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In March through June 2010, new coring and excavations were conducted to the Daxinzhuang Site in Jinan City , by which a new cemetery from the later stage of the early phase of the Shang Dynasty to the later phase of the Shang Dynasty was recovered. Among the excavated tombs, Tomb No. 139 is the largest one: it is an earthen shaft tomb with tiers around the bottom, on which human victims were found. The burial furniture was one coffin and one outer coffin, beneath which waist pit was recovered. Plenty of gr...  相似文献   
The chemical composition and microstructure of objects excavated in three hoards from the end of the Late Bronze and Iron Age sites in Israel were studied using energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis and optical metallography. The objects are industrial in origin (scrap or jewelry pieces) and include differently shaped ingots, mainly so-called hacksilber, in various sizes. The primary composition is Ag with typically several percent of Cu and Au and less than 1 % of Pb. The concentrations of these metals in each hoard differ significantly. The microstructure of the hacksilber ingots shows a typical dendritic as-cast structure and a surface cold work deformation, probably caused by chiseling the ingot piece off a larger cast bar. Relatively high concentrations of Au, as in the above samples, were observed previously in Egyptian ancient silver which differs from the ancient Greek silver that contains a significantly lower Au content.  相似文献   
狄奥尼索斯与阿波罗的对立统一关系是尼采借助于古希腊的宗教和神话传说提出的一种艺术原则,但这种关系只是尼采应其时代的需要而做的一种创造,与两神在古希腊宗教体系中的实质关系还有一些差别。对古希腊的宗教来说,狄奥尼索斯崇拜不仅不是一个外来的因素,而且在时间上还早于阿波罗崇拜,两者之间的对立成分很少,而且存在着很多联系和相似性。同时,狄奥尼索斯与阿波罗通过这种联系,确立了彼此在古希腊宗教里的层次和地位。  相似文献   
2008年,淄博市临淄区文物局对孙家徐姚46座古代墓葬进行了抢救性发掘。带随葬品的战国墓有5座,其中M1为甲字形大墓。这批墓葬的随葬品种类丰富,出土了陶器、铜器、石器和水晶玛瑙器等。从墓葬形制和器物组合断定,这些墓葬属于战国早、晚两个阶段,是研究战国时期齐墓的墓葬形制、丧葬习俗的重要材料。  相似文献   
A review of the development of geographic research in Mongolia Until the late 1940's Soviet geographers played a key role in Mongolian research, then largely limited to work in physical geography. Since 1950 indigenous geographers have begun to play a dominant part, adding economic-geography research in recent years.  相似文献   
The problem of the conversion of land use from farming to settlement or construction presents a particularly issue in mountainous regions like Georgia where usable land resources are scarce. Whenever possible, valuable agricultural land should not be removed from cropping and be used for expansion of the settled area. If such conversion is unavoidable, the land should be carefully evaluated and compensation paid to the agricultural establishment concerned. In general, unused land should be chosen for construction, even if additional outlays are needed for improvement. A formula is proposed for comparing the additional outlays needed to improve poor land with the loss in net income that would be suffered by the conversion of farm land to construction.  相似文献   
Two Kazakhstan scientists give their view of the proposed diversion of Siberian water to the arid zone of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. They consider such a diversion essential if long-term plans for an expansion of agricultural production are to be met through the irrigation of potentially fertile desert lands.  相似文献   
2007年发掘的49座墓葬中,可以断定22座墓属于战国时期、8座墓属于汉代。战国墓的墓葬形制有甲字形土坑积石木椁墓和长方形竖穴土坑墓,出土有陶器、铜器、玉器、水晶、玛瑙器、石器、骨器等。汉代墓有长方形竖穴砖室墓和长方形竖穴土坑墓两种,随葬品有铜器、石器、骨器、铁器等。  相似文献   
山东日照海曲西汉墓(M106)发掘简报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海曲墓地位于山东省日照市西郊西十里堡村西南约1.5公里处,2002年3~6月山东省文物考古研究所对该墓地进行了发掘,发掘墓葬86座,其中M106的规模较大,保存较完整,出土器物丰富。该墓出土的漆器精美,多为银钼器,部分漆器嵌金,另外还出土有陶器、铜器、木器、竹器、玉器、石器等。根据墓葬形制、出土器物及竹简上的纪年文字推断,该墓的年代约在汉武帝末年或昭帝时期。  相似文献   
The incidence of endemic goiter in southeast Kazakhstan, a highly goitrogenic province of the Soviet Union, is related to the geochemical setting of the region's natural areal complexes. The occurrence of endemic goiter is usually attributed simply to iodine deficiency. However other chemical elements also tend to reduce or enhance the goitrogenic properties of a particular environment. A detailed analysis of the various environments in southeast Kazakhstan shows that not all parts of the region are equally goitrogenic and that high, medium and low risk areas may be distinguished. The various natural areal complexes of different levels of goitrogenicity are mapped together with actually observed incidence of the disease. It is recommended that public health activities, such as the provision of iodized salt, be directed in particular at the high and medium risk areas.  相似文献   
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