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阎照祥 《世界历史》2006,3(3):39-50
在近代前期的200多年里,英国乃至欧洲思想界长久关注着不列颠贵族体制,对其褒扬或贬抑。两种力量的基本发展态势是,在17世纪,“褒扬派”占有绝对优势;进入18世纪后,两派势头呈大致均衡;19世纪以来“贬抑派”的势头则逐渐增强。但由于传统保守主义文化的影响和政府限制,国内始终没有形成强大的反对贵族体制的政治运动。  相似文献   
英国无神论思想是该国政治思想史上的重要内容,长期以来循序发展。其源头至少可溯至都铎王朝晚期,代表人物有伊丽莎白的近臣沃尔特.雷利爵士。在培根之后,霍布斯是17世纪批判上帝和基督教的典范。光荣革命前后不列颠无神论思想大致分为两种类型:洛克、休谟、边沁型——含蓄委婉地质疑上帝和基督教教义,以及托兰德、葛德文、雪莱型——直率无畏地抨击宗教的蒙蔽和虚伪。欧文的批评更是淋漓尽致。19世纪中叶科学文化的长足进步促成了信仰自由的社会局面,政教合一的政府体制渐被削弱。1886年布雷德洛事件的了结是英国政教合一体制明显松动的标志。  相似文献   
巴兆祥 《中国地方志》2012,(5):28-34,3,4
台湾地区的现代方志学研究始于1945年,2000~2010年间,台湾期刊发表了相当多的方志学论文,同时与方志学相关的著作成果亦是非常丰富。台湾方志学研究内容包括方志发展史研究、方志学史研究、方志文献整理、方志编纂研究、方志应用研究、方志批评等方面。台湾学术界对方志学的研究颇具特色:研究的地域范围主要以台湾为主;研究的内容尽管没有大陆广泛,但对方志学的核心分支学科已多有贡献;由于方志学研究的实践性强特点以及台湾的社会大环境的影响,围绕“二战”后方志编纂形成的论文是台湾方志学研究的主流。尤其是台湾高校、科研机构的研究者成了方志学研究的主力军,他们给方志学研究带来了新视野与新方法,方志学科的交叉趋势日益明显。  相似文献   
<正>中国地方志历史悠久,代有修纂。然由于刊刻技术与保存条件限制等多种因素影响,旧方志多流传不广,利用不便,因而对旧方志的整理自1949年以来,尤其是近些年来,得到相当的重视,取得了许多重要成果。凤凰出版社2019年11月出版的〔乾隆〕《江南通志》点校本属于旧方志整理领域的最新成果之一,粗读后,深为整理者刻苦、认真的敬业精神所感动。一、继承优良传统,创新整理模式江苏是我国修志最发达的省区之一,向来重视旧志整理。改革开放后,为适应社会需  相似文献   
An indirect boundary element method (IBEM) is developed to study the dynamic impedance functions (stiffness coefficients) of a rigid strip foundation embedded in a multi-layered viscoelastic transversely isotropic (TI) half-space. The proposed IBEM using half-space Green’s functions of distributed loads as fundamental solutions have the merits of fictitious loads being directly applied on the real boundaries without the problem of singularity and of the discretization effort restricted to local boundaries. In addition, the accuracy of the proposed method is not affected by the thickness of the discrete TI layers, as the exact dynamic stiffness matrix is employed. The presented algorithm is verified via comparisons with published results for the isotropic medium. By taking a rigid strip foundation embedded in a homogeneous half-space, a single-layered half-space, and a multi-layered half-space as examples, the effects of material anisotropy, frequency of excitation, and soil layer on the impedance functions are studied in detail. Numerical results show that impedance functions for the TI medium can be significantly different from those of the isotropic case. The variation of TI parameters alters the dynamic characteristics of the TI layered site, which in turn alters the dynamic interaction between the soil and foundation. In addition, the soil sedimentary sequence also has a remarkable influence on the impedance functions.  相似文献   
Bojan Baća 《对极》2017,49(5):1125-1144
Student activism in Montenegro has remained largely unaccounted for in the growing body of literature on civic engagement and popular politics in the post‐Yugoslav space. When students took their discontent to the streets of the Montenegrin capital in November 2011, the dual nature of the student body was rendered visible and audible: while the official student organizations framed their activity as an apolitical expression of discontent over studying conditions, several independent student associations positioned themselves as an extra‐parliamentary opposition to the ruling establishment and called for the creation of a wide anti‐austerity/anti‐corruption coalition. Drawing from critical theory, political sociology, and human geography, this article addresses the questions of why, how, when, and where a part of the student body became political. I argue that a social context that lacks a tradition of politically engaged student movements provides opportunities for a nuanced understanding of political becoming of a hitherto apolitical social group.  相似文献   
由于宗教的特殊性,宗教志是专业分志编写中的难点。基于对首轮及部分第二轮宗教志的总结,系统论述了第二轮宗教志的记载对象、记载范围、框架设计以及如何与首轮志书衔接,并从指导思想、编纂方法等方面提出宗教志编纂应坚持的五个导向,即:以党的理论为指导,以《宗教事务条例》等法规为准则;运用多学科方法;对宗教系统和系统的人、事、物进行全方位记述;立足本位;突出地方特色与时代特色。  相似文献   
2006年10月21—22日,由河北省社会科学院主办的“民国河北高等法院档案与近代华北社会”学术研讨会在石家庄召开。北京、天津、山西、河北四省市的30余位学者与会,提交论文26篇。这是继2002年在天津举办“中国华北城市近代化国际学术讨论会”以来,第二次召开有关近代华北社会的学术会议。与会学者一致认为,召开这样一次学术研讨会,不仅可以引发各地专家学者对其所在地区档案的挖掘使用,同时也将推动近代华北社会研究向纵深方向发展。新材料的发掘与使用一直备受学界重视,本次研讨会突显了这一主题。目前,许多省级档案馆里保存有相当数量的民…  相似文献   
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