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In archaeology, strontium isotope analysis is developing into an efficient scientific technique for tracing the movement of prehistoric humans and animals. Determining the local bioavailable 87Sr/86Sr ratio range is the key to distinguishing whether the human or animal is indigenous to the local area. It has been shown that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the enamel of pigs can be an excellent sample to determine the range of local strontium isotope ratio at the site. However, pigs may not be all local at the site, and there is no special study on whether pigs’ different ages and tooth types impact the local strontium isotope characteristics. In this paper, the tooth enamel of 19 pigs from the Zaoshugounao site for strontium isotope ratio (87Sr/86Sr) by multicollector–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. There were no significant differences in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of local pigs at different months and different molar types, which did not affect the determination of the local strontium isotope standard. Based on the local strontium isotope ratio range (0.711056–0.711476), we found that five pigs were non-local. The Jing and Wei river basins (in Guanzhong basin) and northern Shaanxi are likely sources of non-pigs.  相似文献   
20世纪60年代,叙事学作为一门学科始于西方历史学、文学领域。直至20世纪末,叙事学开始转向空间领域研究形成空间叙事学,并被逐步应用到城乡规划中,尤其是城乡空间结构等领域。空间叙事学不仅关注城市发展中的物化要素,更加注重物化要素所代表的城市文化和城市记忆等非物化要素的深入挖掘,是探究场所本体与场所精神的重要研究思路。本文从空间叙事学出发,基于GIS平台运用核密度及K函数对古代、近代、现代三个时期沈阳旧城区人工叙事要素和人文事件叙事要素进行点模式量化分析,得出沈阳旧城区叙事空间的总体结构,以及叙事点核、叙事廊道、叙事簇群等叙事空间结构单元,指出沈阳旧城区叙事空间的动态发展性、功能多样性和历史传承性特点,探讨了叙事空间的经济驱动、自然要素、城市定位和交通发展四大演变机制。从人文地理学的视角出发,结合叙事空间理论对沈阳旧城区叙事空间进行分析,结果具有文化地理和城市地理双重属性,丰富了城市研究在该视角下的研究成果。  相似文献   
季节性移民聚居现象受到西方学术界的极大关注,而我国鲜有研究。采用观察法和访谈法,对巴马盘阳河流域"一地多类"的季节性移民社区的形成过程、类型特征与作用机理进行归纳与揭示。研究表明:①季节性移民社区演变历经萌芽、快速参与和转型发展三个阶段,社区人口结构、聚居空间、经济业态、景观设施及人文氛围在不同时期呈现出不同的特征;②季节性移民社区形态存在差异,可以归类为交融性社区、优势性社区,共享性社区,纯粹性社区。③季节性移民社区是差异化的"美好生活"需求、独特的长寿资源及乡村生活环境、外来商业资本、地方政府调控和利益共生等"五力驱动"的结果,不同发展阶段其主导动力和作用方式存在差异。  相似文献   
徐俊嵩 《安徽史学》2015,(2):120-124
宗祧承继是宗族研究的一个重要内容,学界对明清宗族继承问题研究已久,也取得了丰硕的成果,对于越继和降继,则甚少涉及。先贤们对徽州宗族社会有诸多理想性的描述,然而这些描述在很大程度上只是一种表象,现实的徽州社会要复杂得多,越继和降继就是其表现之一。探讨这两种承继方式,对于更好地解读宗祧承继和剖析明清时期徽州宗族社会的发展脉络,都有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   
凌文超 《考古学报》2015,(2):187-228
<正>目次一绪言二"襍钱领出用馀见簿"的整理三襍钱"承馀新入簿"与"入受簿"的整理四库钱账簿体系与孙吴基层财政收支五结语一绪言近年来,湖南地区发掘清理了大批保存在古井中的简牍,包括三眼井楚简、里耶秦简、走马楼西汉简、东牌楼东汉简、五一广场东汉简、走马楼吴简、苏仙桥吴简和晋简以及兔子山战国至三国简牍。古井简牍遗存与边塞简和墓葬简不同,其发掘、整理和研究的模式不仅应借鉴边塞  相似文献   
One of the remarkable phenomena in post‐Cold War world politics is the persistence of the Anglo‐American special relationship (AASR) in spite of recurrent announcement of its death by pessimists. Current scholarship on Anglo‐American relations largely draws on interests and sentiments to explain the persistence of the AASR, ignoring other important contributing factors such as institutionalization. This article is the first to give serious consideration to the role of institutionalization in influencing the persistence of the AASR. By using the concept of path dependence, this article argues that the high‐level institutionalization in Anglo‐American intelligence, nuclear and military relations plays a seminal role in contributing to the persistence of the AASR in the post‐Cold War era. The institutionalized intelligence relationship is exemplified by the relationship between the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the US's National Security Agency (NSA), which is underpinned by the UKUSA Agreement. The institutionalized nuclear relationship is exemplified by a variety of Joint Working Groups (JOWOGs), which is underpinned by the 1958 Mutual Defence Agreement. The institutionalized military relationship is exemplified by routinized military personnel exchange programmes, regular joint training exercises and an extremely close defence trade partnership. The high‐level institutionalization embeds habits of cooperation, solidifies interdependence and consolidates mutual trust between the UK and the US in their cooperation on intelligence, nuclear and military issues.  相似文献   
党、革命动员和地域社会:论中共河北党组织(1928~1934)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐进 《史学月刊》2007,70(12):70-77
大革命失败后,河北区域的中共党员数量急剧下降。由于国民党势力的打压,党的发展重心不得不转移至农村,党员的社会构成也由以学生为主变为更加多样化;党的大多数支部有名无实,组织涣散,纪律松弛,经费短缺,上下级组织间信息传递迟缓。因此在白色恐怖下其生存境遇相当艰难,屡遭重创。另外中共在河北区域的革命工作遇到极大困难,其欲动员的工农群体,自身资源短缺亦是一重要因素。在基层,革命斗争往往异化,阶级革命经常与地缘亲缘多种因素相互缠绕。  相似文献   
主要介绍蚌埠双墩遗址出土的"■"形刻划符号,并通过对含有"■"形组合符号的分析,认为"■"形符号除了具有网具功能外,还与远古时期的天文历法有关。  相似文献   
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