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去德国别带禽肉类食品;旅行策划器——定制你的个性假期;又多了6个旅游目的地;粉色航班:专为女士服务。  相似文献   
它没有牛的矜贵,没有羊的膻香;比起鱼鲜贝类又少了几分登大雅之堂的名分。但它们身上布满勾人心魄的肥美脂香,入口甘滑动人;细细咀嚼,丰盈肉汁在舌尖流转,满嘴香甜。没错,它就是自有另一番风味的猪肉料理。  相似文献   
邵阳宝庆肉类联合加工有限公司是湖南省西南部规模最大、设备最先进、技术力量最雄厚的大型肉类食品加工企业。公司总资产1.5亿元,占地面积32万平方米,现有员工800余人。公司从饲料力口工到种猪繁育、商品猪养殖、牲猪屠宰加工、肉制品加工、产品销售等各个环节都拥有一批经验丰富的技术骨干,并同湖南农业大学等高校科研院所密切合作,形成一条完整的产业链。主要产品有易龙牌冷鲜(冻)分割肉、冻中乳猪、烤中乳猪、腊制品等系列共100多个品种。“易龙”牌系列产品获得了ISO9001—2000质量体系认证,HACCP质量安全体系认证、QS认证。产品主要销往港澳,畅销广州、深圳、上海、杭州、武汉、长沙等大中城市。  相似文献   
在我国,素有"挂羊头,卖狗肉""狗肉上不了正席"之说。其间暗含的语意之一是,狗肉在肉类食品中的地位是很低的,至少低于羊肉,抑或低于牛肉。古人祭祀这种庄重之事就多用整只牛羊,极少见有用狗肉的。唐人颜师古为《汉书·礼乐志》作注说,"牺牲,牛羊全体者也"。后世也有用整只猪的,清人梁章钜在《归田琐记·小炒肉》中说",此村中每年有赛神会,每会例用一猪。"唯不见有狗肉的身影出现。  相似文献   
莫明春 《民俗研究》2005,(2):239-244
寿司是一种带菜码的米饭团,是一种最具有代表性的日本民族料理,它是米饭、鱼、醋巧妙组合的结晶。两千多年前,寿司曾经用中国的汉字“艏”、“鱼乍”表示过,但当时这两个汉字的意思有所不同。“艏”最初出自公元前5至公元前3世纪的《尔雅》字典里,指腌咸的鱼贝、肉类食品,尤其指腌咸的鱼;“鱼乍”最早出现在两千多年前《说文解字》字典里,指把米饭、鱼、盐放在一起,经腌制发酵后,产生一种酸味的鱼,是(熟)寿司的意思。现在日本滋贺县的寿司被称为“鲜”,  相似文献   
路彩霞 《民俗研究》2006,(4):235-243
饮食是活人之本,古人多从养生角度,强调饮食宜忌,属自我养护范畴。饮食就种类而言,有五谷、鱼、肉、瓜、果、菜蔬之分。已往研究多着眼于古代饮食文化和近代公共卫生管理体制,本文以晚清京津地区肉类饮食习俗为切入点,拟具体考察时人的饮食卫生观念及与之相关的防疫观念。一肉食在微生物分解作用下容易腐坏,从而失去可食性。  相似文献   
At 9 am, May 17th, 2013, we set out through heavy snow from the County of Honvuan forthe Xiaman Goat Husbandry Farm in Western Ruoergai. Along the way, we saw few humans but there were groups of yaks grazing with a quiet, masterful air on the snowcovered prairie. The road was uneven and our young driver, Tashi, seemed to like playing "dodgem cars" in this playground while trying his best to avoid every puddle along the way. Our SUVjolted up and down, splashing muddy water on the still falling white snow. In Secretary Norbu's car, and warmed by the heater, we arrived at tfhe Goat Husbandry Farm at ten thirty. Due to a power cut, that big farmyard was deserted but Tashi heated instant noodles for his breakfast in a pressure cooker on a wood stove. We were about 3500 meters above sea level so water boiled at only 80 degrees Centigrade. Half an hour later, a man rushed into the room, bringing the cold air with him from the outside wind and snow. He immediately extended his hand to us. "Welcome You are from the Southwest University for Nationalities Last year, President Wang helped us with monitoring and earmarking. We appreciated it very much." The "President Wang" just mentioned by Secretary Song Dingbin of the Xiaman Goat Husbandry Farm, was Wang Yong, Vice President of the Southwest University for Nationalities and Director of the Institute for Qinghai Tibet Plateau. He is tutor for the graduate students majoring in "Animal Genetic Breeding andPropagation", an expert who has made outstanding contributions in Sichuan. Privately, people would call him "Goat Wang". Jianzhou Big Ear Goat Actually, the name "Goat Wang" is not unique to Wang Yong. There is another "Goat Wang" in the school,Prof Wang Jie. Both "Wangs" study goats with considerable achievements, so both are given this excellent name. The difference is their respective ages. Professor Wang Jie has retired, so it is natural that Wang Yong is "Junior Goat Wang". For quite some time, our country has imported breeding goats from overseas. Secretary Song Dingbin said that in 1958 the state purchased some Merino sheep from Australia and New Zealand with gold, and established the Xiaman Goat Breeding Farm to produce high quality wool. As for meat production, the Boer goat has long dominated the market. Wang Yong, a Doctor in"Animal Genetic Breeding and Propagation", determined to change it. In 1998, supported by the Jianyang government, Doctor Wang Yong and his research team started to breed and cultivate the new "Jianzhou Big Ear Goat". They used the foreign Nubian goat to crossbreed with the local Jianyang goat. So a new population was produced and improved by crossbreeding and selection for the next generation by way of open herd breeding. The team employed a strict and complicated standard to select breeding goats. If any detail, no matter if it was appearance,  相似文献   
澳门菜 用非洲、印度、马来西亚的辣椒、咖哩、香料等,配上新鲜的蔬果、肉类、海鲜、家禽,由巧手厨师用古老的葡式和东方特有的方式烹调出来,成为世上独一无二的澳门式葡国菜。典型的澳门菜有葡国鸡、非洲鸡、酿蟹盖、血鸭、免治牛肉、咸虾酸子猪肉等。  相似文献   
豫湘集团邵阳宝庆肉类联合加工有限公司是湘西南规模最大、设备最先进、技术力量最雄厚,有配套的原料供应基地与先进的生产线,专门加  相似文献   
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