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在尼泊尔的最西端,传说和历史的交融,讲述了皇家血统的妇女如何带着她们的孩子从拉贾斯坦(印度)跋涉而来。这些妇女在喜玛拉雅山脚下的森林中定居下来,一切都建立在一种母系社会制度之下,这就是拉纳·塔鲁。  相似文献   
An extensive Late Iron Age settlement (SP 842430), with Middle Iron Age predecessor, was succeeded by an early Roman land management/drainage scheme accompanied by roads, and a timber bridge. This was followed by the construction of storehouse and barns adjoining a timber wharf, the whole encircled by an engineered river channel enclosing at least three ha, with an outlying cemetery. In the early/mid second century at least four, and possibly six, separate substantial stone buildings, all apparently of villa quality, were constructed over an area more than 250 m across. There were hints of a late Antonine destruction. Subsequently structural additions were made up to the early third century. Decline in the mid third century was followed by extensive rehabilitation in the late third/early fourth century, succeeded by slum/industrial conditions in the mid fourth, with iron working and smithing. Notable finds include parts of an early black and white mosaic, rib vault voussoir tiles, stamped tegulae, part of a luxury bronze folding tripod, a lead coffin, an anvil and a coulter. The pottery series extends from the middle Iron Age to the seventh century A.D., with a gap in the late fourth. Coinage extended from a stater of c. 40–20 B. C. to issues of the House of Valentinian, c. A.D. 375.  相似文献   
蒙古人血液里流淌的是金戈铁马。 今天的蒙古国.依旧是那个遥远的东方。人口只有二百多万。但今天蒙古国在新的时代这片土地上重又焕发新的魅力。在其首都乌兰巴托你能看见丰田、现代,奔驰,劳斯莱斯在大街上驰骋。西方生活方式深入民心.象征夜生活的酒吧和歌厅生意火爆。蒙餐西吃成为新的饮食模式.乌兰巴托有许多的大饭店.小餐馆.其餐饮环境、  相似文献   
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