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李公天 《炎黄春秋》2001,(10):38-41
50年前,1951年5月20日,《人民日报》发表社论《应当重视电影〈武训传〉的讨论》,并在《党的生活》专栏里发表专文《共产党员应当参加关于〈武训传〉的批判》。 从这一天起,一场以理论讨论形式出现的全国规模的轰轰烈烈的政治大批判运动,便掀起来了。 当年在中共堂邑县委宣传部工作的25岁年轻共产党员郝瑞琛,并不知道《人民日报》这篇社论是谁的大手笔,也没有掂量掂量这篇《党的生活》栏专文有多大分量,更不知道北京派来武训老家堂邑县搞调查的武训历史调查团里的李进,就是江青。他只看到5月20日以后全国的报刊几乎是“舆论一律”地…  相似文献   
Abstract In early 1919, people like Hu Shi and Chen Duxiu were regarded as members of an ivory-tower "academic faction" (xuepai), embroiled in a debate with an opposing "faction." After the May Fourth demonstrations, they were praised as the stars of a "New Culture Movement." However, it was not obvious how the circle around Hu Shi and Chert Duxiu was associated with the May Fourth demonstrations. This link hinged on the way in which newspapers like Shenbao reported about the academic debates and the political events of May Fourth. After compartmentalizing the debating academics into fixed xuepai, Shenbao ascribed warlord-political allegiances to them. These made the Hu-Chen circle look like government victims and their "factional" rivals like the warlords' allies. When the atmosphere became hostile to the government during May Fourth, Hu Shi's "faction" became associated with the equally victimized May Fourth demonstrators. Their ideas were regarded as (now popular) expressions of anti-government sentiment, and soon this was labeled the core of the "New Culture Movement." The idea and rhetoric of China's "New Culture Movement" in this way emerged out of the fortuitous concatenation of academic debates, newspaper stories, and political events.  相似文献   
克里特公牛舞——神王周期性登基祭礼的一部分   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
“公牛舞”是青铜时代克里特社会流行的一种惊险刺激的杂技表演,是古代克里特艺术惯常表现的主题,考古提供了丰富证据,神话传说也有间接暗示。然而,有关“公牛舞”的争论迄今仍是学术争论的热点,可谓众说纷纭,甚至连“公牛舞”的真实性也受到质疑。造型艺术的“公牛舞”主题是源于想象还是现实?如有现实依据,其写实成分又占多少?是否有艺术夸张?  相似文献   
关于后金称帝的时间.一直是学术界争论的活题。本通过大量详实的资料,论证出朝鲜人赵庆男1619年前后说更为允妥:从而否定了国内学术界的1636年说法。  相似文献   
对沈晓敏《也谈浙江省自治运动》一文的回应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冯筱才 《史学月刊》2004,(7):112-117
沈晓敏《也谈浙江省自治运动——兼与冯筱才先生商榷》一文对冯筱才的《理想与利益:浙江省自治运动新探》一文提出了不同的意见。沈文虽然在史实上对除九九省宪外的浙江自治运动的经过有所补充,但是其结论反驳并不成功,反而加固了冯文的观点。沈文对冯文的“定性”判断有悖基本的学术批评规范。在细节上,沈文的批评多数可以再讨论。  相似文献   
何诚斌 《文史天地》2011,(10):45-47
第一次批胡,是政治高压;第二次批胡,是纯学术争论。胡对周的态度,真显一个"大"字。因《红楼梦》的因缘,周汝昌成了胡适的"徒弟"。2006年近九十高龄的周汝昌,在中央电视台节目中表白"新中国第一场文化运动中我批了老师胡适"。其挚诚、坦率感动了不少人。我在周先生的《我与胡适之》以及《北斗京华》中看到,他除了在文化运动  相似文献   
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