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洪武年间,湖广各府级中心城治、西南少数民族等"寇乱"为患地区率皆设立卫所、筑城守御,并辅以巡检司、土司等多重防御力量。在其障护之下,腹里州县安全无虞,实无修固城防之必要。自洪武朝以至宣德朝,湖广地区修筑、维护城池主要限于驻军各地,对于其他众多普通州县并未从严要求,各地不修城的情形相当普遍。正是洪武朝奠定的颇为严密的区域安全防御体系保障了地方安定,为明前期实行这种相对宽松的筑城政策创造了条件。一些学者所谓明代"一贯积极、严厉的"筑城政策似乎并不完全切合明前期的实际。  相似文献   
韩冰 《中原文物》2015,(2):73-78
汉代建筑特别注重屋顶上的装饰,特别是建筑的屋脊。汉代建筑上的屋脊出现了正脊凤鸟、三角形火焰珠;在"反宇"屋面出现了鸱尾;垂脊上有了起翘装饰。汉代屋脊上的装饰除了美化建筑之外,还有着吉祥的象征意义。  相似文献   
桑兵 《史学月刊》2007,(10):17-21
《近代中国学术思想史》解说今人所谓学术思想史,大都各人的见识,而不等于历史的事实。不仅后人的著述如此,即使当事者的记录,立场不同,看法各异,至多只能存此一说,反映了史事的某些方面,而不能断言全部事实就是如此或只是如此。之所以横看成岭侧成峰,原因还在各人所处位置及其见识的远近高低各不同,时空位置有异,心中形象有别。将高下之分认作见仁见智固然有害,高明者的英雄所见略同之下,也不止是小歧,梁启超与钱穆关于中国近三百年学术史的看法迥异,便是显例。要在走马灯式的历史图卷和万花筒般的历史认识中学会四面看山,八面受敌,从你方…  相似文献   
明清时期无锡望族秦氏积极参与无锡县的地方志编纂,县志总纂多出其门。秦氏家族热心地方志编修,与其家族的文化基因及学统有着密切关系。秦氏族人积极参与修志保障了家族的文化世族地位,促进了无锡县地方志编修的繁荣。  相似文献   
祁冰 《江汉考古》2020,(1):74-80
李家崖文化典型器类与晚商早期商式铜、陶器的共存关系表明,李家崖文化的年代上限应为殷墟一期,该文化早期与朱开沟文化晚期部分器物形制接近,也表明两种文化之间年代紧密衔接。李家崖文化晚期出现的弧裆鬲与仿铜风格的鬲、鼎分属先周文化和殷商文化因素,据此可推定李家崖文化的年代下限为西周早期,相关文献中关于"鬼方"等北方部族的描述也与上述认识契合。  相似文献   
The differences between China and Western countries in human and physical environment has brought about two distinctive models of state. In the Chinese-style state of quasi-consanguinity, in which family and state have a similar structure, imperial power, gentry power, and clan power are the product of common ownership of consanguineous groups. The similarity in the structures of these three kinds of power derives from the fact that they are all restricted by the power of lineage generated from the self-sufficient small farmer economy, and must obey the conventions of ancestors which hold the benefits of the group as supreme. The relationship between these three kinds of power, is definitely not the one that is based on the division of power that is founded on individual private ownership in Western countries, where ‘public power’ and ‘individual private ownership’ are antithetic, but are three aspects of the patriarchal dictatorship that complement each other. Therefore, village rule in China and autonomy in the West are two totally different concepts, and gentry power is also not the ‘authorized power’ from the state. __________ Translated from the Journal of Tianjin Normal University, 2004: 1  相似文献   
赵冰 《收藏家》2008,(1):81-84
界首彩陶烧制技艺于2006年5月成功入选首批国家级非物质文化遗产保护名录,随着保护和宣传力度的不断深入,对这一古老民间工艺在历史、艺术、工艺等方面价值的探索与研究,也应逐渐成为相关学术界的新课题。笔者作为一名基层文博工作者,有幸成为此项目申报的执笔人,通过此文将近年的研究偶得公之于众,希望能抛砖引玉,换来社会各界对界首彩陶烧制技艺更多的关注。  相似文献   
金毓黻与南北学风的分合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国近代学术界的学分南北,在后来主流的叙述中,隐然成为新旧的同义词,并有连续的人脉关系,化作成见与心结,继续操控学界的动向。实则南北各有新旧,一般学人也不作此是彼非,壁垒森严的划线。出身北京大学而非新文化派的金毓黻,凭借1920年代下半期尤其是迁都以来的南北学界对流之风,入主南派大本营的中央大学历史学系。因应国内外学风转移,以及个人阅历学识的增长,其观念与人事均主张融会贯通,捐弃各执一偏的极端,回归学术的大道本原。  相似文献   
Using the analysis of a single word to launch a conceptual review of (a problem in) cultural history, the Chinese term zhexue 哲學 (wisdom-learning, tetsugaku) is not simply a translation of the word “philosophy”; its inventor, Nishi Amane (1829–97), regarded it as the (Western) counterpart of Oriental learning (Tōyōgaku). The first explicit linkage of “philosophy” with “the East” was at The University of Tokyo, where it played an important role in the work of Katō Hiroyuki (1836–1913) and Inoue Tetsujirō (1855–1944). Inoue’s History of Oriental Philosophy, written under Katō’s inspiration, used Western philosophy to systematize ancient Chinese thought, and transformed “philosophy” (tetsugaku) from a learning of others, or Western learning, into an important component of the spiritual world of the East, and into a kind of universal knowledge. This was completely different from earlier lectures on “China philosophy” (shina tetsugaku) by Nakamura Masanao (1832–91) and Shimada Jūrei (1838–98) which still followed the Chinese underlying structure, and in the background, it had the intent of grasping the power to control East Asian discourse. In China, when young scholars like Wang Guowei (1877–1927) embraced philosophy, they already took its universality as a self-evident premise. This kind of alignment later evolved into a situation where it seemed entirely natural to use Western systems to interpret Chinese thought, and it also induced serious scholars to reflect. However, “Oriental philosophy” and “Chinese philosophy” provide East Asia and especially China with an opportunity to reevaluate its traditional culture. In this connection, “Chinese philosophy” includes: first, using philosophical concepts to re-provision ancient thought (the so-called history of Chinese philosophy); second, the occurrence of “philosophy” and “Chinese philosophy” and their evolution after their arrival in China; third, drawing on philosophy to enrich and develop China’s thinking. When seeking out “philosophy” in the veins and arteries of China’s history, the first and second aspects must be strictly distinguished. As to what the future may hold, the effect of the third aspect is most important.  相似文献   
铜镜是观容照貌的用具,是古代人们生活中必不可少的物品.在唐代,即使是极为贫穷的家庭,也会拥有一面铜镜[1].它不仅可以满足人们装扮容貌、端正姿态、美化生活的需要,同时在照镜的过程中产生的对人生易老的感叹和爱情永存的渴望,又使铜镜成为人们情感的承载.  相似文献   
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