕进之初阶,秘书省校书又为其最。与校书郎相关的诗歌,丰富了唐诗的内容也促进诗艺的提高。唐传奇的发展,也与校书郎有着某种联系。  相似文献   
高寿仙 《安徽史学》2010,(2):66-71,89
关于朱元璋的出生地,存在着不同说法,其中以钟离说(主张在今凤阳县境内)和盱眙说(主张在今明光市境内)流传较广,近年还发生了热烈的讨论。这个问题争讼不已、相持不下,与史料使用的随意性不无关系。朱元璋十分明确地说明自己生于钟离或钟离之东乡,参酌各种资料,此东乡无疑是在钟离县境内。盱眙说对有关史料的解释存有疏误,其立论主要建立在民间传说的基础上,而传说内容神奇怪异,显然难以据为信史。不过,这些传说本身也是一笔十分宝贵的文化财富,有其独特的魅力和价值。  相似文献   
夏玉润 《安徽史学》2010,(2):90-100
朱元璋的出生地,近年来出现了凤阳、盱眙二说。其实,早在朱元璋在世时,凤阳说是唯一一说。永乐以后,围绕朱元璋出生前后所发生的圣瑞之象,在社会上被炒作得越发神奇,在以讹传讹的过程中,泗州盱眙地方官员采用编纂地方志等方式,将这些圣瑞之象拉入盱眙县,从而产生盱眙说。盱眙说从产生之日起,一直是作为社会上流传的小道而存在,而凤阳说在明清两代一直是全社会及史学界的共识。近年来,盱眙说再次抬头,向凤阳说挑战。  相似文献   
During the heightened cultural activity of the Celtic Revival, the moral ownership and utilisation of Ireland's literary remains became an important cultural issue. At the same time, many nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Irish writers were concerned to ‘retell’ ancient stories in ways which explored their relevance to the modern world. One of the most retold tales from the period was the story of Déirdre and the Sons of Usnach. The story of Déirdre broaches one of the most ubiquitous of human experiences – betrayal – and it does so in relation to both political and interpersonal behaviour. This essay examines two dramatic treatments from the early years of the century: W.B. Yeats's one-act Deirdre (1907) and J.M. Synge's Deirdre of the Sorrows, unfinished at the time of his death and finally published in 1910. This essay looks to account for the particular ways in which each author inflects the legend in terms of their own concerns, and in particular how both Yeats and Synge engaged with a discourse of betrayal that – although always significant in Irish cultural history – was moving to a position of centrality in Irish national life in the years leading up to the revolutionary period.  相似文献   

Tian Ji’s horse racing strategy, a famous Chinese legend, constitutes a promising concept to be applied to important issues in today’s competitive environment; this strategy is elaborated on and analyzed by examining the general case. The mathematical formulation concerning the calculation of winning, drawing or losing combinations and probabilities is presented to illustrate the interesting insights on how ancient philosophies could promote thinking in business competitiveness, in particular, the wisdom behind sacrificing the part for the benefit of the whole or sacrificing the short-term objectives in order to gain the long-term goal.  相似文献   
馆藏文物中的书画、古籍、档案、纺织品和竹木漆器等有机质文物,常常受到霉菌的破坏。为了解文物库房有机质文物中霉菌病害现状,寻找适合的防治方法,利用显微形态观察和分子生物学方法,对四个库房内文物材料与囊匣上滋生的霉菌进行采样、培养、分离和鉴定。实验分离出的14株菌株通过形态观察和分子生物学鉴定为6个属,包括毛壳菌属(Chaetomium)、畸枝霉属(Malbranchea)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)、派伦霉属(Peyronellaea)和枝孢属(Cladosporium)等,其中毛壳菌属数量最多,曲霉属次之,多数为能对文物产生危害的常见菌种,亟待采取有效防治措施。实验结果可为今后霉菌的防治工作提供依据。  相似文献   
为探求符合文物保护要求的青铜器保护处理方法,对青铜病形成的过程和原因进行了模拟小孔腐蚀实验研究。对青铜模拟闭塞电池内的化学和电化学状态的变化,进行了不同Cl~-浓度和不同的pH值溶液条件下的电化学测试。实验结果证明,青铜闭塞孔穴腐蚀能导致蚀孔内Cl~-浓缩,pH值降低,腐蚀电流增大,局部腐蚀的加速,导致青铜病的形成。青铜病的闭塞孔穴腐蚀特征的研究,对进一步探求符合文物保护要求的青铜器保护处理方法具有较好的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
银器文物缓蚀处理抗光照腐蚀的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过紫外光和荧光曝露加速腐蚀实验,采用L16(45)正交试验方案研究银器文物抗光照腐蚀的缓蚀处理的影响因素,对PMTA(1-苯基-5-巯基四氮唑)、MBO(2-巯基苯并恶唑)、MBI(2-巯基苯并咪唑)及其复合缓蚀剂的防银变色作用进行了比较和研究,筛出复合缓蚀剂的最佳配比和缓蚀处理的工艺条件.结果表明,在酸性条件下,PMTAMBOMBI为213,总投加浓度3000mg.·L-1,银试片经50oC,4h预膜处理,加速腐蚀试验后的增重和外观的变化较小,显示了复合缓蚀各组分之间存在较好的协同效应,能兔满足银器文物抗变色处理的要求.  相似文献   
《白石道人诗说》历来被认为是姜夔所作,但姜夔却在《诗说自序》中说此书得自山中"异人"。通过对姜夔及其友人的诗词分析,可知姜夔在淳熙丙午遇见隐士一事为真。《白石道人诗说》有可能是姜夔在他人的诗学思想影响下完成的。这与姜夔诗学思想的转变以及南宋中期诗坛风气的转变有着密切的关系。  相似文献   
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