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2017-2018年,江苏盱眙大云山景区连接线北区发掘战国墓葬2座,汉代墓葬43座,陪葬坑1座.墓葬多为长方形竖穴土坑单人墓,出土釉陶器、陶器、铜器、漆器、玉器等器物三百余件.随葬器物较为丰富,为研究战汉时期东阳城居民的丧葬习俗和物质文化增添了新的考古资料.  相似文献   
In archaeology, strontium isotope analysis is developing into an efficient scientific technique for tracing the movement of prehistoric humans and animals. Determining the local bioavailable 87Sr/86Sr ratio range is the key to distinguishing whether the human or animal is indigenous to the local area. It has been shown that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the enamel of pigs can be an excellent sample to determine the range of local strontium isotope ratio at the site. However, pigs may not be all local at the site, and there is no special study on whether pigs’ different ages and tooth types impact the local strontium isotope characteristics. In this paper, the tooth enamel of 19 pigs from the Zaoshugounao site for strontium isotope ratio (87Sr/86Sr) by multicollector–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. There were no significant differences in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of local pigs at different months and different molar types, which did not affect the determination of the local strontium isotope standard. Based on the local strontium isotope ratio range (0.711056–0.711476), we found that five pigs were non-local. The Jing and Wei river basins (in Guanzhong basin) and northern Shaanxi are likely sources of non-pigs.  相似文献   
王汉 《东南文化》2018,(2):81-91
从南京西善桥宫山南朝"竹林七贤与荣启期"大型拼镶砖印壁画墓出土壁画砖的砖面标记文字、砖的拼装方法以及砖的尺寸规格等方面来看,该墓的年代应该在丹阳金家村墓和吴家村墓之前。一向被认为是陈朝墓的西善桥罐子山墓也应该与此墓年代相仿。  相似文献   
正The sound of loom weaving comes out of a three-story building in the Lugu Alley off the Barkor Street.Drugyal's wife Norbu Droma and her assistants are making traditional Tibetan bags.The black pulu shop sign stands out in the quiet alley.Step into the shop,you will see wool,calfskin and sheepskin bags hang neatly on the wall.The products on display on the counter are of the current style made for everyday life,while those traditional handmade bags in the inner  相似文献   
正The sun shines upon the earth in spring.The Paltang Xuanzi is a well-known dance from Paltang County,Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.In the village committee of Yarigon's Daxu Village,there are over 100 villagers gathered together,discussing something of great importance."Today,I have a bit of good news!"said Sonam Drakpa,party secretary of the town of Yarigong,while surrounded by locals."Lu Guangrong,the party secretary of Chengdu's Xihanggang Street in  相似文献   
韩国河  朱津 《文博》2015,(3):28-32
随着中小型汉墓资料的日益丰富,其研究思路和体系需要拓展和创新。研究广度方面,汉墓的分区研究需要完善,要用更广阔的视野进行对比研究;研究高度方面,需要对中小型汉墓进一步解读,上升至对社会制度和历史发展规律的探讨;研究深度方面,对中小型汉墓的研究需更加细致化,科技分析方法要更多地应用其中。  相似文献   
韩冰 《中原文物》2015,(2):73-78
汉代建筑特别注重屋顶上的装饰,特别是建筑的屋脊。汉代建筑上的屋脊出现了正脊凤鸟、三角形火焰珠;在"反宇"屋面出现了鸱尾;垂脊上有了起翘装饰。汉代屋脊上的装饰除了美化建筑之外,还有着吉祥的象征意义。  相似文献   
本文以广州荔枝湾涌历史文化街区为例,运用扎根理论研究荔枝湾涌1940年代以来地方发展变迁与居民地方感的关系,进而挖掘居民地方感变化机制。研究发现:荔枝湾涌居民的地方感主要受生态环境、建筑与配套服务、集体记忆、活动类型、人际关系等因素的影响,其中生态环境起主导性作用;积极地方感主要来源于集体记忆的保留与延续;消极地方感主要来源于破旧的居住环境及落后的配套服务;此外,文章提出内向型地方感和外向型地方感的概念,认为随着城市发展,在地方发展变迁过程中,地方感由内向型地方感转变为内向型和外向型相结合的地方感。两种地方感相互作用,互相调节,更有利于地方稳定、开放、包容地发展。  相似文献   
张涵  孙九霞 《人文地理》2019,34(2):55-63
消费研究的爆炸式增长始于20世纪80年代的消费热潮。消费地理的研究领域在过去的三十年里已经大大扩展,超越了经济和文化之间的传统分歧,并逐渐占据了主导的地位。本研究关注传统节庆中非物质文化遗产苗绣的消费实践,从不同的空间主体(在地的身体、流动的身体、固定的空间、临时的空间)对苗绣的消费过程进行分析,采用参与式观察法和深度访谈法解译施洞地区苗族和游客在传统节庆姊妹节中对苗绣的消费实践。研究发现,消费的话语和实践在特定的空间中定位身体,反过来地方又影响着具身化的消费实践。  相似文献   
本文论述清代帝陵中的哑巴院和月牙城的建置与功用,进而探讨其规制的起源问题。指出关外的福陵与昭陵系参照北京明代后期的帝陵及清孝陵兴建,而南京明孝陵的规制已见哑巴院的雏形,其发展演变脉络清晰,故而哑巴院和月牙城并非明清两代帝陵规制最显著的差别。  相似文献   
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