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This article presents a study of the micropolitics of dispossession for a proposed medium‐sized irrigation project in an Adivasi region of Central India. The article explores the complex micropolitics of dispossession and collective action in the project planning stage, long before the formal processes of land acquisition actually begin. It highlights the importance of training the researchers’ gaze on the functioning of the local state in the pre‐acquisition phase. It shows how the local state uses various powers of exclusion to fracture emerging cross‐class, multi‐caste alliances, while maintaining formal compliance with a range of social safeguard policies aimed at protecting vulnerable groups and fragile landscapes. The ‘everyday’ decisions of local state actors during the project planning stage produce site‐specific, differentiated and shifting matrices of risks and opportunities for the local people, who are already divided along class and caste lines. This, in turn, is likely to inform their political responses at the actual moment of enclosure. Thus the durability and success of anti‐dispossession collective action is likely to vary depending on the dynamic interactions of local state and non‐state actors, mediated by regional electoral politics and the overall safeguard policy regime governing land acquisition.  相似文献   
本文从西方学者们对收藏在各大博物馆和私人手里的成化和正德时期的数组风格相似、并有明确汉藏文题记的唐卡的研究成果入手,厘清了迄今为止各种学术观点的对与错,并在此基础上,综合性地提出了自己的观点,指出汉藏艺术风格(或藏汉艺术风格)从明初以来到明正德时期衰变的过程,不仅是此前相关研究的盘点和总结,而且推进了此研究向深度和广度的进一步发展。  相似文献   
新中国诞生后,百废待兴。冀朝鼎在帝国主义实施禁运和经济封锁的困难面前,积极探索中国外经贸的新体制,加强外汇管理,以灵活的外交,与11个国家签定了外贸协定,还成功地与日本、英国等未建交国家进行“民间贸易”.打破西方列强的孤立政策.开创了中国对外交往与贸易的新局面。  相似文献   
The International Shugden Community organized a protest for religious freedom in Italy on June 14th and 15th at the Modigliani forum. I was fortunate to attend this protest organized by the International Shugden Community and 500 other supporters from 15 to 20 countries to ask the Dalai Lama to stop lying and allow religious freedom to all.  相似文献   
本文主要目的为重新对元代初期之书画鉴赏家及收藏家汤生平之考证及与其同时文人往来之情形。因此,本文除了藉用地方志、文集、诗集及书画题跋等为佐证之外,同时也将汤父亲汤炳龙之背景,与其他宋末元初文人、画家之交往,及对汤仕途之影响作进一步研究。本论文之结论则定汤约生于1250年代中期,而卒于1310年代中期;乃确定汤活跃于元代初期,且旅居杭州多年,最后移居且卒于北京。汤撰有二书,现仅存《画鉴》一书。此书对了解元初绘画发展及收藏品味具有重要贡献。  相似文献   
According to the older generation,the sun in winter has its own master,in particularly in Tibet.This is a good season to enjoy drinking tea while basking in sunlight and listening to stories.In the winter of 2009,I made an appointment with Tsering,Lhadon,Mr.Liu and Mr. Qian who had all previously served with the Lhasa Transportation Company.We sat together in the garden of the former transportation company chatting in the sun about the life of drivers who we called the True men of Tibet or Emperors behin...  相似文献   
本文梳理了吴伟的生平及其艺术成就,强调了其才华出众、放纵不羁的个性。进而探讨其作为宫廷画家倍受成化、弘治帝宠遇的原因,特别指出围绕吴伟一生的好运及其个人的魅力与浙派兴衰的息息相关。最后提示吴伟粗放纵肆的画风与古代文献记载是相符合的。  相似文献   
Whenever speaking of the wines of ethnic Tibet, people may firstly think of the Tibetan word Chang - barley wine. Though there is no clear record in the literature of the history of the brewing industry in Tibet,  相似文献   
The uphill battle for religious freedom
Not from any particular government, but this time it is from the Dalai Lama himself who personally claims to be a champion of religious freedom. Yet he only champions those who follow him, anyone else is persecuted and segregated.  相似文献   
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