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The emerging problem of left-behind children has attracted mounting academic and policy attention. Prior studies primarily cast light on left-behind children’s education, health, and behavior, while their subjective well-being is much less understood yet. Based on a nationally representative sample of rural children aged 10–15 in 2014, we examine the impacts of different types of parental migration on children’s subjective well-being and how these affects vary between boys and girls. The results show that parental migration is a double-edged sword: children from both-parent migrant families report compromised life satisfaction and relationship quality compared with those in integral families, and mother-only migration significantly lowers children’s subjective health. On the flip side, father-only migration enhances children’s aspiration for attaining college, an encouraging effect that is even stronger than that of parental education and family income. These effects are heterogeneous by children’s gender: boys seem to be more susceptible to the disruptive effects of both-parent migration; mother-only migration effectively promotes girls’ educational aspiration while father-only migration promotes boys’. This study portrays a comprehensive image of left-behind children. Relaxation of hukou restriction, equal access to education, and revitalization of rural economies are imperative to improve the well-being of left-behind children.

Abbreviations: LBC: Left-behing children; SWB: subjective well-being  相似文献   
手机信令数据所代表的人流联系与国内外研究常用的企业关联数据在测度城市关联存在何种差异,尚缺乏明确的研究。本文以江西省北部地区为研究对象,分别以手机信令数据、企业关联数据测度城市关联,比较了两种城市关联与城市之间空间距离、人口规模的关系,比较了两种城市关联网络的层级、结构、腹地。主要研究发现:人流联系不仅集中在城市周边地区,而且集中于较高等级城市之间;经济联系则主要集中在较高等级城市之间。人流联系、经济联系受到城市人口规模影响均较小。人流联系显著地符合幂函数空间衰减规律。手机信令数据和企业关联数据是两种不同的城市关联数据,但可互为补充,较为全面地反映城市关联。  相似文献   
沈刚 《史学月刊》2015,(2):22-29
秦代编制作徒簿的机构有授予方的司空和仓,但二者分工不同;接收方包括库、田官、畜官、少内、属乡等。作徒簿分为临时付受与月度统计两种。秦代各级地方机构对刑徒管理的分工为:郡提出指导原则,县掌握本县刑徒的数据,县属机构负责具体管理。在当时人的观念中,徒隶是一个阶层的泛称,但在司法行政文书中则有特定的内涵,司寇不包括在内。  相似文献   
洪范《水墨竹石图》轴为苏州博物馆三级藏品,此画笔墨简练,技法娴熟,饶有意趣,但画作破损霉变,酸化开裂,亟待修复保护。为此,运用苏裱技艺的修旧如旧技巧,制定详细的修复方案,通过去污、揭褙、隐补、胶矾加固、接笔全色等苏裱传统修复方法,历时半年,对破损的洪范《水墨竹石图》进行了修复,使其得到了及时有效的保护。  相似文献   
The quick and accurate identification of post-earthquake rescue objects can minimize the casualties and property loss caused by earthquakes. With the rapid development of remote sensing technology, rescue objects can be identified through high-resolution remote sensing images. There are two main categories of approaches to identify rescue object through high-resolution images: automatic extraction by a computer and visual judgment by professionals. Although results can be obtained quickly by using automatic extraction, the accuracy of the results is unacceptably low. For visual judgment, the large demands for time and professionals restrict its wide practical application. In this study, we introduce crowdsourcing into the identification of post-earthquake rescue objects. First, we integrate the advantages of the computer and crowdsourcing, which means that the computer takes advantage of the speed of information processing, while crowdsourcing makes full use of human recognition capabilities. Second, we take visual judgment tasks out of the hands of professionals and entrust the tasks to workers in a crowdsourcing platform. Not only are the human resources infinite, but we can also improve the efficiency of identifying rescue objects. Third, we propose a crowdsourcing model that improves the quality of the results and saves human resources. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that our solution is feasible.  相似文献   
本文以地方志为基本资料进行考察,认为传统意义上广义的奢靡观念可以从以下几个方面界定:1.某事项的花费超过该事项的基本需要;2.某些不正当不应有的消费项目与活动;3.某消费与个人(或部分人)的收入不相称;4.消费者攀比浮夸。奢靡观念的新旧激荡反映出明清社会的变迁及其局限性。  相似文献   
好一个新世纪的金秋,好一个新面貌的首都,好一个新的起点。十七大所作出的每一项一项决策、提出的每一条方针、表达的每一个思想、设置的每一个目标,都富有历史性意义。百岁老人帅孟奇曾诗云:"一度梅花一度春,傲霜战雪岁迎新。漫山争艳向阳发,粗枝老梅绿叶生。"艺术性地表达了这种政治性的意蕴。  相似文献   
目前依然在全球肆虐的新冠疫情深刻影响着博物馆的当下与未来.纵观欧美各大博物馆,短期来看,疫情导致的闭馆直接引发了系列财务、减员等问题,而包括系统性歧视的平权运动在内的各类全新的社会议题同样亟待博物馆关注;长期来看,在疫情这场"持久战"面前,博物馆面临着应急、恢复、提升等三方面困境,以及将困境转变为机遇的挑战.为此,加拿...  相似文献   
Investigations at the Carson site (22CO505), located in Coahoma County, Mississippi, have uncovered data on the development of a large Mississippian mound center dating to the period from A.D. 1200 through European contact. Recent sediment coring, excavation, artifact analyses, and radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating shed light on earthworks and household structures at Carson, and on Mississippian culture in the Yazoo Basin more generally. Sediment coring demonstrates a laterally transgressing Mississippi River system deposited coarse sandy ridges and clay-filled swales underneath a surface horizon comprised of variously coarse to medium-fine sediment originating from generalized overbank flooding. In some instances, flood-borne sediments were found on mound flanks, indicating that at times river-based flooding may have interrupted mound construction. Sediment coring and trench excavation also demonstrate that Carson’s Mound D was built in four stages, with Stages II and III comprising the major stages of earth moving. Excavations on the mound summit reveal evidence of several superimposed structures that were burned in place and likely used for the production of stone, shell, and wooden craft items, perhaps related to Mississippi Ideational Interaction Sphere (MIIS) paraphernalia. Here we describe recent investigations at Carson and present preliminary findings; forthcoming publications will emphasize strategies of power, monumentality, craft production, and Mississippian exchange systems.  相似文献   
In this article, a Simulink simulation block with the finite element function is developed on the basis of S-function and implemented as the numerical substructure of real-time dynamic hybrid testing. Thereby, a real-time dynamic hybrid testing system coupling finite element calculation and shaking table testing is achieved. Using the developed system, a shear frame mounted on the soil foundation is tested, in which the shear frame is simulated as the physical model and the foundation is simulated as the finite element model with 132 degrees of freedom. Several cases of the dynamic behavior of soil-structure interaction are studied.  相似文献   
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