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Eight discs, largely concavo-convex in shape and decorated with a symmetrical rosette pattern, were recovered from Tomb I during excavations. A similar undecorated concavo-convex disc was also found. The following paper presents the results of the typological examination of the objects, with the materials and manufacturing techniques published elsewhere in this volume. These discs are widely recognised in southeastern Arabia, with parallels suggesting a predominantly Iron Age date.  相似文献   
This article examines Fred Halliday's research and writing on the politics of the Middle East. It classifies Halliday as a ‘high modernist’, who organized his work around a constant commitment to a universal rationality, historical progress and an opposition to relativism and a particularist reading of the Middle East. The article identifies the two dominant units of analysis that shaped Halliday's work on the region throughout his life. These were the transformative capacity of capitalism and the role of a comparatively autonomous state. The article then examines how the content of each unit was transformed as Halliday moved from an overt Marxism to a more diffuse liberalism. It then goes on to argue that Halliday's ideological affinities and his deployment of these units marginalized the role and importance of ideology, specifically both nationalism and Islamism. Finally, it traces the influence of this approach and the deployment of these units in Halliday's work on Iran, Iraq and the Arab–Israeli conflict.  相似文献   
Satellite imagery from the Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) was analysed for Montreal, Quebec. From this imagery, regional metropolitan maps of day/night surface temperatures are produced for an area of approximately 104km2. With the implementation of a surface energy budget model coupled with the satellite data, maps of non-radiative transfers (sensible and latent energy), along with surface properties (moisture availability and thermal inertia), are produced. Regional land surface cover maps are also constructed and then compared with energy exchange patterns. The visual spatial correlation indicates the dominant role that urbanization plays on modifying local climate. In addition, spatial patterns of thermal inertia and moisture availability can now be produced directly from satellite dated rather than being inferred from land-use maps or other planning data. With this development, a data base of urban surface properties can he compiled for climatic impact purposes/i>. Des images satellites provenant du Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) furent analysées pour Montréal, Québec. Àl'aidedeces images, des cartes métropolitaines régionales de températures de surface nuit/jour furent produites pour une superficie approximative de 104 km2. A partir d'un modèle de bilan énergitique de surface couplé aux données satellites, des cartes d'échanges d'énergie (énergie latente et sensible) furent produites, tenant compte des propriétés recontrées en surface (hum-idité disponsible et inertie thermique). Des cartes régionales de la couverture terrestre en surface furent également construites puis comparées avec celles des échanges d'énergie. Une corrélation spatiale visuelle indique le rôle dominant que joue l'urbanisation dans la modification des climats locaux. De plus, la configuration spatiale de l'inertie thermique et de I'humidité dkponible peut maintenant être produite directement a partir de données satellites. ll n'est plus nécessaire d'estimer la configuration à partir des cartes d'utilisation du sol ou en employant d'autres procédés semblables. Avec cette méthode, on peut assembler une banque de données des propriétés rencontrées en surface urbaine pour des fins d'analyses d'impacts climatiques.  相似文献   
This article argues that American policy towards Iraq went through four major shifts between the invasion in 2003 and the announcement of the surge in 2007. The best way to understand the Bush administration's evolving policy towards Iraq is by examining the ideological parameters within which it was made. The article assesses various approaches to understanding the relationship between ideology, policy making and foreign policy, concluding that ideology shapes the paradigm and analytical categories within which foreign policy is made. A major change in foreign policy originates either from the decision‐maker consciously recognizing and attempting to rework the ideational parameters within which policy is made or in reaction to ‘discrepant information’ or ‘anomalies’ that destabilize the paradigm and its analytical categories. The article goes on to examine the extent to which both neo‐liberalism and neo‐conservatism shaped George W. Bush's foreign policy. It identifies a series of major analytical categories that originate from within these two doctrines and shaped policy towards Iraq. The article argues that the four major shifts in Bush's policy towards Iraq were forced upon the administration by the rising tide of politically motivated violence. Ultimately this violence forced Bush to abandon the major analytical categories that, up to 2007, had given his policy coherence. In order to extricate his administration from the quagmire that Iraq had become by 2006, Bush totally transformed his approach, dropping the previously dominant neo‐liberal paradigm and adopting a counter‐insurgency doctrine.  相似文献   
S-305 is the worked remnant of one half of a spiny oyster which exhibits drill marks consistent with single and double dot-in-circle motifs. The object is briefly described with a view to determining its function. The manufacturing marks are analysed elsewhere in this volume by Katia Davis.  相似文献   
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