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ABSTRACT. This paper introduces the household interactive variable input-output (HIVIO) model to measure the effect of cost variation on industrial outputs. The model produces a variety of cost elasticities that separate out impacts on industrial prices, imports, and outputs, with “own” and “cross” elasticity components. Like the conventional input-output multipliers, these cost elasticities can be useful parameters to evaluate the substituting behavior of firms and consumers. By using the 1980 Korean input-output transactions table, we find the wage and import price effects on industrial prices, outputs, and import demands.  相似文献   
The Multiregional Variable Input-Output (MRVIO) model is introduced to measure the development impact of a transportation system. The MRVIO model is a theoretically flexible, computationally simple, and cost-responsive model. Under the MRVIO model, regional input-output coefficients, trade coefficients, and trade flows become cost responsive and easy to compute. The MRVIO model is employed to measure the development impact of the Arkansas waterway during the period of 1974 to 1978. In the study, the U.S. economy is disaggregated into 3 regions and 35 industrial sectors. The MRVIO model estimates the economic conditions of these 3 regions with and without the waterway in terms of industrial output, income, employment, and trade flows.  相似文献   

This paper’s main focus is the case of the killing of Chinese citizen Liu Ziran by the American soldier Robert G. Reynolds in Taipei on March 20, 1957. Following this unfortunate event, a United States court-martial was inappropriately held in Taiwan. Reynolds’ acquittal provoked a violent response from the Chinese people. The riot on May 24, 1957, is best interpreted within a framework of nationalism rather than Cold War discourse. That same year, in the Girard case, another American soldier killed a Japanese woman in Japan. Due to the unequal positions of Taiwan and Japan in US Cold War strategy, these two killings were handled differently and led to dissimilar reactions. Washington viewed Taipei as somewhat of a troublemaker rather than a reliable ally and expressed great suspicion of Chiang Kai-shek and his eldest son, Chiang Ching-kuo. The US government had already declined to support Chiang Kai-shek’s plan for parachute raids in China. Meanwhile, Chiang’s authoritarian regime created a hotbed for the outbreak of nationalism. The people of Taiwan experienced a “pawn complex” and, in the Reynolds case, gave vent to accumulated ideological and social pressures.  相似文献   
明代军民、武官通过捐纳升除武职,称为"纳级",始行于正统四年.明中期以后,朝廷为弥补财政匮乏而频繁开纳,又出现T加纳世袭、纳赀免比试、幕兵升级等形式,所需财物数量则随武官地位的下降而减少.嘉靖中叶以前,纳级主要得虚衔,对武官铨选影响较小.明后期,纳级已是武官四大来源之一,朝廷陆续出台了一系列任用纳级武官规范,对铨选产生较大影响.纳级对打破资格,招徕无缘世职或难中武举的牵杰之士有积极作用,但整个官僚系统的腐败使纳级所能发挥的积极作用非常有限,实际上加剧了军队的腐败和铨选制度的败坏.  相似文献   
Tobler’s first law of geography is widely recognized as reflecting broad empirical realities in geography. Its key concepts of “near” and “related” are intuitive in a univariate setting. However, when moving to the joint consideration of spatial patterns among multiple variables, the combination of attribute similarity and geographical similarity that underlies the concept of spatial autocorrelation is much harder to deal with. This article uses the notion of distance in multiattribute space to explore and visualize the connection between “near” and “related” in a multivariate context. We approach this from a global, local, and regional perspective. We outline a number of ways to combine different visualization techniques and introduce a new local neighbor match test for multivariate local clusters. We illustrate the methods by means of Guerry’s classic data set on moral statistics in 1833 France.  相似文献   
艾冲 《西夏研究》2020,(1):64-68
"同城"是唐代前期河西节度使司驻防区北缘的重要边疆驻防城之一。唐代河西节度使司北部的同城位于"合黎山峡口"东北一千里、居延海西南方的"居延水两汊中",即今内蒙古自治区额济纳旗达来呼布镇南偏东的马圈城古城。无论是"同城镇"时期,还是"安北府"时期,或"同城守捉"时期,抑或"宁寇军"时期,同城作为北部边疆西段的战略支撑点之一,始终保持着拱卫河西、进取漠北的军事政治地位。构成其战略地位的决定性因素包括三方面:宏观的流沙地貌条件限制、居延绿洲农牧经济的支持和南北东西交通要冲的节点。  相似文献   
杨焄 《文献》2006,(2):129-134
有明一代,关于《诗经》的研究专著多达六百余种,但长期以来,学者对此多持否定态度,鲜有深入研究分析者.这一现象直至近年以来方逐步得到改观,尤其是2001年商务印书馆出版了刘毓庆先生的大作《从经学到文学--明代《诗经》学史论》,在充分吸取前人研究成果的基础上,全面系统地梳理了明代《诗经》学发展的脉络,发幽起潜,厥功至伟.但由于资料条件所限,其中一些论述尚有补充或商榷的余地.  相似文献   
Xiao Chong 《收藏家》2008,(10):85-90
享有“波希米亚宝石”之誉的布拉格城建于九世纪中叶,位于伏尔塔瓦河西岸的赫瑞迪坎尼山丘上。之后经过多次扩建,至十四世纪形成今天的规模。1918年,布拉格成为独立的捷克斯洛伐克共和国的首都。1948年,布拉格国立美术馆(National Gallery in Prague)正式成立。  相似文献   
岐山孔头沟遗址田野考古工作的理念与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种建荣  雷兴山 《文博》2008,(5):28-31
本文简要介绍了孔头沟遗址2006-2008年度田野考古的工作理念与方法.为揭示该遗址商周时期的聚落结构并判断其聚落性质,进而从考古学角度探讨聚落所反映的社会历史,考古队根据遗址保存状况及现实条件,设计并实施了调查、勘探与发掘的具体目标与工作方法,力争在短周期内最大限度地获取孔头沟聚落的系统信息.有关工作理念与方法,或可为同类田野工作提供积极的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
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