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本文通过 X 射线衍射(XRD)、差热分析(DTA)、发射光谱分析(ESA)、扫描电镜(SEM)和能量色散 X 射线分析(EDAX)的方法,对古耀州青瓷所用原料及其矿物组成,古瓷器的烧成温度和显微结构进行了分析研究。得出耀瓷乃是使用当地高岭石和伊利石粘土矿物为原料烧制而成,烧成温度在1200℃以上的结论.  相似文献   
This article considers Quentin Skinner's critique and methodology in his seminal essay “Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas” vis-à-vis the current methodological debates in Chinese and comparative philosophy. It surveys the different ways in which philosophers who work with ancient Chinese texts in those related fields deal with the tension between textual contexts and autonomy and how some of the errors criticized by Skinner under the mythology of coherence, mythology of doctrines, mythology of parochialism, and mythology of prolepsis might apply to those fields. It argues that Skinner's insistence that understanding a text requires recovering its author's intended meaning by studying its linguistic context has limited application to Chinese and comparative philosophy because those fields’ most important texts are not best understood as means of communication by specific historical authors with intended messages to convey to readers. These texts are instead the means by which Chinese traditions perpetuate their respective beliefs and practices. Instead of being circumscribed by authorial intent, the meanings of traditional texts are dynamic and co-created in the process of producing, reproducing, and consuming texts as well as in the evolution of practices that also constitute each tradition. The meanings received by the audience are never exactly what authors or transmitters intended but have been transformed by each audience's own concerns and interests, even if the audience attempts to grasp what the former intended. Using the Five Classics and the Analects as examples, this article illustrates how such texts’ purposes to teach and perpetuate the practices that constitute a way of life determine their meanings. Understanding is not merely cognitive but practical as well. The meanings of such texts are not static but dynamic as traditions evolve. The debates about methods of reading and interpreting ancient Chinese texts are also debates about the nature of Chinese traditions and struggles over their futures.  相似文献   
本文联系有关实物遗存和考古发现,提出贵州遵义南宋杨粲夫妇合葬墓附近所出石券,其年代并非南宋嘉定十七年(1224年),而是明世宗嘉靖二年(1524年);券石四周所刻用波浪形曲线相连之圆点,并非与天文星相有关之"星纹",而是川渝黔鄂地区宋元明墓葬较为流行之河图;该券并非生墓券,而是葬墓券;券主并非南宋杨粲夫人,而是明代嘉靖初年播州杨氏第二十七世土司杨斌之妻,生前因其丈夫身居三品之高位而被诰封为"淑人",死后皇帝遣官"谕祭旌表"。  相似文献   
谭刚 《抗日战争研究》2007,1(3):132-157
抗战时期,为保证大后方交通建设的顺利进行,提高交通运输效率,保障交通安全和畅通,国民政府制定了大量交通法规,涉及到交通人事、业务、工务和财务方面,也包含了国民政府在这些方面的具体管理内容,这些法规形成了比较完整系统的交通法规体系。大量交通法规的颁布,体现了国民政府在交通管理上的一些特点,包括实行交通统制、军需优先、提倡节约和地方协作等特点,但由于在实际的交通管理中存在交通机构变动频繁、运价过低、管理人员腐败和执法不严等问题,国民政府颁布的交通法规并没有达到预期的效果。  相似文献   
This paper reports on the findings of focus group discussions designed to explore the learning and skills-based needs of out-of-school youth in the Philippines, particularly addressing their reasons for leaving school, their current activities and employment, how they acquire skills and knowledge, what they want to learn about, their use of Information and Communication Technologies, and their future employment plans. It was undertaken in the context of the development of a programme of e-learning through ICT Centres to be delivered in support of the country's 5 million out-of-school youth.  相似文献   
周斌 《抗日战争研究》2006,11(3):128-159
亚细亚民族会议由日本的全亚细亚协会和中国的亚细亚民族大同盟共同发起,以“全亚细亚民族的共存共荣”为宗旨,但实际上,中、日代表之间对会议的理解各不相同。日本代表的真实目的是抵制英、美的威胁并削弱其在亚洲的利益,确立日本的亚洲盟主地位;而中国代表则希望通过会议取消中日间不平等条约,实现民族的独立自由。双方争论频起,几至会议决裂。同时,会议遭到了中国各界的坚决反对和严厉批评。其中虽有意气用事、不够准确之处,但如实地揭露了日本代表借“大亚细亚主义”称霸亚洲的虚假本质,表现了中国人民维护国家主权和民族利益的决心,应该给予充分的肯定。  相似文献   
从张家山汉简《具律》看汉初“爵论”制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
爵位是汉代法律量刑时的一个重要标准,爵位的有无与高低决定着刑罚的减免与否。本从张家山汉墓竹简《具律》篇中有关内容出发,结合其它出土竹简及相关史料来讨论汉初“爵论”制度在法律规定及司法实践中的表现,并通过与秦律作比较来探讨其变化与根源。  相似文献   
马士是西方公认的汉学先驱之一。在中国海关任职长达30余年的时间里,撰写了一系列有关中国问题的著作,它们对20世纪前半期西方的中国历史学著作产生了深刻的影响。他的许多有关中国近代对外关系的著作,不仅开启了国外中国近代史研究的先声,为国外中国近代史研究奠定了坚实的基础,而且拓宽了西方汉学的研究领域,对西方现代汉学的发展起了重要的推逐作用。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代中日两国贸易结构发生较大变化,即中国对日本出口的食品及矿产等初级产品在对日出口总额中降到不足一成,而纤维产品贸易以几乎每年占中日贸易额的20~30%的速度强劲发展,推动了两国贸易总额的迅速增长,但同时也引起贸易摩擦。尽管纤维产品贸易由垂直贸易分工向初级水平贸易分工发展,以及密切的依存关系两大特征,使中日两国避免了在该领域的贸易战,但是,如何在互补性贸易结构中寻求更多的合作领域以减少贸易摩擦甚至避免贸易战争,是20世纪90年代中日纤维产品贸易带来的重要启示。  相似文献   
藏书家徐维则事迹钩述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文献学家郑伟章先生曾著文,阐发蔡元培与徐友兰及铸学斋的关系,纠正了长期以来误以为蔡元培在徐友兰长兄徐树兰古越藏书楼校书一说[1].但在提及徐友兰之子徐维则时,郑说:"民国间采写的<绍兴县志资料>无传,其生平事迹无由知之."[2]到1999年出版<文献家通考>,仍对徐维则语焉不详.徐树兰、徐显败与徐友兰、徐维则两对藏书家父子,是蔡元培早年在绍兴交往最多的几位友人,其中以徐维则与蔡元培的关系最为密切.本文就其生平事迹及其与蔡元培的交往经历等作一述略.  相似文献   
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