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Spatial analysis often treats a set of polygons distributed with overlap in a region. Daily variation of the market area of a supermarket is represented by a set of overlapping polygons in geographic information systems and analyzed to grasp consumers' purchase behavior. The distribution of ethnic groups is also represented as a set of polygons, and relations among these polygons are discussed in cultural geography. To assist the exploratory analysis of polygons, this article proposes a new method of analyzing the relations among polygons. The method permits us to understand the entire structure of the relations among polygons and to detect local spatial patterns in these relations. The Hasse diagram and its extension are introduced to describe the topological structure of polygons. These tools are effective especially for describing hierarchical relations among polygons. The extension of the Hasse diagram also provides a means of classifying polygons, which is useful for discussing similarities and differences among them. The method is employed to analyze the results of an experiment in environmental psychology. Discussion focuses on technical soundness of and empirical findings obtained with the method. En análisis espacial, es común representar y analizar conjuntos de polígonos con traslapes en una región. La variación diaria de la zona de mercado de un supermercado, por ejemplo, es representada por medio de un conjunto de polígonos traslapados en un Sistema de Información Geográfico (GIS), el cual es analizado para comprender el comportamiento de compra de consumidores. La distribución de los grupos étnicos también es representada como un conjunto de polígonos, mientras que las relaciones entre dichos polígonos es abordado con conceptos de geografía cultural. Para apoyar al análisis exploratorio de los polígonos como éstos, los autores proponen un nuevo método de análisis de las relaciones entre polígonos. El método permite comprender toda la estructura de las relaciones entre polígonos y detectar patrones espaciales locales en estas relaciones. Los autores utilizan el diagrama de Hasse y proponen ciertas ampliaciones al método para describir la estructura topológica de polígonos. Estas herramientas son efectivas especialmente para la descripción de las relaciones jerárquicas entre los polígonos. La ampliación del diagrama de Hasse también proporciona un método para clasificar polígonos que es útil para tratar de similitudes y diferencias entre ellos. El método propuesto es empleado para analizar los resultados de un experimento en psicología ambiental. La discusión se centra en la solidez técnica y en los resultados empíricos obtenidos con el método. 空间分析通常将同个区域的一组多边形分布的图层进行叠加。在GIS系统中对一组超市市场区日常变化的多边形进行叠加分析可掌握消费者的购买行为。种族分布同样可由一组多边形表征,并可在文化地理学框架下进行这些多边形要素间的相关性分析。为支持多边形的探索性分析,本文提出了一种用于分析多边形间关系的新方法。该方法有助于理解多边形间关系的整体结构,并可探测局部空间格局。Hasse图及其扩展用于描述多边形的拓扑结构,对描述图层的层次关系尤为有效。Hasse图的扩展也提供了多边形分类的手段,这对于讨论它们之间的异同性是十分有效。最后,将该方法用于环境心理学试验结果的分析,讨论主要侧重于技术的合理性分析及从该方法得到的经验认识。  相似文献   
This study reconstructs adult and subadult diets of a hunter-gatherer population of the Epi-Jomon culture (approximately 2300–1700 years BP) in Japan, using the stable isotopic analysis of carbon and nitrogen. The results suggest that the Usu-moshiri adults were highly dependent on marine resources such as seals for their dietary protein intake and that no significant dietary differences existed between the sexes. Among subadults we found two types of diet on the basis of different isotopic signatures. One group consisted of individuals with δ13C values below than those of the adult female mean minus two standard deviations and δ15N values lower than those of subadults in the other groups. These low-δ13C subadults indicated relatively less enriched δ15N values by 3.5 years of age at the latest. They probably consumed more 13C-depleted foods during weaning than in the ordinary adult diet. In the other high-δ13C group, their enriched δ15N values start to decline by four years of age and fall within the two-standard-deviations range of the total adult mean around five to six years of age. Isotopic values of children in this high-δ13C group suggest that they would have been fed ordinary adult diets during weaning. Perinates could also be divided into two groups on the basis of the similar patterns in their carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios. Our results indicate variabilities in the diets of subadults, and similar variabilities were also seen in ethnographic studies of the Ainu populations.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the accuracy of count data estimated by the point‐in‐polygon method. A point‐in‐polygon interpolation model is proposed, based on a stochastic distribution of points and the target zone, in order to represent a variety of situations. The accuracy of estimates is numerically investigated in relation to the size of the target zone and the distribution of points, and the optimal location of representative points is discussed. The major findings of this paper are as follows: (1) though the relative accuracy of estimates generally increases monotonously with the size of the target zone, the monotoneity is often disturbed by the periodicity in the spatial configuration of source zones and the point distribution; (2) the point‐in‐polygon and the areal weighting interpolation methods have the same accuracy of estimates when points are concentrated in less than 12–15 percent area around the representative point in source zones; (3) the point‐in‐polygon method is not so robust against the locational gap between points and the representative point; (4) the optimal location of representative points is given by the spatial median of points.  相似文献   
This paper shows a statistical method for analyzing the spatial relationship between the distributions of two different kinds of activity in a region. One kind of activity is discretely distributed as points in a region (such as the distribution of retail stores), and the other kind of activity is continuously distributed over the region (such as the distribution of population). First, three models representing the relationship between the above two distributions are formulated. Second, statistical methods for fitting these models to data are developed and the measures of fitness are proposed. Third, using these measures, the relationship between the distributions of thirty-seven kinds of retail stores and the distribution of population is examined in a suburb of Osaka in Japan.  相似文献   
This paper develops a method for analyzing surfaces with a focus on their qualitative similarity. The method describes the qualitative similarity between surfaces defined in the same region in both quantitative and qualitative ways. Given a location and a direction in the region, mathematical functions evaluate the similarity between surfaces. Integrals of the functions with respect to location and direction give quantitative measures of the total similarity between surfaces. A qualitative method uses spatial characteristics shared by surfaces: α‐peak regions, α‐pit regions, and ß‐monotonic lines. α‐peak and α‐pit regions indicate approximate locations where many surfaces have peaks and pits, respectively. ß‐monotonic lines are line segments on which most surfaces change monotonically in the same direction. Those spatial objects reveal the spatial structure shared by surfaces. The method is applied to the analysis of the daily market structure of a supermarket in Japan as an empirical study.  相似文献   
清末,排满情绪席卷中国,导致明确的汉族民族认同的兴起.中国近代黄帝崇拜及画像的出现乃系1903年崛起于东京,而当时的黄帝是以出生于远古西方的巴比伦,率领后来成为汉族的原始部落民千里迢迢迁至中国的英雄姿态出现的.本文从历史角度对其饶有兴味的前因后果进行了考辨.  相似文献   
This paper develops a statistical method for analyzing the relative location of points in a bounded region. The location of points in relation to the center of the region in which they are located is discussed. Four spatial objects called reference objects are defined to represent the relative location: (1) the boundary, (2) skeleton, (3) nucleus, and (4) global center. The distribution of distance between points and a reference object yields a cumulative distribution function (CDF). Comparison of CDFs for a reference object allows us to analyze whether the points tend to be located close to the reference object or, for instance, whether the points are clustered around the center of the region. The significance of the CDF is statistically tested by Monte Carlo simulation. The method proposed is applied to the distribution of restaurants in retail clusters.  相似文献   
This paper develops a method for analyzing the change of surface, a continuous function defined over the two‐dimensional space. The surface change is represented by a scalar field in a spatiotemporal region. The region is divided into subregions called hills and waves which are based on the local form of the surface. They are both three‐dimensional tessellations of the spatiotemporal region, and provide an overview of the surface change. To summarize the tessellations, four operations are proposed: section, projection, merging, and graph representation. They extract useful information from tessellations to describe the structure of surface change. To test the validity of the method, the change of a retail cluster in Shinjuku and Shibuya area in Tokyo is analyzed. The empirical study yields some interesting findings that help us understand changes in the spatial structure of retailing.  相似文献   
作为以有形文化遗产为主的历史、文化遗产,其背后都存在着不易被发觉的社会经济体系、以及传统礼仪与习惯等无形文化遗产。以世界文化遗产保护为例,以社会经济体系为切入点,文化遗产保护工作者既可以对历史、文化遗产的"真实性""完整性"与"文化景观"等概念作出阐释,又可探讨人们对历史、文化遗产的认知及思考方法。  相似文献   
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