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师■鼎铭"困伯太师武"一句的"困(韋東)"二字,原文写法非常奇怪。裘锡圭先生释为"東(韋東)",读为"范围",认为是遵循、效法之意。本文同意把后一字释为"(韋東)",但把前一字改释为"困"。"困(韋東)"也是遵循、效法的意思。  相似文献   
Geomorphology in Canada, as elsewhere, has evolved into an essentially bipartite discipline focusing either on ‘process’ or broader ‘historical’ (Quaternary) landscape interpretation. A growing emphasis on process‐oriented research that relies increasingly on instrumentation and computational technologies has occurred. Critics of such research note limited applicability for landscape evolution, fashionability of methods and limited societal relevance. Indeed, some say we are not seeing the landscape for the processes. This article discusses the changing nature of geomorphology since the Quantitative Revolution of the 1950s including new advances, recent trends and challenges. Publication trends and recent advances suggest that the discipline is very healthy (following a slump in the early 1990s) and continues to evolve, which may reflect increasing research infrastructure and/or funding opportunities and new publications spotlighting Canadian research. Unfortunately, fundamental (less applied) research is threatened by funding program shifts, changing institutional pressures and a decline in research capacity from retirement attrition, and student recruitment challenges. Three research priorities are recommended: (1) continued fundamental research, (2) more integrated modelling to link micro scale processes to macro scale landform behaviour and (3) improvements in profiling our discipline amongst students and related professionals.  相似文献   
The historiography of the United States in the xviiith and beginning of the xixth centuries stresses the key role of market development in the economic growth of the area. Various historical schools argue over the role of moral or household economic attitudes, and over the rhythm and extent of market integration. But because of the peculiar chronology of the economic development of the United States, compared to Great-Britain, it has long been assumed that this market integration, more than any technological progress, has been at the root of the industrial revolution and of industrial capitalism. The concept of market, however, has never been itself criticized and historicized. This paper offers a historically relevant modelization of merchant activity, and offers some hypotheses on the transition from this model to industrial capitalism.  相似文献   
利益主体多元化背景下的区域经济一体化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
安筱鹏 《人文地理》2003,18(5):61-64
区域经济一体化是经济发展的客观要求,中国区域经济一体化进程滞后已成为影响整个经济持续发展的重要因素。改革开放的过程是多元利益主体形成的过程,在现有的制度体系内,追求地方利益的最大化成为影响区域经济一体化进程的重要阻力。区域经济一体化需要均衡的利益格局,制度变迁是实现利益均衡的重要途径。  相似文献   
张爱萍 《清史研究》2020,118(2):1-12
清初,迭遭兵燹的湖南地区经历了兴垦、均编粮里、清丈等重建赋役秩序的过程。其中,衡山县于康熙四十三年实施的"废甲编区"更是呈现出清初里甲赋役改革的丰富面相。因应偏沅巡抚赵申乔革除里排、滚单催征的举措,衡山县打破原有里甲规制的束缚,改革中坚持粮不过区、就地编区的原则,孕育了字区的地缘性色彩,重塑十七字四百三十七区的赋役区划体系。以康熙五十三年新一轮的清丈为契机,知县葛亮臣在业已建立的区划结构内清查荒籍,使字区成为地方重要的赋役征派和土地登记单位。在这一区域变迁的历史过程中,字区的行政区划功能逐渐得到强化和延续,以赋役征派为目的建立起来的基层赋役区划向实体化与政区化迈进,与之相应的行政话语也深刻地影响着民间契约文本的表达。  相似文献   
In Indochina, overseas Chinese were organized by dialect group into associations called congregations, which shared many of the functions of huiguan in China. The spread of overseas Chinese economic and social networks followed a Skinnerian model in which large urban con?régations wielded more political and economic authority than did smaller, rural con?régations. By examining the impacts of French colonialism upon overseas Chinese networks within Indochina and upon overseas connections with their Chinese native places, this paper proposes that the Skinnerian model of local-system hierarchy fits quite comfortably when applied to the world of French colonial Indochina and its overseas Chinese. Furthermore, it argues that French colonialism actually reinforced the Skinnerian hierarchy of politics and markets in ways that endured long after the collapse of Imperial China.  相似文献   
This study analyzes medical practitioners’ adaptation to a dynamic cultural and political scene and examines the impact of medical refugees on a local community. In the early 1920s, there was an influential Russian medical community in Harbin that established medical societies and medical schools. The organization of medical societies was a part of the active formation of a professional community and represented a thoughtful measure for countering the control of Chinese officials. The high degree of cooperation between Russian and Chinese medical personnel in the medical-sanitary department of the Chinese Eastern Railway and in Harbin municipal medical facilities was a part of Harbin physicians’ activities.  相似文献   
La géomorphologie côtière au sud-ouest de l'île d'Anticosti est dominée par une large plate-forme intertidale taillée dans des calcaires. Des flèches transversales, apparentées aux queues-de-comète mais en sens inverse par rapport à la côte, sont les formes d'accumulation les plus remarquables résultant de la dynamique littorale. Perpendiculaires au rivage, ces flèches prennent naissance à partir de ressauts rocheux, dégagés par érosion différentielle de la plate-forme littorale, d'où l'appellation proposée de « flèche transversale de bordure de plate-forme ». Les matériaux d'accumulation, très grossiers, proviennent en majeure partie de roches calcaires. L'évolution de ces flèches est soumise à l'apport de matériaux provenant du substrat rocheux de la plateforme. L'analyse des indices d'émoussé et de la granulo-métrie des matériaux révèle, qu'à la limite inférieure de la plate-forme, les sédiments sont très grossiers et nettement anguleux. La progression des sédiments vers le rivage par les courants de marée et de dérive littorale, issus de la réfraction et de la diffraction des vagues, provoque leur désagrégation en sédiments plus fins, accentuant par le fait même leur émoussé. L'analyse sédimentologique de segments de plage, de cordons littoraux et de flèches transversales révèle le rôle prépondérant de la plate-forme intertidale en tant que source d'alimentation en matériaux. On confirme l'hypothèse selon laquelle les sédiments, à dominance de galets et de graviers, proviendraient de la désagrégation des ressauts structuraux de la plate-forme intertidale par gélifraction et seraient transportés par les courants de marée et de dérive vers le rivage. Par centre, aucune évidence de transport vers la mer n'a été clairement reconnue. La dynamique d'évolution littorale s'avère donc conditionnée à la fois par la présence de la plate-forme qui contrôle les processus hydrodynamiques et par la disponibilité en matériaux issus de sa destruction. Bien que les flèches transversales soient très bien développées, le taux d'érosion apparemment faible de la plate-forme, ainsi que la stabilité des autres formes d'accumulation sur la période de 50 ans de l'analyse par la photointerprétation multidate, tendent à indiquer un schéma d'évolution littorale lente ou tout au moins dèpassant cette récurrence de 50 ans. Intertidal rock-platform is the dominant coastal landform of southwest Anticosti Island and is also the main control of coastal dynamics. Transverse bars are the most remarkable sediment bodies being formed at the surface of this limestone rock-platform. The bars extend on the landward side of small bedrock knolls that were produced by differential erosion of the shore platform, and so we propose the name of ‘platform edge transverse bar’. Bar sediments consist almost exclusively of limestone cobbles that are derived from the surrounding platform. Pebble roundness and grain-size trends indicate that sediments are coarser and very angular at the proximal end of the bars, near the outer limit of the platform; clasts become progressively better rounded and finer-grained as they are transported shoreward by waves and longshore currents. Whether at high or low tide, wave attenuation takes place mainly at the outer limit of the platform; this provides an explanation for the apparently low rate of shoreline erosion, and it also suggests that only severe storms are likely to displace the coarse intertidal sediments and to modify the main coastal landforms. However, the presence of sediments on the platform indicates that some erosion is taking place, mainly by frost action. The rocky coastal platform with its low erosion rate is thus a highly stable landform, and, as a result, coastline evolution seems to be slow in the 50 years period of an airphoto analysis.  相似文献   
From the proclamation of the « liberties » in 1789 to the law on bookselling of 1810, the dynamics of the world of print continue to be an interesting and original field of study when one is seeking to gain a deeper understanding of intellectual activity, both from an institutional and epistemological point of view. Because traditional modes of scientific and literary production were challenged from 1789 onwards, the study of printing and publishing can shed light on the social, institutional and theoretical changes which characterized this moment of « transition ». This article, although not exhaustive, aims to put the printing press at the heart of a better understanding of the changes in social relations, social identities and intellectual output during the Revolution.  相似文献   
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