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自三国时代起,作为南京地区地理标志的钟山就被赋予了风水学的内涵。随着明太祖朱元璋(1328-1398年)将孝陵营建于此,钟山在明代风水堪舆理论中便有了更为丰富的意义。有明一代,孝陵与钟山的意义绝非止于帝王陵寝和自然景观,它们不断为文学传统、仪式制度、风水堪舆、地理象征、政治语汇所利用,并且在这个过程中被赋予政治影响力。  相似文献   
明清时代的苏州,交纳赋税最多,负担最重,是全国最为突出的赋税钱粮重地;丝绸、棉布及加工业和书籍刻印等大宗商品生产极为发达,木器制造加工业独步全国,玉器雕琢、绣作、裱褙作、漆作、乐器、铜铁金银器加工业等极其精巧,是举世闻名的商品生产加工中心;大规模输出当地大宗商品,输入各种原材料,转输全国物资并平衡整合市场,是全国物资的流通转输中心;钱庄、票号等金融机构布设密集,银钱流通量巨大,较早行用洋银,金融结算手段较为先进,吸纳周围城镇的资本,货币周转获利较快,是高度发达的银钱金融中心。从当时苏州的经济总量、商品生产和商品流通来看,其中心都市的地位远在另一工商城市杭州之上。  相似文献   
清代江南基本由徽商开设的棉布字号,谋求经营之道,单个字号运用各种竞争手段,慎选布师把好收布质量关,联号经营扩大和占有市场份额,品牌战略开拓和扩大销路;字号群体则从事前防范,到经营规范,到事后惩处,字号资本主依靠自身的力量、同业的约束和官府的权威,在应对字号商标的假冒方面,作了种种努力.而当与加工雇佣者发生矛盾形成冲突时,更是齐心协力,以谋求商业利润的最大化;与加工管理者踹坊主发生利益纠纷时,又坚持维护拥有自由选择加工作坊是权利,以掌握经营主动权.  相似文献   
In late Ming China, a large concentration of Guards and Battalions were stationed in the city of Nanjing. The registered guard population constituted a significant percent of the urban population. This paper discusses the living status of Nanjing guards within the framework of urban studies, and reveals the special model of urbanization of this political center. The guard population was driven by “policy migration,” and showed a high tendency of localization. Soldiers worked in various lines of business, and their living places were no longer confined to military camps. The Nanjing Constabulary broke the administrative boundaries of military and civilian households, and further pushed the localization and urbanization of the guard population. Soldiers were frequently involved in acts of violence and put pressure on local security. However, guard storehouses also provided extra supplies for the local grain market, and stabilized local society at times of crises. This study of the Nanjing guard population not only illustrates the unique urban environment of this political center, but also reminds us about the complexity of urbanization in the Ming-Qing period.  相似文献   
嘉庆二十三年(朝鲜李朝纯祖十八年,公元1818年),朝鲜人崔斗灿在行经中国大运河全程后,编成《乘槎录》一书,备记遇风惊险之状和与中国士人的交往情形,在同时期中国域外文献中具有重要地位,是19世纪初叶乃至清代近三百年间朝鲜人有关中国运河全程的惟一文献,富有文献学术价值。  相似文献   
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