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The quick and accurate identification of post-earthquake rescue objects can minimize the casualties and property loss caused by earthquakes. With the rapid development of remote sensing technology, rescue objects can be identified through high-resolution remote sensing images. There are two main categories of approaches to identify rescue object through high-resolution images: automatic extraction by a computer and visual judgment by professionals. Although results can be obtained quickly by using automatic extraction, the accuracy of the results is unacceptably low. For visual judgment, the large demands for time and professionals restrict its wide practical application. In this study, we introduce crowdsourcing into the identification of post-earthquake rescue objects. First, we integrate the advantages of the computer and crowdsourcing, which means that the computer takes advantage of the speed of information processing, while crowdsourcing makes full use of human recognition capabilities. Second, we take visual judgment tasks out of the hands of professionals and entrust the tasks to workers in a crowdsourcing platform. Not only are the human resources infinite, but we can also improve the efficiency of identifying rescue objects. Third, we propose a crowdsourcing model that improves the quality of the results and saves human resources. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that our solution is feasible.  相似文献   
姜南 《安徽史学》2017,(1):46-54,129
在弓箭产生之前的原始社会,人类制造的石器工具不具备大规模改变生态环境的效能;人类最基本的食物获取方式采集与狩猎也不构成对生态环境的大规模破坏;人类和其他生物一起,维护着生态系统的和谐、稳定与美丽。尽管在文明程度方面原始社会无法同后来的文明时代相比,但是,同农业时代和工业时代人类对生态环境的大规模破坏,人类同大自然的日益疏离相比,原始社会在人类历史上具有无与伦比的生态保护价值,给文明时代人类极其重要的启迪,应该作为人类历史的宝贵财富加以珍视。  相似文献   

In December 1984, a private Japanese academic organization, the “Nanjing Incident Research Committee” (Nankin Jiken Chōsa Kenkyūkai), sent a survey team to visit Nanjing, with the aim of obtaining more evidence on the Nanjing Massacre to counter the internal debate within Japan. Through the coordination by the “Office of the Leading Team on History, Museums and Monuments for the Nanjing Massacre” during the visit, the survey team was able not only to gather historical materials, meet with survivors, and tour historical sites, but also to engage in exchanges with Nanjing researchers and students of Nanjing University. This visit to Nanjing further publicized Japan’s internal debate on the Nanjing Massacre in China, while also representing an unprecedented effort for collaboration between China and Japan in research on the Nanjing Massacre.  相似文献   
三代时期出土柄形玉器研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目次一柄形玉器的发现二柄形玉器的类型及其特征三关于柄形玉器的几个问题四结论夏商西周时期是中国玉器发展的成长阶段,随着各地之间的文化交流不断加强,玉器风格也趋于一致并不断创新。制玉工艺技术的进步大大提高了玉器制品的数量与质量,对后世影响深远的玉器礼制也完备于这一时期。柄形玉器是三代玉制品中出土数量最多的器形之一,大多呈扁平长条形,下端多有短而薄的榫,有的榫上有孔,由于用途不清楚,过去有人称之为琴拨、玉拨子。后来以其形似器柄  相似文献   
本以“信息”作为创新资源予以整合,诠释了现代酒店的信息管理(E)模式在网络时代的全新运作及其对传统酒店经营管理带来的新理念、新思考。  相似文献   
旗人对八旗制度的态度在八旗意识和八旗精神的形成中具有重要意义,它存在于八旗制度的形成、发展和完善的整个过程中,八旗制度的发展促进了旗人对八旗积极态度的形成,旗人对八旗制度的态度变化也对八旗制度的巩固和加强产生了决定性的影响.旗人对八旗制度的态度总体上经历了由服从到认同再到内化三个阶段.研究旗人对八旗制度的态度变化对目前的思想政治教育工作具有启示和借鉴作用.  相似文献   
黄定天  南慧英 《世界历史》2012,(2):15-23,156
1864年俄国远东地区出现了第一批朝鲜移民,此后,朝鲜人由于经济、政治等原因纷纷从海路、陆路向俄国移民。俄国对朝鲜移民的政策不仅受国家发展战略的影响,更受近代国际关系的制约。俄国对早期朝鲜移民的安置虽然遭到了朝鲜政府的谴责,俄国也担心边区被"朝鲜化",但为了开发广袤的远东,仍然对朝鲜移民采取了鼓励和支持的政策。此后,在东北亚各国力量此消彼长,以及世界大战爆发等国际关系因素的影响下,俄国对朝鲜移民的政策几经调整。其政策的变化体现了俄国以国家利益为中轴,相机而动的现实主义特性。  相似文献   
南晞 《收藏家》2011,(3):83-83
20世纪逝去的那辈书家里,陆维钊是值得特别关注的一位。首先他平生的志向不在书法或书法教育上,他有志于学术,但是事与愿违,老天爷最终派定给他的角色偏偏是书法家或书法教育家。陆维钊对此很无奈,晚年曾不止一次叹息"竟落得个这样的下场"。  相似文献   
刘楠 《丝绸之路》2011,(4):72-73
清代是笔记集大成的时代,其中历史琐闻类笔记更具代表性。但清人笔记因受文字狱的影响,多是颂圣,很少敢于批评政事。贵为满清皇族,但一生并不顺利的爱新觉罗.昭梿则在《啸亭杂录》中以严谨、畅达的文笔记载了清朝前期、中期的历史,内容涉及政治、经济、军事、文化、社会等各个方面,具有很高的研究价值。  相似文献   
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