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三角形石刀是长江下游地区良渚文化和青铜时代早期文化的一种特殊形状的石器,其功能众说不一,不少考古学家认为它是作为农业工具使用的"破土器"。通过对浙江湖州毘山遗址出土的两件商代三角形石刀进行微痕分析,并与采用复制石器进行实验考古后所得到的微痕进行比较,可知,毘山三角形石刀不是"破土器",而可能是用来切断植物茎叶的铡刀。  相似文献   
敏春芳 《敦煌学辑刊》2006,4(4):117-121
词缀,是汉语由单音节向复音节发展的重要手段,在汉语双音化的过程中扮演了举足轻重的角色。敦煌愿文中加缀的双音词较之前代既有继承,亦有发展,名词加前缀的双青词仅六个;名词加后缀的双音词也不是随处可见,其中以“头”为后缀组成的双音词,愿文中只有一例,“子”、“儿”、“家”等则使用比较频繁。  相似文献   
闵凡祥 《史学月刊》2006,1(8):87-93
在英国社会保障发展史上,18、19世纪是“友谊会”等民间互助组织快速发展的时期。但对“友谊会”运动这一历史现象的成因,国内外学界长期以来没有一个明确的解释。通过对18、19世纪英国“友谊会”等民间互助组织兴盛与衰落过程的历史考察表明,“友谊会”运动的出现,是此时社会上日益增长的社会保障和救助需求与英国国家职能尚未完全扩及到社会保障领域、很好地满足人们对社会福利需求的结果,“友谊会”等民间互助组织的出现与迅速发展是对18、19世纪英国国家职能在社会保障领域中缺位的重要填充。  相似文献   
In prehistory, serpentinite was one of the most frequently used raw materials to produce polished stone artefacts. Several conventional analytical techniques can be applied to identify the serpentine minerals, but their application generally requires a powdered sample. This implies that the artefacts to be analysed must be damaged, and the possibility of analysing a mixture of different serpentine polytypes is high. The use of spatially resolved techniques is therefore a necessity to overcome this problem. Several thin sections of serpentinitic rocks and prehistoric axes have been analysed by synchrotron radiation Fourier transform infrared micro‐spectroscopy. The spectra were acquired directly on specific points of polished stone artefacts and this allowed the recognition of the different polytypes of serpentine minerals without causing any damage to the objects. The results show the infrared micro‐spectroscopy technique to be a useful tool for the characterization of archaeological lithic material.  相似文献   
为探究滇西地区青铜文化及相关铜器的制作技术,本研究使用便携式X射线荧光光谱(p XRF)对滇西祥云县大波那墓地、检村石棺墓和红土坡古墓群出土357件铜器进行了成分分析。结果表明,p XRF可在无损、原位的情况下,基本做到铜器合金成分的定量分析。铜器材质均以红铜和锡青铜为主,铅锡青铜和砷铜居少量。三处墓地铜器Sn、Pb配比模式高度一致。铜矛、铜剑等兵器中出现少量高锡青铜。这些现象反映出祥云地区各时期铜器的制作工艺高度一致,可称之为昆明夷铜器工艺类型。大波那墓地铜器基本不含铁,其余墓地存在较多高铁铜器,大波那地区的先民应该采用了不同的冶炼技术。砷铜全部出自红土坡古墓群,初步推测晚期墓葬出现的砷铜乃至砷铜工艺很可能是沿着"半月形文化传播带"由西北地区传入祥云地区的。  相似文献   
漆灰的修复是漆器文物修复工作的重要组成部分。为揭示故宫博物院旧藏漆器3种典型漆灰的材料构成及特点,以及为漆器修复工作提供科技支持,研究结合X射线荧光光谱、微区X射线衍射、红外光谱、纤维显微镜观测、热裂解-气相色谱/质谱联用等技术,综合分析了3种典型漆灰所含无机及有机原材料。研究结果表明:明代古梅花蕉叶式琴漆灰所用无机材料是动物角灰或骨灰及少量黏土,胶结材料则由中国大漆及少量植物油组成;清代黑漆描金大宝座漆灰的无机材料为含有方解石的黏土,胶结材料为熟桐油、猪血的混合物,此外,样品中还含有麻类纤维,为宝座木胎与漆灰层之间所裱麻布,宝座漆灰不但能提供平整髹漆表面,而且还对麻布有加固定型作用;清代黑漆地填金字张廷玉书圣训天伦对联漆灰的无机材料为黏土,胶结材料则为熟桐油、猪血的混合物。研究所用分析方法体系可实现漆灰原材料,特别是有机胶结材料的准确识别。3种典型漆灰的选材特点与中国古代漆器,特别是明清时期家具、器物制作用料传统相吻合,研究结果可直接应用于漆器文物修复方案的制定。  相似文献   
The change of raw materials used to produce stone axes during the Neolithic to Copper Age transition in northeastern Italy, central and western Slovenia and northwestern Croatia (Caput Adriae) has been recently linked to the development of early European metallurgy. Serpentinite shaft‐hole axes occur commonly in the archaeological context of this region and their rounded irregular shape suggests that the raw material was mainly sourced from secondary deposits. The aim of the present study is to characterize with multiple analytical methods, including synchrotron radiation, the axes and locate the primary outcrop(s) of raw materials and related secondary exploitation areas. All the analysed artefacts are manufactured from peridotites and probably pyroxenites completely metamorphosed in greenschist facies and characterized by antigorite, diopside and magnetite, sometimes rimmed by penninite. Mineralogical and petrographic data exclude most Eastern Alps outcrops as possible raw material sources, thus limiting the research to the Hohe Tauern. Chemical data reveal a close homogeneity for the peridotite‐derived axes and therefore demonstrate a selection of the most suitable raw material for axe production. Provenance from Hohe Tauern and related secondary deposits of the Drava River hydrographical system agrees with previous studies, as this region is rich in copper ore deposits, which have been exploited since prehistory.  相似文献   
唐五代时期海洋灾害成因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋灾害是唐五代时期较为严重的自然灾害之一,主要是由历史时期海洋气候、海面波动、海水侵蚀等自然因素引起,同时又与当时特定的社会背景有一定的关联。如唐五代时期沿海人口的增加、濒海城市增多与海洋防灾技术的不成熟,导致受灾损失加剧;沿海政府组织的大规模屯田,破坏了沿海地区固有的生态景观,增加了唐五代时期海洋灾害的发生频率。  相似文献   
This introduction places the forum contributions in the wider context of the “spatial turn” within the humanities and social sciences. Following a survey of the historical trajectories of the field, a review of impulses from different disciplines, and a sketch of general developments over the last few decades, the editors exemplify key approaches, methods, and conceptual advances with reference to gender studies. The focus then turns to the structure, main themes, and specific contents of this collection, which features both case studies and theoretical reflections. In conclusion, the essay underlines the significance and further potential of the “spatial turn.”  相似文献   
The accuracy of the capacity spectrum method (CSM) depends on the precise estimation of equivalent period and damping ratio as well as the modification of the demand spectrum. In this paper, the CSM provided in ATC-40 for estimating the peak inelastic responses is evaluated. First, the effect of equivalent period and damping ratio estimation on the accuracy of the CSM is assessed. Analyses results indicate that the difference between estimation methods is large when the structural nonlinearity is large, but becomes negligible as the hardening ratio increases. Next, the reduction factors provided in ATC-40 and Eurocode are evaluated. It is found that the acceleration responses obtained using the factor of Eurocode is closer to the actual ones than those obtained using the factors of ATC-40. Finally, the demand spectrum is constructed using the peak absolute acceleration and pseudo-acceleration. The results obtained using the peak absolute acceleration is found to be generally larger than those obtained using the pseudo-ones. Since the original CSM generally underestimates the response, the use of peak absolute acceleration in the construction of demand spectrum produces the response relatively closer to the exact one. However, the use of peak absolute acceleration overestimates the response more when the original CSM overestimates the response.  相似文献   
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