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励志,在很长一段时间里,似乎都是书商所玩的策略性字眼,与成功学搅在一起,哄骗的是那些没有耐心奋斗、从未想过挫折、心心念念于一夜成名和一夜暴富的人们——这是一个短时间内无限壮大的人群。这样的字眼,自然是不能进入艺术家的法眼的。  相似文献   
彝族民间抒情长诗《妈妈的女儿》(即《阿莫尼惹》),是一首姑娘出嫁前咏叹的哀歌。它在彝族民间流传极广,是彝族古代社会的产物,有浓厚的彝族风味。本刊特节选两节,以饷读者。  相似文献   
从空中俯瞰,刻画在沙漠上的线条仿佛长时间暴露在阳光下的画作,轮廓已模糊难辨。飞行员在秘鲁南部纳斯卡镇以北的荒漠高原上空急转盘旋,我只能依稀辨出地面上一系列描绘精美的图形。  相似文献   
A number of studies have been published about the population change in New Zealand between 1936 and 1986. During this time an intellectual and demographic revolution also took place simultaneously. From 1961 and 1986 the population increased from 2.4 million to 3.3 million mainly because of Polynesian immigration, and the elderly and females also increased. The Maoris became urban. Mortality stayed stable, but fertility declined to below replacement level in the 1980's. Murray Wilson (1988) analyzed the relationship of fertility and mortality in terms of a post-transitional (developed) society like Australia or the European norm of a 2-children family. In his view the youth culture, television, and female aspirations greatly influenced childrearing. Daniel Noin (1988) examined the current state of geographical research on mortality from a methodological point of view finding wide differences in mortality in Quebec, Brussels, Paris, and London attributable to culture. Mosley and Chen (1984) argued that social, cultural, and economic factors to mortality are mediated by individual, household, and community variables. Jones and Moon (1987) dealt with medical geography in the context of the consumption of health care and disease ecology. Momsen and Townsend (1987) addressed the role of women in developing countries stating that gender is socially created and it examined the worldwide subordination of women. In the 1980's a host of other authors have also touched on the subject of the demography of gender analyzing discrimination against female children, unmarried American women, and single parent families. Yet Fahey (1988) stated that gender was only regarded relevant by Australian geographers as a demographic variable.  相似文献   
文化进程研究1959年,考德威尔(J.Caldwell)在《科学》杂志上发表了一篇题为《新的美国考古学》的文章,其中他探讨了所感受到的考古学的变革。他列举了对生态学和居址方式的兴趣作为是对文化进程新关注的证据。考古学文化不再被看作仅仅是残存的器物类型的总和,其中每一种类型被作为同等重要的形制式样来处理。正如泰勒(W.Toylor)  相似文献   
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is a hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy first described in 1886. Our increasing knowledge of this disease correlates well with the development of methods used in neurology over the past 100 years. Although its physiopathology and treatment is still not fully understood, current developments in techniques are opening the way to future discoveries. We have divided its history into three theoretical periods: the first from 1886 to 1956, which was devoted to clinical and pathological study of the disease; the second from 1956 to 1982, which saw the development of electromyography in the investigation of neuromuscular diseases; and the last and current period based upon genetic research, using the methods of molecular biology.  相似文献   
B lotlet,BrianW。(ed.)T工:e Originsof气eadem:cG。、g:pal飞y:nt}leUnii。、l丝竺旦兰Jhe 51飞。e 5 tr」ng FreS弓,Inc·I-larnd:11,Conllcet;et,L.1981. 美国人文地J_,廷的匕原介,赖巴·W·布洛特编康涅狄格哈姆弃书斯一}妇灰出版公司19时干Braol土.〔r〔!,M.G.an、1 Kent,\人了.A.H一:飞lanGoograT){lyo入!、(:):。IU,飞i、。::,tyP:。::,1 9 78。 人文地理M·G·布宙德福tllw·A·肯特了}:律大学出版社:9了8年C}飞or}。y,R:ehor。{J.。。ld Hoggott,P。[。:(e(l5).Fr(〕n飞lor:i,:G:。、g:ap}:ieal业竺幽卫旦:孔介‘1…  相似文献   
Albaum,Melvin.Geograghy and Contemporary Issues:Studies of Relevant probleme.John Wiley & Sons,New York,1973.地理与当代争端一对有关问题的研究梅尔文·奥尔鲍姆著纽约约翰·威利出版社1973年Alexander Lewia M.World polilical patterns.Rand Mcnally & Company,Chicago.1957.世界政治模式亚历山大·刘易斯·M著芝加哥兰德·麦克纳利公司 1957年Bowman,Isaiah.The New World.Problems in political Geography.world Book Company,New York,1921新的世界—政治地理上的问题艾赛亚·鲍曼著纽约世界书籍出版社 1921年  相似文献   
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