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The paper examines the significance of state territoriality and the related multi‐scalar practices of the state in the light of the symptoms of post‐politics exemplified in global environmental governance. The focus rests on the South Korean government's Green Growth (GG) strategy and the efforts to export this strategy as a role model to emerging economies worldwide through the establishment of the Global Green Growth Institute. We begin with the question why the Korean government is going global with a political program that is heavily disputed at home. We then study the practices by which the state manages to maintain its territoriality under the conditions of global climate change. Lastly, we discuss how multi‐scalar practices of environmental governance in the GG strategy are applied by state and non‐state actors both in Korea and abroad.  相似文献   
Regional economic development competition can be inefficient and destructive because decisions by one governmental unit can impose both externalities on its neighbors. Collaborative networks of multiple stakeholders within and across jurisdictions are an increasingly crucial component of regional economic development. In this article, we focus on the emergence of voluntary and self‐organizing network relationships among local governments to address economic development concerns. The motivations and decisions of local actors play a critical role in shaping and implementing regional collaboration. On a micro level, the collaboration choices are shaped by three primary factors: the transaction costs reflected in the configuration of relationships in which an actor is embedded; the organizational similarities (homophily); and the resource dependencies that shape the local actors' preferences for forming relationships with other specific actors. We utilize an exponential random graph model (ERGM) to test hypotheses regarding the most prominent observed patterns of network relationships within and across different organizational sectors. The results demonstrate that both reciprocity and social clustering structures are preferred by both government and nongovernment organizations. These results suggest that interorganizational collaboration for economic development requires more than simple exchange relationships. Rather, network actors may be better served by participating in a densely clustered network that is capable of maintaining credible commitments to collective solutions.  相似文献   
Ce travail porte sur I'extension géographique des orts-teins au Québec et vise à déterminer les causes de leur répartition principalement pour la Côte-Nord du Saint-Laurent. Les données ont été puisées en partie dans des rapports pédologiques publiés sur le Québec, mais aussi observées dans des sites d'échantillonnage sur la Côte-Nord du Saint-Laurent, l'île d'Anticosti et en Gaspésie. Par ailleurs, pour les datations au 14C, six sites d'echantillonnage ont été choisis sur la Côte-Nord. Les résultats indiquent que les ortsteins se développent sous toutes les latitudes au sud de 55e parallèle et sous différentes conditions physiographiques et géologiques. On les retrouve aussi bien sur des silts sableux que sur des graviers grossiers et leur présence est favorisée lorsqu'il y a fluctuation de la nappe d'eau. Les datations au 14C ont donné des âges relativement jeunes pour les ortsteins, soit moins de 420 ans bp, indiquant qu'il y a une migration active de la matière organique dans les horizons concrétionnés. The present paper concerns the geographic delimitation of ortsteins in Québec and deals with the causes of their distribution mainly for the North Shore of the St. Lawrence River. Data was gathered in part in published geological reports in Quebec, and also acquired in the field along the North Shore of the St. Lawrence River, Anticosti Island, and in the Gaspé Peninsula. Furthermore, six study sites were selected for dating by 14C along the North Shore. Results indicate the ortsteins develop under all latitudes south of the 55th parallel and under different physiographic and geological conditions. They can be found on both sandy silts and coarse gravels, and their presence is enhanced whenever the water level fluctuates. 14C datings give relatively young ages for ortsteins, less than 420 years BP, indicating that an active migration of organic matter occurred in the indurated horizons.  相似文献   
The Late Cambrian trilobite genus Hamashania Kobayashi, 1942a has hitherto been poorly understood and is herein revised based on well-preserved specimens from Korea. Platysaukia Kobayashi, 1960 and Goumenzia Guo & Duan, 1978 are treated as junior synonyms of Hamashania. Hamashania comprises only two species, H. pulchera Kobayashi, 1942a and Pterocephalus busiris Walcott, 1905, and is restricted to North Chinaand Korea. The new genus Pacootasaukia is proposed to accommodate the Australian species Platysaukia jokliki Shergold, 1991 as type species, and Platysaukia tomichi Shergold, 1991, which are so distinct that they cannot be included within Hamashania. The generic concept of Mareda Kobayashi, 1942b, which was often confused with Hamashania, is confined to the type material.  相似文献   
Summer streamflow is a vital water resource for municipal and domestic water supplies, irrigation, salmonid habitat, recreation, and water‐related ecosystem services in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) in the United States. This study detects significant negative trends in September absolute streamflow in a majority of 68 stream‐gauging stations located on unregulated streams in the PNW from 1958 to 2008. The proportion of March streamflow to annual streamflow increases in most stations over 1,000 m elevation, with a baseflow index of less than 50, while absolute March streamflow does not increase in most stations. The declining trends of September absolute streamflow are strongly associated with seven‐day low flow, January–March maximum temperature trends, and the size of the basin (19–7,260 km2), while the increasing trends of the fraction of March streamflow are associated with elevation, April 1 snow water equivalent, March precipitation, center timing of streamflow, and October–December minimum temperature trends. Compared with ordinary least squares (OLS) estimated regression models, spatial error regression and geographically weighted regression (GWR) models effectively remove spatial autocorrelation in residuals. The GWR model results show spatial gradients of local R 2 values with consistently higher local R 2 values in the northern Cascades. This finding illustrates that different hydrologic landscape factors, such as geology and seasonal distribution of precipitation, also influence streamflow trends in the PNW. In addition, our spatial analysis model results show that considering various geographic factors help clarify the dynamics of streamflow trends over a large geographical area, supporting a spatial analysis approach over aspatial OLS‐estimated regression models for predicting streamflow trends. Results indicate that transitional rain–snow surface water‐dominated basins are likely to have reduced summer streamflow under warming scenarios. Consequently, a better understanding of the relationships among summer streamflow, precipitation, snowmelt, elevation, and geology can help water managers predict the response of regional summer streamflow to global warming. Patrones espaciales de las tendencias de los caudales de marzo y septiembre en el Pacífico Noroccidental. Los caudales (streamflows) de verano son recursos hídricos vitales para el abastecimiento de agua municipal y domestico así como para el riego agrícola, el hábitat de los salmónidos, la recreación, y para varios servicios de los ecosistemas en el Pacífico Noroccidental (Pacific Nortwest‐PNW) de los Estados Unidos. Este estudio identifica tendencias negativas considerables en los caudales absolutos de septiembre en la mayoría de las 68 estaciones de medición situadas en ríos y arroyos no regulares del PNW entre 1958 y 2008. La proporción del caudal de marzo con respecto al caudal anual aumenta en la mayoría de las estaciones situadas a más de 1000 metros de altitud, que tienen un índice de caudal base (base flow index‐BFI) de menos de 50, pero se mantiene estable en el resto (la mayoría) de las estaciones. Las tendencias decrecientes de los caudales absolutos de septiembre están fuertemente asociadas con el caudal mínimo para siete días (seven‐day low), con las tendencias de temperatura máxima entre enero y marzo, y con el tamaño de la cuenca (19‐7,260 km2). Las tendencias crecientes de la proporción del caudal total correspondiente a marzo están asociadas con la elevación, con un equivalente a agua de la nieve de abril (one April snow wáter equivalent ‐SWE), con la precipitación de marzo, el center timing (TC) de los caudales, y con las tendencias de temperatura mínima entre octubre y diciembre. En comparación con los estimados de modelos de regresión de tipo mínimos cuadrados ordinarios (ordinary least squares‐OLS), los modelos de regresión de error espacial (spatial error regression‐SER) y de regresión ponderada geográficamente (geographically weighted regression‐GWR) eliminan eficazmente la autocorrelación espacial en los residuos. Los resultados del modelo GWR producen mapas con gradientes espaciales donde los valores de los R2 locales son consistentemente más altos en las cascadas del norte. Este resultado pone de manifiesto que diferentes factores hidrológicos del paisaje, tales como la geología y la distribución estacional de la precipitación, también influyen en las tendencias de los caudales en el PNW. Adicionalmente, los resultados del modelo de análisis espacial muestran que la inclusión de diversos factores geográficos ayuda a aclarar la dinámica de las tendencias de los caudales en un área geográfica grande, corroborando la mayor utilidad de modelos con enfoque de espacial sobre modelos. Los resultados indican también que en cuencas transicionales (entre lluvia y nieve) donde predominan las aguas superficiales existe una probabilidad más alta de reducccion de caudal de verano en el contexto de escenarios de calentamiento. En consecuencia, una mejor comprensión de las relaciones entre caudal de verano, la precipitación, el derretimiento de nieve, la elevación y la geología puede ayudar a los gestores del agua a predecir la respuesta de los caudales de verano en un escenario de calentamiento global. 夏季径流是美国太平洋西北部地区(PNW)市政与居民水供应、灌溉、鱼类栖息、娱乐及水相关生态系统服务的重要来源。本研究通过1958–2008年PNW地区68个地理位置上未调节的径流测量站分析揭示出九月绝对径流量与该地区水来源呈显著的负相关趋势。三月径流占年际径流量的比例在大多数海拔超过1000米的地区是增加的,然而大多数地区基本径流指数(BFI)少于50,表明三月绝对径流量在多数地区并没有增加。九月绝对径流量的下滑趋势与年均为期7天的低流量,1月–3月最大温度趋势及流域面积(19–7,260 km2)呈强相关性,而三月绝对径流量微量增加的趋势则与海拔高度,四月一日的雪水当量(SWE),三月降水,径流中心时序(CT)和十月至十二月最小温度趋势相关。与OLS(普通最小二乘法估计)回归模型相比,空间滞后回归(SER)和地理加权回归模型(GWR)能有效剔除空间自相关的残差而更有效。GWR结果显示局部R2值在空间上渐变梯度,并且在北美洲喀斯喀特山脉(Cascade):北部地区高于其他地区。该发现表明不同水文景观因子,如地质、降水的季节分布,也会对PNW的径流趋势产生影响。另外,我们的空间分析模型结果显示,考虑多种地理因素可解析大面积的地理区域中径流量空间分布趋势的动力机制, 为预测径流趋势提供一种优于OLS空间估计回归模型的空间分析方法。结果表明气候变暖背景下,季节性降水、地表水主导的流域极可能减少夏季径流量。因此,更好地理解夏季径流量与降水、融雪水、海拔和地质的关系,可帮助水资源管理者预测区域夏季径流对全球变暖的响应。  相似文献   
EVELINE CRUICKSHANKS, ed. Ideology and Conspiracy: Aspects of Jacobitism, 1689–1759. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1982. Pp. xi, 231. $31.50 (US). Reviewed by Roger L. Emerson

JAMES PINCKNEY HARRISON. The Endless War: Fifty Years of Struggle in Vietnam. New York: The Free Press, 1981. Pp. xii, 372. $17.95 (US). Reviewed by P.J. Honey

J. ROBERT WRIGHT. The Church and the English Crown, 1305–1334: A Study based on the Register of Archbishop Walter Reynolds. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies 1980. Pp. xix, 472, $27.00 paper. Reviewed by Robert Brentano

TORGIL, MAGNUSON. Rome in the Age of Bernini. Vol. I : From the election of Sixtus V to the death of Urban VIII, translated by Nancy Adler. Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksell International, and N.J.: Humanities Press, 1982. Pp. ix, 388, $45 (US). Reviewed by Paul F. Grendler

BRUCE CUMINGS. The Origins of the Korean War: Liberation and the Emergence of Separate Regimes 1945–1947. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. 606. $40.00 (US); $14.50 (US) paper. Reviewed by Tae Jin Kahng

STEFANOS SARAFIS. ELAS: Greek Resistance Army. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1981. Pp. civ, 566. $26.25 (US); LAWRENCE S. WTTTNER. American Intervention in Greece, 1943–1949. New York: Columbia University Press, 1982. Pp. xiv, 445. $19.95 (US). Reviewed by Dimitri Kitsikis

ANDREW ROSSOS. Russia and the Balkans: Inter-Balkan Rivalries and Russian Foreign Policy 1908–1919. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981. Pp. xiii. 313. $35.00. Reviewed by Hugh Seton-Watson

JOHN MEYENDORFF. Byzantium and the Rise of Russia: A Study of Byzantino-Russian relations in the fourteenth century. Cambridge, London, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xxi, 326. $69.50 (US). Reviewed by N. Oikonomides

THOMAS C. OWEN. Capitalism and Politics in Russia. A Social History of the Moscow Merchants, 1855–1905. London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xi, 295. $35.00 (US). Reviewed by John F. Hutchinson

G. DANIELS (ed.). A Guide to the Reports of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Royal Historical Society Guides and Handbooks 12. London, 1981. Pp. xxvi, 115. £12.00. Reviewed by R.J. Overy

LOUIS L. SNYDER. Global Mini-Nationalisms: Autonomy or Independence. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982. Pp. xvii, 326. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by Allan C. Smith

PAUL HAGGIE. Britannia at Bay: The Defence of the British Empire Against Japan 1931–41. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981. Pp. xii, 264. $59.95. Reviewed by Raymond Callahan

DAVID REYNOLDS. The Creation of the Anglo-American Alliance 1937–41: A Study in Competitive Co-operation. London: Europa Publications Limited, 1981. Pp. xiv, 397. £20.00. Reviewed by Ernest Gilman

DONALD S. BIRN. The League of Nations Union: 1918–1945. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981. Pp. vi, 269. £69.50. Reviewed by George Egerton  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore the British government’s perception of the role of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as a method of strengthening cohesion amongst the Commonwealth community, and in particular delves into the constitutional and diplomatic challenges that the British government faced in its attempt to utilise the Judicial Committee in order to maintain close ties with its former Southeast Asian colonies in the 1960s. Suggestions were made by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Privy Council Office from the mid-1960s that newly-independent republics such as Singapore and Malaysia should be allowed to send its citizens to London as members of the Judicial Committee in order to dilute the prejudice against the Committee as a remnant of colonial rule. However, the proposals were rejected by the Lord Chancellor’s Office on the grounds that Asian judges were of insufficient calibre to sit as members of the Judicial Committee, and that citizens of republics were unable to swear an oath of loyalty to the British monarch as was required for all Privy Counsellors. The Privy Council Office were of the opinion that a new system could be introduced whereby the Judicial Committee member would not have to be a fully-fledged Privy Counsellor and therefore would not have to swear the oath, while the Commonwealth Secretariat put forward its argument that Asian judges were good enough to ensure standards of the Judicial Committee would not be lowered. However, the Lord Chancellor’s Office argued that such non-Privy Counsellors would only be ‘second-class’ constituents of the Judicial Committee whose rulings would be unacceptable to countries such as Australia and instead proposed the creation of a Commonwealth Court of Appeal which the Foreign Office deemed unrealistic. In the end, no judges from the Asian republics were allowed sit on the Judicial Committee, resulting in Malaysia and Singapore abolishing their appeals to the Judicial Committee in 1984 and 1994 respectively.  相似文献   
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