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In 1665, Robert Hooke published his major work in microscopy, Micrographia, a defense of experimental philosophy. The following year, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, published at her own expense a treatise and a novel that undermined the basis of this new science. The dispute broke out at the initiative of the Duchess, in the context of a vast controversy about the legitimacy and the efficiency of optical instruments in natural philosophy. All the figures of the dual are used, except one: the counterattack. Cavendish, indeed, was alone on the battlefield. Is it possible to call a dual a battle with only one combatant? This particular case of dispute that stops owing to the shortage of combatants is the subject of this article.  相似文献   
Tie-rods are essential structural elements, which have been employed for centuries in masonry historical buildings, either during the construction or in successive strengthening interventions, with the aim of containing dangerous horizontal actions. The actual work conditions of these tie-rods, which are strongly influenced by their load history, are difficult to be quantified theoretically, and an effective method for their measure is of great importance in order to ensure the efficiency of these elements during the time and the stability of the entire building. Common measurements are often carried out adopting models based upon significant simplifications, like, for example, hinges at the extremities. These assumptions, rarely represent the real work conditions for anchorages. In this work, a non-destructive testing method is presented, based upon sophisticated dynamical models that can take into consideration many of the circumstances neglected by the simplified models. Four case studies are extensively described, trying to embrace the most common situations in term of peculiar features of the building, structural configuration, and load history. The discussion of the results yields the safety margin of the rod with respect to the material failure and provides important indications about the overall stability of the whole building.  相似文献   
In this article I examine the relations between Jacob’s putative oral story and the pre-Priestly narrative. I argue that Hosea’s prophecy presents the version of Jacob's oral story related in his time and antedated by many years the composition of the story-cycle in its written form. Comparison of Hosea’s prophecy and Jacob’s narrative indicates the thorough way in which the exilic author worked the oral story he received in order to fit it to his ideological messages and religious concepts. To further examine the relations between the oral and written modes, I discuss the episode of the treaty between Laban and Jacob (Gen 31,45–54) in light of a Mari letter (A.3592). Comparison of the two episodes indicates that part of the biblical narrative rests on the oral story and other part was written by the late author. Evidently, the long process of oral transmission, the growth of the narratives in its course, and the creative reworking of the author make it impossible to either isolate the early oral layer within the present story-cycle or to date the stages of its growth in the oral process of transmission.  相似文献   
八旗索伦的编旗设佐早在其南迁内徙之前即已开始进行。八旗索伦旗佐组织的编设有一个发展过程,从清太宗崇德年间开始至清世宗雍正年间一直没有停止过,其旗佐组织的编设大致经历了三个发展阶段,并有如下几种不同的情况:南迁之前索伦牛录的编设、顺治初年南迁之后布特哈八旗佐领的编设、黑龙江将军设镇后驻防八旗佐领的编设。清政府八旗索伦编旗设佐,其根本原因主要是考虑清朝北部边疆防务的需要,以及八旗索伦精于骑射、骁勇善战的民族特点。清政府对八旗索伦大规模的编旗设佐、实行八旗制度,不仅对清朝巩固和稳定东北边疆并防范沙俄侵略有着现实意义,而且对清代八旗索伦的历史发展也产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
This article aims at presenting the first results of a transdisciplinary research programme in heritage sciences. Based on the growing use and on the potentialities of micro- and nano-characterization synchrotron-based methods to study ancient materials (archaeology, palaeontology, cultural heritage, past environments), this contribution will identify and test conceptual and methodological elements of convergence between physicochemical and historical sciences.  相似文献   
黎娜 《日本学论坛》2006,7(3):52-55
川端康成的《花未眠》进入人教版高中语文课本,在见仁见智的阐释中唯独缺少的是未把这篇散文放在川端在日本战败后的系列作品中,特剐是没有从与日本古美术作品的关系来理解,而这恰恰是一个不可忽视的重要视点。  相似文献   
吉林省旅游创意产业发展研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
文化创意为旅游产业注入观念、感情和品位等新的要素,旅游创意产业基于创意元素与旅游元素的完美融合。旅游创意产业依托于旅游元素的感知度、服务性和创意元素的新奇度、体验性,并在双方相互渗透的基础上,通过创意理念为旅游业搭建桥梁,从而促进旅游业的发展。通过对创意产业的特点、旅游创意产业的作用和生命周期等的分析,探讨了吉林省旅游创意产业发展状况和发展重点。  相似文献   
日本儒教中的家族孝主义是家族国家观的重要基础。但是作为幕藩体制下封建武士之间的道德,它无法直接为明治近代化的目标服务甚至形成阻碍。因此家族国家观虽然植根于传统的儒教家族主义,但又是对其不适应时代课题的部分进行修正后,重新建构起来的一种意识形态。因此带有两面性,不是简单的“复古”,也不是儒教家族主义道德的简单复活。虽然家族国家观在统合民众方面发挥了巨大作用,但由于其原理与近代国家原理之间存在抵触,致使家族国家观自身蕴含着重大的悖论。  相似文献   
我非常熟悉割麦的感觉,"哗啦、哗啦"随着镰刀的一起一落,一抱子麦子晃动着麦穗抱在了怀里,往下坠着,沉甸甸的,一份收获的喜悦就会从心底油然而生。我总喜欢把麦捆  相似文献   
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