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1. Ayyaru in the Gula Hymn of Bullutsa-rabi
Lines 178-187 of the Gula Hymn of Bullut.sa-rabi is about the function of Ninlil. Prof. Lambert did not translate the sentence of sa i-na a-a-re-e hi-ta-ku in line 183, because the meaning of a-a-re-e is difficult. CAD S p 150 (mistakes Nin-karrak for Ninlil) thinks that a-a-re-e is arG A from Sumerian a-rá, "mathematical table, ephemeris", so they translate the sentence together with next line of sattakku man-ma ul ustapi: "I (Ninkarrak) am expert in what is in the multiplication tablets, no one has had to elucidate one single wedge".  相似文献   
<正>在早期文明中,上层阶级在生活方式及文化上与普通人判然有别。上层阶级居住在较宽敞、较豪华、且往往是较干净的房子里,由专门的仆人伺候,吃营养较丰富的食物,穿金戴银,更加讲究个人外表和卫生,并修炼较优雅的举止。在埃及古王国时期上层阶级的墓葬艺术中,就形象体现了各种行为模式,其中上层阶级的稳重、高贵和完美体质与下层阶级的喧嚣、粗俗的举止、邋遢的外表以及时有所见的营养不良和肢体残缺形成鲜明的对比。上层阶级或讲一种较雅致的民族语,或讲一种与其多数臣民完全不同的语言。阿兹特克人有马切瓦语和特皮语之  相似文献   
吕微 《民俗研究》2007,(3):238-250
女神啊,请歌唱佩琉斯之子阿卡琉斯的愤怒……(荷马《伊利亚特》第一卷)一祁连休先生著《中国古代民间故事类型研究》一书由河北教育出版社出版了,  相似文献   
通过分析两河流域治病咒语中对恶狗咬人致死的疾病症状的描述,推断出它是现代医学中的狂犬病(恐水症)。在苏美尔文献中,有一种被称为ur-mu2—da或ur-idim的狗,它相当于阿卡德语的kalbu egum“疯狗”。本文讨论了大量提到疯狗和狂犬病的苏美尔语和阿卡德语的楔形文献:治疗和对抗狂犬病魔的咒语、预兆狂犬病流行的内脏占卜术和占星术的卜文、把狂犬病发生当作城将毁灭的奇特现象预兆文、《创世纪》神话中原始叛神提阿马特的军中的疯狗魔、古拉女神的宠物神犬。在谚语和书信中用它来比喻和讽刺恶人,在亚述王宫建筑中,凶恶的狂犬神被刻绘在宫殿大门上作为守门神。文中还引用了中国古代文献中的狂犬记载作为对比材料。  相似文献   
从公元前4千纪末文字的发明到公元前330年亚历山大征服,苏美尔语、阿卡德语和阿拉米语先后充当西亚地区的通用语言。不过,苏美尔语主要在两河流域与伊朗西南部使用,阿卡德语的使用范围扩展至西亚大部和埃及北部地区,而阿拉米语则在西亚大部、埃及和中亚部分地区使用。虽然苏美尔语、阿卡德语和阿拉米语走向通用语言的路径和使用范围不同,但相关文化的优势是其成为通用语言的前提条件,地区间交流促进了它们的形成与发展,而它们的盛衰往往与军事征服有关。在西亚地区处于分裂状态时,通用语言往往在国际交流中发挥重要作用,而在统一的政权中,通用语言有助于国家内部的交流,是维持国家机器正常运转的重要保障。  相似文献   
韦巧云 《世界》2012,(11):164-169
在这个金三角山区部落的一个星期,没有一张像样的床,没有结实的屋顶,每晚躺在逼仄的草屋里,随时都在担心头顶那一方草棚会掉下来。可是,城市霓虹灯的刺眼同样绝迹于此,取而代之的是璀璨的星空、闪烁的繁星。  相似文献   
The events we will be dwelling upon and which are known from the cuneiform sources unearthed at Bogazkoey date directly to the time of Hattusili I or later, and provide information about the foundation period of the Hittite kingdom which took place in the cities that were closely linked to or directly occurring in the capital city, Hattusa, or elsewhere. It is not possible to put campaigns, conquests and the events in exact chronological order within the foundation period of the Hittite kingdom. However, it can be said that while the early part of the reign of Hattusili I was mostly a period when the borders were expanded by military campaigns and conquests, the later part of this king‘s reign was most probably when internal turmoil arose.  相似文献   
A hymn that praises the Sun god belongs to the earliest literature work of Mesopotamian civilization and it expressed a hearty praise of the absolute being, the Sun, the god of brightness of the ancient Akkadian people of 3^rd millennium. It is one of the earliest religious and literature heritages written in Semitic language (2600-2500 B.C) by the Akkadian people, the Semitics in the early Mesopotamia, who began to borrow the Sumerian cuneiforms to write their own speeches. The two exemplars of the hymn were excavated from two distant places: one came during 1963-65 from Tell Abu-Salabikh, the ruin of an unknown ancient city, 12 miles from the northwest ofNippur. A photograph of the main but damaged text, OIP 99 - IAS, no 326, without a handwritten copy, and a hand copy of a fragment of the hymn, OIP 99 no 342, were published by American scholar R. Biggs in 1974I. The language of Abu-Salabikh is the earliest Semitic (c. 2500 B.C), possibly related to the later Old Akkadian (2300-2100 B.C). In 1974-1975, a generally complete text of this hymn but rewritten by the local Semitic scribes in Ebla dialect was discovered in the ancient city Ebla (Tell Mardikh)2 in Syria by an Italian archaeologist team. German scholar D. O. Edzard hand-copied the original text in 1984 as The Archiv Reali di Ebla Testi V, no 6 and did an initiative transliteration3. In 1989,  相似文献   
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