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This paper puts into focus the regional implications of China's recent open-door policy. The empirical analysis employs a cross-sectional approach with 1986 data. The results suggest that foreign trade is more readily translated into economic development in the most well developed and industrialized eastern coastal provinces.  相似文献   
This article deploys the concept of ‘classes of labour’ to map and compare non‐factory labour relations in the garment chain across Delhi and Shanghai metropolitan areas. It contributes to commodity studies by unpacking the great complexity of mechanisms of ‘adverse incorporation’ of informal work in global commodity chains and production circuits. Field findings reveal the great social differentiation at work in informalized settings in the two countries, and suggest that while the margins of garment work are characterized by high levels of vulnerability, they may also open up new possibilities for workers to resist or re‐appropriate some degree of control over their labour and reproductive time. While these possibilities depend on regional trajectories, informal labour arrangements do not only result from capital's quest for flexibility. Workers actively participate in shaping their own labour geography, even when exposed to high employment insecurity. The conclusions more broadly discuss the merits of comparative analysis to study labour in global production circuits.  相似文献   
自20世纪60年代后期以来,动物考古学成为考古学研究中发展最为迅速的分支学科之一,利用动物骨骼遗存研究复杂社会显示出动物考古学的特殊魅力。本文利用旧大陆西部和新大陆的动物考古学研究案例,首先讨论了动物和动物产品在贸易和交换中的作用,接下来又探讨了动物遗存的差异在多大程度上可以用来重建社会不平等,最后,则批判地考察了动物遗存在辨认史前和历史时代早期族群差异方面的作用。不仅如此,作者还讨论了从事复杂社会研究的动物考古学家所使用的方法,以及这些方法的局限性。作者认为,动物群分析可以作为研究复杂社会经济基础的一个有效方法。动物考古学除了为饮食和生存活动提供有价值的信息之外,动物骨骼分析还可以用于重建过去的交换系统,辨识人们的社会地位和族属。但要做到这一点,动物考古学家必须把分析建立在大量精心收集且出自合适的考古学遗迹单位的动物遗存之上。这意味着动物考古学家必须首先是考古学家,他们应当少花一些时间担心最小个体数、可鉴定标本数以及其他计算生物分类单元丰度的方式的优劣上,而应把更多的时间放在考虑怎样能把动物资料与其他考古学和历史学证据整合起来。因为只有把动物群资料和其他证据结合起来,我们才能理解复杂社会的经济基础。  相似文献   
黎毓馨 《收藏家》2015,(3):13-20
十世纪初,唐王朝分崩离析。从后梁开平元年(907年)朱温篡唐至北宋建隆元年(960年)赵匡胤代周,半个多世纪中,南北再次分裂,中原北方地区兵革重兴,梁、唐、晋、汉、周五代走马灯般更替,国祚短促。与此同时,在南方及山西地区,出现了十个独立政权,或称帝,或建国。吴越国便是这一时期东南沿海地区极为重要的地方政权,杭州临安人钱镠创立,唐乾宁三年(896年)统一两浙,领镇海、  相似文献   
民俗控制与祥林嫂之死——对《祝福》的另一种解读方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范志强 《民俗研究》2007,(1):247-254
一、引言对于祥林嫂之死,正如陈方竞所说,“这确是一个老而又老,似乎已有定论的问题”。在过去,人们从四大绳索、文化吃人、无主名无意识杀人团等等进行了多种阐释。毫无疑问,这些解释都具有合理性。但众所周知,文化杀人更多的侧重于文化对“真的人”(《狂人日记》中语)的精神虐杀;而无主名无意识杀人团又未免  相似文献   
Metok in Nyingchi Prefecture was the only county that did not have a road in the past. On October 31st, 2013, the Road to Metok was officially opened to the public. The opening of this road signified that now all counties in China can be accessed by road.  相似文献   
樊海涛 《收藏家》2014,(4):27-36
<正>担当(1593-1673年)是云南明清之交伟大的艺术家,他为后人留下了丰富的作品,近年来,"担当热"愈演愈烈,我们一方面为之欣慰,另一方面也不免有些担忧,忧的是一些担当书画伪作也沉渣泛起,鱼目混珠,有的甚至堂而皇之地出现在专业的书籍上,给研究者、文物爱好者带来了不少迷惑。由于大多数人无法亲自批阅担当真迹,仅通过印刷品来赏析比较,失误难免。借助于在云南省博物馆工作的便利,本人通过对担当书画作品的真伪对比,简单地介绍鉴定担当书画真伪的方法,谈一点  相似文献   
Abstract.  Private markets constantly assess project investment opportunities across a spectrum of such possibilities. The market's perspective on the boundary of viable projects, however, may be more limited than socially optimal due to informational constraints. In the case of economic development projects in particular, this boundary could be extended by public researchers. This paper constructs a method to estimate the private and social value‐added of such research, providing a new means to understand and assess the public/private sector interface. The framework uses agents' evolving subjective perceptions through Bayesian updating to value research information, along with methods to estimate functional forms and relative optima. Two case studies of regional development research on value‐added agriculture in Colorado highlight the utility of the approach.  相似文献   
“史德”论是史学理论中的重要范畴之一。这一概念最早由清代史学家章学诚提出,后经梁启超等人进一步阐发。柳诒徵在对章学诚、梁启超等人“史德”论批评与继承的基础上,提出了自己的独到见解。他论述了“有史而德”及“从德而史”的辨证关系,并强调“治史以畜德”的重要性。柳诒徵的“史德”是对前人的补充和发展。  相似文献   
本文对上海地区从南宋《云间志》至2004年《川沙县续志》的24部新旧志书中有关社会类内容的记述篇目作了分析.指出其记述内容存在的7个问题,并分析了5点原因.提出了新方志应如何加强社会类内容记述的4点初步设想和建议.  相似文献   
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