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The period comprising the end of the Early Neolithic and the Middle Neolithic, dated broadly within the fifth millennium cal BC, corresponds to an interval that remains largely unknown in the extreme north-western tip of Africa. This situation contrasts with that of the Early Neolithic, a period characterised by the earliest evidence of the diffusion of a productive economy, cultivated plants and domestic animals. The paucity of data for these later phases can be explained in part by the lack of secure contexts and sequences based on radiocarbon datings of short-lived samples. The current study presents the results of the excavations of El-Khil Caves B and C that yield materials allowing re-evaluation of the chronology of a type of ceramic known as Ashakar ware. The study also identifies two traditions in the northern Moroccan Middle Neolithic. The first is heir to the so-called Impressa Mediterranean ware and rooted in the Cardial Neolithic, while the second is characterised by roulette cord impressions, red slip and tunnel lugs and probably rooted in the region of the Sahara, and has no technological precedents in the study area.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to characterize the original concrete from Roman buildings for public spectacles, theatre and amphitheatre, from Emerita Augusta, Mérida, Spain. An advanced knowledge of the Roman concrete composition is required for a reliable restoration and preservation of these ancient monuments. The concrete was studied through mineralogical (optical polarized microscopy and X-ray diffraction) and petrophysical (bulk and real density, open porosity to water and Hg, mechanical strength and ultrasonic velocity) analyses. With this work, it is possible to fill the gap that exists in this field and the characterization of the materials used in the Roman concrete from these two buildings, never previously studied, despite the significance of this archaeological ensemble, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993. The results allowed us to determine the composition of the Roman concrete and to infer the provenance of the aggregates used in these monuments.  相似文献   
The benefits of urban open spaces for improving the quality of life and sustainability in cities are widely recognized. The functions they perform within the framework established by urban planning, as well as their metrics, are now more complex than in the past. It is convenient to develop methodologies for the evaluation of these spaces adapted to the present time to check their level of efficiency, which is useful in urban planning for the establishment of new urban open spaces. The aim of this study is to classify such spaces through a methodology that integrates spatial analysis, configuration analysis, and decision support so as to understand their complexity from a more advanced analytical perspective. In order to do this, a prior exploration of specific literature is carried out, which allows the characterization of the functions of urban open spaces by means of the corresponding analysis variables in a weighted manner. The integrated combination of these advanced tools is a step forward in achieving consistent and detailed results for urban open spaces. They perform their functions best in dense, central, equipped, accessible, connected, and easily walkable urban environments. In addition, future recommendations are provided.  相似文献   
The emergence of capitalism in the peninsula of Yucatán is generally presented as a process resulting from the capitalization of the agricultural sector and the export of products from its sugar, cotton, and henequén plantations in the nineteenth century. In addition to these products, the peninsula also had a dynamic coastal economy in which the harvesting of salt and the extraction of logwood (Haematoxylum campechianum), played a major role and contributed to the flow of goods to international markets. We present a preliminary archaeological survey and historical documentation of El Real de Salinas, a salt-producing port on the north coast of Campeche, which was also involved in the extraction of other coastal products and closely linked to the inland plantation system.
Anthony P. AndrewsEmail:
This article addresses the meaning of community in an area of the ancient world that is normally seen to diverge from the paradigm of the Classical city‐state, by examining the role of sanctuaries in the articulation of identity and belonging. The focus is on Samnium (central Italy) in the last four centuries BC, where archaeological and historical evidence, including a wealth of recent discoveries, supports a dynamic view of a region that is traditionally associated with a cohesive ethnic group. Whilst it is true that the major sanctuary at Pietrabbondante fostered the construction of Samnite ethnic identity, this article highlights the importance of other types and levels of belonging in light of a broader range of cult sites. The concept of ‘nested identities’ (a scenario where individuals identify simultaneously with overlapping groups) can bring about a more nuanced view of how cult was used as a means to negotiate belonging on ethnic and non‐ethnic levels. I hope to show that local communities, and particularly the local elites, were able to function independently rather than simply as the building blocks of the Samnite ethnos.  相似文献   
The domes studied, widespread in a large area of the Mediterranean, constitute an architectural heritage of great value to the history of architecture and construction. They were all built using brick masonry and ceramic tile roofs. Restoration work has made it possible to define their geometry, including the construction layouts of the buildings. In addition, on inspection it can be seen that common construction problems tend to be located at specific critical points. The restoration process of different cases sharing the same methodology, construction criteria, and solutions is accurately described. Following international charters, there is minimal intervention and maximum respect for the original solutions, but also a carefully considered incorporation of new materials and technologies to improve the critical points.  相似文献   
The Israeli and Palestinian economies are asymmetrically interdependent. Some scholars argue that the Palestinian economy cannot be viable alone. Others believe that economic links with Israel will promote peace. Supporters of separation argue that these links distort Palestinian development. I show that the current interdependence is associated with a cyclical Israeli-Palestinian violence and Palestinian economic decline. Assuming that an independent Palestinian state forms in most of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, I argue that Israeli-Palestinian relations require economic separation to be stable. Economic separation will deteriorate Palestinian welfare in the short run. Policies to make it viable are considered.  相似文献   
Insbesondere in Zeiten knapper ?ffentlicher Finanzen haben Politik, Wirtschaft und Privathaushalte ein Interesse daran zu erfahren, ob die in zahlreichen F?rderprogrammen gebundenen Steuermittel effektiv, zielgenau und erfolgreich eingesetzt werden. über die Erfolgskontrolle von staatlichen Interventionsprogrammen hinaus werden zunehmend auch Institutionen, Instrumente und Beurteilungskriterien auf ihre Wirkung hin untersucht. Daher hat in jüngster Zeit nicht nur in den technischen Disziplinen, sondern auch in den planungsbezogenen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen verst?rkt die Diskussion um Evaluierungen, ihre wissenschaftliche Genauigkeit, gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz sowie politische Brisanz eingesetzt. Verb?nde und Einrichtungen versuchen, die wissenschaftlichen und ethischen Standards für die Evaluation zu verbessern und neue angepa?te Evaluationsrichtlinien zu entwickeln. Um so erstaunlicher ist es, da? bis heute kaum ein wirklicher Durchbruch einer ausgepr?gten Evaluationskultur in Deutschland zu erkennen ist. So gilt es zu fragen, welche Erfahrungen es in Deutschland diesbezüglich gibt, welche St?rken und Schw?chen sich in der Vergangenheit erkennen lie?en und welche Methoden angesichts ver?nderter Rahmenbedingungen bei welchen Problemstellungen geeignet sind. Schlie?lich empfiehlt es sich, auf die Erfahrungen anderer L?nder zu blicken, um zu lernen, wie wir eine neue Evaluationskultur entwickeln k?nnen. Die Begriffe Evaluation und Evaluierung werden in diesem Text synonym verwendet, wie es auch sonst üblich ist.  相似文献   
Over the last decade, a long-running archaeological project in the Guadalquivir Basin (Spain) has identified the emergence (c. 3000 BC) and collapse (between c. 2500 and c. 2300 BC) of a regional inter-settlement hierarchical system centred on the south-western Pyrite Belt and the Lower Guadalquivir Basin.  相似文献   
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