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刘扬 《丝绸之路》2009,(24):43-45
旅游能否成为一门独立学科,关键取决于能否形成一套完善的学科基础理论和方法论。本文分析了中外旅游研究方法的进展情况,对理论实证方法的优越性进行了阐释,将其在国内外旅游研究中不同应用程度作以比较,进而总结出国内旅游研究方法的方向。  相似文献   
Non‐invasive materials characterisation of reconstructed statues of Emperor Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Army has revealed distinct micro‐geochemical patterning within the clay paste used in their manufacture. The significance of this is explored in terms of the production sequence, logistics and supply‐chain management involved in the construction of this enormous funerary assemblage. Of particular interest is a compositional distinction between figures marked with the names ‘Gong’ (宫) and ‘Xianyang’ (咸阳). These seem to represent the products of two workshops involved in the supply of ceramic objects for this ambitious, large‐scale building project undertaken by the Qin Empire during the third century bce .  相似文献   
“窜三苗于三危”的考古学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文依据考古学的发现和研究,重新探讨古史传说中的“窜三苗于三危”。为这一传说提供了一种考古学依据。  相似文献   
Yelang (夜郎), a mysterious state located in the south‐western area of early China and dating from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (1300 bc – ad 25), is a cultural interactive junction between the Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau and the Yangtze River Basin. The Zhongshui Basin in Weining County, Guizhou Province, was one of the important distribution areas of the Yelang civilization. This area, which includes sites at Jigongshan (鸡公山; 1300 – 800 bc ), Hongyingpan (红营盘; 700 – 400 bc ) and Yinzitan (银子坛; 400 bc – ad 25), has provided a very integrated chronology, spanning from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age in the eastern Yunnan – western Guizhou area. To investigate human migration and horse‐trading at these Yelang sites, we conducted a strontium isotopic analysis on the teeth enamel of humans and horses unearthed from these three sites. The results indicated the following: (1) people at the earlier sites (Jigongshan and Hongyingpan) were all indigenous, whereas in the Yinzitan cemetery, there was a more immigrant population, and all the people who were buried in an upper limb flexed supine position were non‐local; and (2) most of the horses found at the Jigongshan and Yinzitan sites show different provenances, probably related to the famous Dian (滇) and Zuo (筰) horses recorded in historical documents, providing more clues for further study on horse‐trading in South‐West China during the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age.  相似文献   
杨瑾 《东南文化》2018,(2):98-104
女性题材的展览主要分为女性博物馆的基本陈列和专题展览、综合类博物馆的常设展览和临时展览,旨在以"物"为媒介来展示女性的生存状态和精神追求,与公众一起讨论有关女性的话题,甚至包括一些敏感的、有争议的现象或问题。博物馆以女性为题材,组织展览和教育活动,关注、探讨并传播女性文化,一方面反映出博物馆关注并回应女性广泛参与社会生活并贡献于社会变革与发展的现实,发挥博物馆作为时代潮流倡导者和引领者的作用;另一方面,女性观众数量增多,参观需求多元化且女性广泛参与博物馆事务,对博物馆展览理念也产生一定的影响。然而,博物馆的女性主题展览也存在数量少、展览和诠释活动中对女性价值和意义挖掘不够等问题,需要在理念和实践上进一步改变。  相似文献   
杨天石 《近代史研究》2015,(2):53-66,160
美国长期大量向日本出售钢铁、石油等战略物资,助长其侵华实力。1939年7月,蒋介石致电罗斯福,建议美国采取办法,削弱日本的战斗力与经济力。同月,美国政府宣布废止美日商约,对日实行经济制裁。1941年4月,日本向美国提出《日美谅解案》,企图通过谈判,减轻美国对日本的经济压力。罗斯福为避免美国过早陷入大西洋和太平洋同时两面作战的不利局面,提出退让、妥协方案,企图在一定时间内放松对日本的经济封锁。蒋介石坚决反对美国政府改变对日政策,愤而以"国际信义"与"人类道德"相责,胡适、宋子文也积极与美方交涉,最终,美国对日政策由有限度的妥协恢复为全面强硬,美日谈判破裂。日本指责美国已彻头彻尾地成为蒋介石的代言人,于12月初突袭珍珠港等地,太平洋战争爆发。  相似文献   
韩国河  朱津 《文博》2015,(3):28-32
随着中小型汉墓资料的日益丰富,其研究思路和体系需要拓展和创新。研究广度方面,汉墓的分区研究需要完善,要用更广阔的视野进行对比研究;研究高度方面,需要对中小型汉墓进一步解读,上升至对社会制度和历史发展规律的探讨;研究深度方面,对中小型汉墓的研究需更加细致化,科技分析方法要更多地应用其中。  相似文献   
黄洋 《东南文化》2015,(2):13-18,127,128
考古工作为考古遗址博物馆提供藏品、展品和丰富的考古信息,而考古遗址博物馆是进行考古宣传与教育的重要阵地。在考古遗址博物馆中,为了更好地展示并传播考古信息,考古人应改变以往的工作方式,树立展示传播的意识,不是"窄播"意识,而是"广播"意识,并非只考虑将考古成果"窄播"给考古圈内的学者,也要"广播"给博物馆展览策划师、广大公众;而且考古人应该从田野考古、发掘报告、科学研究三个方面为考古遗址博物馆提供强有力的支撑。  相似文献   
During the past few decades, there has been growing attention paid towards evolutionary economic geography (EEG) perspectives, methodologies, and concepts in various disciplines such as geography, urban studies, and regional science. In order to better understand the development of EEG studies, this paper employs multiple bibliometric analyses. Specifically, it examines the temporal evolution of keyword co-occurrence network and the reference co-citation network of EEG publications during the last few decades to reveal the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of EEG publications, scholarly communication, research fronts, and intellectual structure of the scientific field.  相似文献   
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