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盲目扩大规模导致失利我们公司在2006年迎来了家族创业的第121个年头和企业创办的第51个年头。父亲当年为了帮助家族的事业,不得不提前结束学业,眼含着泪水告别了夜校。而且,26岁那年又失去了父亲,在没有人力、物力、财力支援的情况下,凭着一股干劲,企业现在已经变成了拥有10家  相似文献   
This study reconstructs adult and subadult diets of a hunter-gatherer population of the Epi-Jomon culture (approximately 2300–1700 years BP) in Japan, using the stable isotopic analysis of carbon and nitrogen. The results suggest that the Usu-moshiri adults were highly dependent on marine resources such as seals for their dietary protein intake and that no significant dietary differences existed between the sexes. Among subadults we found two types of diet on the basis of different isotopic signatures. One group consisted of individuals with δ13C values below than those of the adult female mean minus two standard deviations and δ15N values lower than those of subadults in the other groups. These low-δ13C subadults indicated relatively less enriched δ15N values by 3.5 years of age at the latest. They probably consumed more 13C-depleted foods during weaning than in the ordinary adult diet. In the other high-δ13C group, their enriched δ15N values start to decline by four years of age and fall within the two-standard-deviations range of the total adult mean around five to six years of age. Isotopic values of children in this high-δ13C group suggest that they would have been fed ordinary adult diets during weaning. Perinates could also be divided into two groups on the basis of the similar patterns in their carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios. Our results indicate variabilities in the diets of subadults, and similar variabilities were also seen in ethnographic studies of the Ainu populations.  相似文献   
To assess the geomorphological importance of waterfall recession in volcanic bedrock, we examined recession rates of six waterfalls in the lower reaches of Kaminokawa river basin on the Osumi Peninsula in southern Kyushu. The examination was performed with an empirical equation that uses a dimensionless parameter obtained by dimensional analysis of relevant measured factors, including erosive force, size of waterfall, and bedrock resistance. Welded Ata ignimbrite, formed at approximately 110 ka, may have played an initiating role to maintain such waterfalls because it resists weathering more than other local rocks. Estimated recession rates for the six waterfalls range from 0.2 to 3.0 cm/y, which compare with estimated rates for waterfalls in another region characterised by welded ignimbrite. Comparison of equation‐derived recession rates of waterfalls with actual recession distances from confluences supports the idea that an original waterfall will subsequently split into two distinct waterfalls when it recesses past an upstream junction of two channels. Our findings revealed that all six waterfalls likely would have been at almost the same point lower in the watershed in the past, marking the general site of the original waterfall. Moreover, the ancestral original waterfall is highly likely to have started from a point between the caldera rim and present river mouth. There, a knickpoint was likely caused by the river dropping into an inner part of the caldera, possibly just after the eruption of the Ata ignimbrite. The waterfall erodes upstream away from the caldera basin, and this happens to be to the east.  相似文献   
This article describes the development of a GIS-based model of historical drought and population change in western Canada, designed to support qualitative field research into drought adaptation and migration. The model combines digitized census data and recently available modeled historical climate data at a 10 km2 grid cell scale and can be used to generate maps of ‘hotspots’ where historical declines in rural populations may be associated with extended periods of heat and lack of precipitation. The results suggest a promising avenue for expanding and refining GIS-based modeling of historical human–climate interactions to support qualitative research and to potentially serve as a stepping stone toward forecasting future risk areas of drought-related migration in continental dryland areas.  相似文献   
This article examines the reason why France granted independence to Morocco in the autumn of 1955, in comparison to Tunisian decolonisation. Morocco had been much less prepared for independence than Tunisia and many other British colonies in Africa, including Ghana, which were equipped with stable political institutions and local collaborators, but the country nonetheless gained independence earlier than they did. Paradoxically, the lack of collaborators, resulting from internal rivalries between the nationalists and dignitaries like the pashas, explains France's hasty recognition of Moroccan independence. By doing so, France aimed to make Mohammed V, the Moroccan Sultan, a viable collaborator and to preserve political unity under his leadership and French influence.  相似文献   
Rising inequality and polarization of employment earnings have been clearly documented in Canada and most other developed economies in the 1990s. Following a critical discussion of the use of the Cini coefficient as a measure of inequality in geography, the level of inequality and social polarization of household incomes at the census tract level is assessed for Canada's 22 largest Census Metropolitan Areas. The distribution of household income among metropolitan census tracts is generally becoming more unequal. In addition, the proportion of households in middle-income census tracts is declining in most metropolitan centres, lending further support to arguments that Canada's middle class is in decline .
L'augmentation des intégalité et la polarisation des revenus d'emploi a été clairement documentee au Canada et dans la plupart des autres pays industrialises durant les annees 90. Á la suite d'une discussion critique sur l'utilisation du coefficient Gini comme mesure d'inégalite en geographie, on evalue le niveau d'inegalitéet la polarisation sociale des revenus menagers au niveau du secteur de recensement pour les 22 plus grandes regions metropolitaines de recensement au Canada. La distribution du revenu des menages parmi les secteurs de recensement metropolitains devient en général plus idgale. De plus, le fait que la proportion des menages parmi les secteurs de recensement d revenus moyens est d la baisse dans la plupart des regions métropolitaines soutient l'idee que la classe moyenne est en diminution.  相似文献   
Two types of spatial heterogeneity can exist simultaneously: continuous variations across an entire space and significant changes that occur only in specific spatial units. Moreover, each of these can act across multiple spatial scales. To effectively detect both continuous and discrete spatial heterogeneity across different scales, this study proposes a novel approach that combines the random effects eigenvector spatially filtering-based spatially varying coefficient (RE-ESF-SVC) model and the generalized lasso (GL) technique. Additionally, a restricted maximum likelihood estimation (REML)-based two-step iterative algorithm is developed for parameter estimation. Simulation experiments and an empirical application using rental price data confirm the ability of the proposed model to identify multiscale continuous and discrete spatial heterogeneity.  相似文献   
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