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Palace lanterns were important and highly visible decorations in the imperial palace in Beijing, China, during the Qing dynasty (1636–1912). Most lanterns had colourful tassels made of fibres. The study performed a comprehensive investigation of the materials and dyes used for palace lantern tassels preserved in The Palace Museum, Beijing. Eight samples with different colours, including yellow, green and red, from five palace lanterns were analysed. By using ultra-performance liquid chromatography combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, the compositions of the dyes were identified quickly, and thus the dyes' origins were explored. A X-ray fluorescence spectrometer assisted in the detection of whether a mordant was used during the dyeing process. As a result, the tassels were all made of silk, discovered through the use of microscopic observation and micro-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry analysis. Different dyeing techniques were found in these tassels: yellow tassels were dyed by cork tree or turmeric by a direct dyeing method; greens were dyed by pagoda bud with an iron mordant, or by the combination of cork tree and indigo using multi-dyeing method; and red tassels were coloured with different acid red industrial dyes. These results provide valuable data for the conservation of ancient textile tassels and contribute to the investigation of other hanging tags.  相似文献   
水资源短缺一直制约着京津唐地区经济和社会的发展。20世纪70年代,因缺水引发的经济、社会问题逐渐凸显,促使中央和地方政府开始考虑实施跨流域调水工程。引滦工程作为北方最大的跨流域调水工程,其决策经历了曲折的过程。1958年,北京和唐山曾分别提出引滦河水的设想,唐山还实施了引滦入还和引还入陡工程。1972年,海河流域大旱促使中央做出加快实施引滦工程的决定,但由于地质情况复杂等原因,引滦工程设计方案被反复修改。1981年,天津提出了单独引滦济津路线并得到了中央的支持。引滦工程对缓解京津唐用水紧张发挥了重要作用,天津是引滦工程受益最大的地区。  相似文献   
兵团文化研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭换平 《丝绸之路》2010,(10):34-37
兵团文化是兵团人在屯垦戍边的过程中所创造的独具特色的文化,具有巨大的感召力和凝聚力,对于传播中华文化、吸收各民族的优秀文化、维稳固边、促进兵团和谐社会的构建都发挥了重大的作用。目前,学术界对于兵团文化研究的成果颇丰,本文从兵团文化的内涵、内容、特征、作用以及如何发展兵团文化着手,对以往的研究成果进行梳理。  相似文献   
汉魏时期的侍中是皇帝的近幸之臣,其设置、地位、权限几经变化,最终演化成门下省的长官,成为实际执掌国家枢机的"宰相"。曹魏时期是侍中职权转变的关键阶段,特别是它以特殊的方式介入尚书、中书的权力范围,这是非常值得注意的历史现象。本文根据曹魏侍中的设置特点和权力变化,考察其与尚书、中书的密切关系,着重突出曹魏侍中在当时权力格局中的特殊地位。  相似文献   
陈佳臻 《文献》2020,(3):98-107
元末熊梦祥所撰《析津志》(现仅存辑佚本)的"名宦"部分,从木华黎到刘因等47人的记载,是从《元朝名臣事略》中辑录而得,二者之间存在史源关系。确立了史源关系后,进一步梳理其中的内容,发现《析津志》和《元朝名臣事略》对元初中书官员刘肃的官职记载亦有误,应为"左三部尚书"而非"右三部尚书"。深入考察后进一步发现,《元史·百官志》对元初左右三部设置时间的记载亦有误,应为中统二年,而非中统元年。  相似文献   
2017-2018年,江苏盱眙大云山景区连接线北区发掘战国墓葬2座,汉代墓葬43座,陪葬坑1座.墓葬多为长方形竖穴土坑单人墓,出土釉陶器、陶器、铜器、漆器、玉器等器物三百余件.随葬器物较为丰富,为研究战汉时期东阳城居民的丧葬习俗和物质文化增添了新的考古资料.  相似文献   
2009年,扬州瘦西湖新苑三期地块发现汉代墓葬群,经扬州市文物考古研究所抢救性发掘,清理出3座保存较为完好的西汉晚期墓葬,出土一批陶器、漆器、铜器.这些墓葬的发现为研究西汉晚期扬州地区社会文化、经济、丧葬习俗等内涵提供了宝贵的实物资料.  相似文献   
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