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The Naples Yellow pigment was apparently used for the first time by the Egyptians, as a glass‐colouring agent. Also known in the Mesopotamian and Roman cultures, the recipe was lost in Western Europe between the fourth and the 16th centuries ad . The recipe for the production of lead antimonate recently discovered in the ‘Codice Calabranci’ (second half of the 15th century) at Montelupo, a small town near Florence (Italy) known for its large‐scale ceramic production, possibly represents the very first evidence of the reintroduction of Naples Yellow in Western Europe after a long period of absence. The major‐element composition of the lead antimonate pigment in the Montelupo ceramics of the 15th and 16th centuries is in accordance with the ‘Codice Calabranci’ recipes. Lead isotope analyses indicate that the lead used to produce the yellow pigments and the underlying glaze of the Montelupo majolica did not come from the Tuscan mining districts, but was possibly imported via Venice from more distant lead sources in Turkey.  相似文献   
Résumé  Près de quatre-vingt ans se sont écoulés depuis que Lucien Febvre a pris part à la première Semaine de synthèse, consacrée à la Civilisation. Le mot et l’idée. Avec le succès du ? choc ? de Samuel Huntington et le 11 septembre 2001, l’attaque terroriste des Twin Towers, l’usage du terme s’est largement diffusé. On rencontre ainsi toujours plus fréquemment le couple de concepts: civilisation et barbarie. La civilisation est déclinée au singulier, selon un ethnocentrisme exclusif et chargé de tendances antagonistes. Aujourd’hui ce cadre de réfexion s’est non seulement compliqué mais il est devenu confus. Dès lors une clarification est indispensable. Il convient, par conséquent, de poser ce problème et de saisir le terme de ? civilisation ? entre singulier et pluriel.
Civiltà, Dal Singolare al Plurale Riflessioni attuali in occasione della traduzione italiana di Civilisation. Le Mot et l’idée (1930)
Riassunto  Sono trascorsi quasi ottanta anni, da quando Lucien Febvre ha partecipato alla prima Semaine de synthèse, su Civilisation. Le mot et l’idée. Con la fortuna dello ? shock ? di Samuel Huntington e l’11 settembre 2001, l’attacco terroristico alle Twin Towers, si è diffuso l’uso del termine. Sempre più si propone la coppia di concetti: civiltà e barbarie. E declinata, la civiltà, al singolare, secondo un etnocentrismo escludente e gravido di tendenze antagonistiche. Oggi che il quadro si è non solo complicato, ma soprattutto confuso, il chiarimento è indispensabile. è perciò da quella impostazione che occorre prendere le mosse, di comprendere la voce ? civiltà ? dal singolare al plurale.

Vittorio Dini è professore di storia del pensiero politico e direttore del dipartimento di sociologia e scienza della politica presso l’università di Salerno (via Ponte don Melillo, I-84 084 Fisciano, Salerno, dini@unisa.it). Dirige la collana ?Civiltà? presso l’editore Colonnese di Napoli e ha pubblicato, segnatamente, una edizione italiana di Condorcet, Riflessioni sulla schiavitù dei negri (Napoli, Colonnese, 2003); un saggio ?Il Mediterraneo e le civiltà. Le storie; la storia? à in corso di stampa in una miscellanea per Augusto Placanica (Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino).  相似文献   

This article considers the works of Simone Weil and Marguerite Duras as witnesses and narrators of the events of the Second World War. Their two perspectives offer a first, original reflection by women intellectuals on war and violence based on direct involvement. Simone Weil construed her idea of ‘force’ from her first-hand experience of the Spanish Civil War and her participation in the French Resistance, in London. Marguerite Duras offered her personal testimony of war violence (in the French Resistance, in France) intertwining fiction and reality, wavering together autobiography and invention. Duras, in the contrary, tried to represent the unrepresentable by connecting her personal to a collective trauma.  相似文献   
Treaties on the reason of State have made their contribution in making obsolete the ideal model of the platonic state, the naturalistic Aristotelian model and the theological natural law model of the “respublica christiana”. Together with Machiavellism, the doctrine of reason of State has firmly established the modern distinction of politics and morals and has created an authentic pedagogy of the art of government. It represents an intrinsic element of the myth of the modern State, with characters of universality functioning in the social and individual disciplining — despite the limits and the contradictions which even the form of political myth is incapable of concealing: crisis and war (civil and among nations).  相似文献   
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