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L'histoire des communautés italiennes du Nouveau Monde nous renvoie exactement l'image que nous aurions pu dessiner en analysant l'histoire de l'Italie. De fait, le processus de construction et celui ensuite de destruction d'un imaginaire italien unitaire sont les mêmes. Emilio Franzina a proposé de ne pas voir dans cet effet‐miroir le simple reflet de l'histoire nationale, mais, tout au contraire, d'y découvrir le rôle de l'émigration dans la construction de la nation italienne. Si les élites de la mère‐patrie proposèrent un modèle d’ “italianité” que les classes inférieures ne comprirent pas, l'émigration obligea celles‐ci à élaborer leur modèle d'unité linguistique et comportementale. Dans cette perspective, l'émigration devint un des éléments principaux de la construction d'un horizon culturel national en Italie : le retour de la moitié des immigrés qui rentrèrent avant la Première Guerre mondiale, ainsi que les voyages en Italie de ceux qui restèrent aux Amériques, contribuèrent à la “modernisation” politique et économique de leur réseau natal.  相似文献   
A high resolution geophysical survey was carried out in the archaeological site of Rossano di Vaglio (Basilicata Region, Southern Italy), where an important ancient sanctuary is located. It was built during the IV century B.C. and devoted to the goddess Mephitis. The sanctuary rises in an area affected by a multiple and retrogressive rototraslational landslide, historically and presently subject to reactivation. The main objective of this work was the identification of buried structures of archaeological interest in an area designated by the Archaeological Superintendence of the Basilicata Region. The study was performed by means of the use of high resolution geophysical surveys. In particular, we made use of the joint application of three highly sensitive and non-invasive geophysical techniques, namely the Geoelectrical, the Magnetic and the Ground Probing Radar (GPR) methodologies. In such a way, we obtained two important results: first, we provided the archaeologists with information about the limits of the areas to be excavated; second, we could verify in real time the reliability of the geophysical results. The experimental results showed four main magnetic anomalies in the area of study, in agreement with the GPR results obtained for the same target. Finally, a partial excavation test of the investigated area revealed a buried building structure, located in correspondence of an anomaly identified by means of the geophysical prospecting.  相似文献   
This article analyses how informal labourers fare under flexible labour markets and economic liberalization, through a case study of transport workers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It highlights the mainstream conceptualization of urban informality as self‐employment and its influence on policy. The article stresses the importance of class differentiation in the Dar es Salaam transport sector and the predominance of informal wage employment, the uneven degree of power commanded by bus owners vis‐à‐vis informal unskilled wage workers and the pernicious consequences of the lack of regulation of the employment relationship on the workforce itself and on society. It then interrogates the criminalization of the workforce and shows how labour over‐supply, its fragmentation and geographical dispersion explain workers’ lack of response to their plight. The longitudinal study of the rise and fall (1998–2005) of a labour association within the sector further highlights the tensions among the workforce and the forms and limits of their solidarity. The conclusion of this study suggests some policy implications.  相似文献   
In the mid-1970s the reform of Italy's radio and television system led to the end of RAI's monopoly and the advent of commercial television stations. This resulted in a reorganisation of the system according to the precepts of daily life and domesticity, with viewers at the centre of the relationship with the medium. This article, by analysing televisual archives such as game shows, explores how television formed part of the changes taking place in society and reveals how it became a kind of meeting-place, coinciding with the rise of an affluent society, between aspirations and desires and stereotypical models dictated by the market. These models were able to express new values that went beyond the boundaries of ideological affiliations and were in effect a response to the search for new forms of identity. In particular, television's place became an open space that was defined through modes of socialisation. It thus constructed a wider intimacy, a ‘mediatised hearth’, that progressively eroded the barriers between the private and the public sphere and led unexpectedly towards a ‘relationship of interest’ between television, competitors, viewers and financial backers. A new community then emerged, characterised more by possessing than by existing.  相似文献   

A topology optimized rigid triangular FE macro-model with non-linear homogenized interfaces for the pushover analysis of in plane loaded masonry is presented. The shape of the mesh and the position of the interfaces is evaluated through a topology optimization approach that detects the main compressive stress fluxes in the structure. Different values of the horizontal action are considered to derive an adaptive mesh or an optimal discretization that is suitable for multiple loads. Masonry properties are calibrated by means of a homogenization approach in the nonlinear range. To tackle elastic and inelastic deformations, interfaces are assumed to behave as elasto-plastic with softening in both tension and compression, with orthotropic behavior. The two-step procedure competes favorably with classic equivalent frame approaches because it does not require a-priori assumptions on the mesh and on the length of the rigid offsets. An example of technical relevance is discussed, relying into a multi-story masonry wall loaded up to failure.  相似文献   
The article investigates the effect of crime on firm entry rates in Italian provinces over the period 2007–2016. The extant literature focuses mainly on the relationship between crime and the sorting of new businesses. The present paper contributes to this stream of work by estimating the effect of crime on the overall propensity to engage in entrepreneurial activities across a national territory. We measure the extent to which property and violent crime affect firm entry rates using an instrumental variable approach in which the instrument for criminal activity is the effective abortion rate. Our findings suggest that crime has a negative, sizable impact on firm entry. The results are robust to alternative instrumental variables and firm entry indicators. This empirical exercise emphasizes the need to consider loss of new business activities as a downstream effect when computing the social costs of crime.  相似文献   
The expansion of protected areas (PAs) is feared to negatively affect the local economy, as every PA, albeit to different degrees, entails restriction to the economic activities. The literature on the topic has started assessing what is the socioeconomic impact of PAs, mostly focusing on the Global South. The objective of this article is the analysis of the socioeconomic impact of three Italian national parks (NPs), established in the 2000s, using a counterfactual approach based on both the outcome regression diff-in-diff and the doubly robust diff-in-diff combined with different propensity score-based and Mahalanobis distance matching procedures. We find that the three Italian NPs have a robust and statistically significant impact on average income of residents in municipalities hosting them. Conversely, there is weak evidence that population and local establishments are positively affected, and touristic local establishments and employment are negatively affected by the three NPs. All together the results indicate that the three NPs have no negative effect on the socioeconomic dynamics of the territories impacted, although additional investigations are required to shed lights to the impact mechanisms.  相似文献   
我们研究粟特宗教艺术时,做一些初步的区别是十分重要的。首先,是要区分粟特中心地带(今天的乌兹别克斯坦东南与塔吉克斯坦以西之间)及散落附近广袤的聚居地(从黑海到中国,可能甚至更远)。考古调查显示,马兹达教(又作“袄教”)的地方形式传人粟特腹地成为当地的主要宗教。而佛教、基督教、摩尼教在粟特则受排斥。  相似文献   
The diffusion of digital media allows the emergence of new types of relations between grassroots campaigners and organisers. This article presents the results of a comparative qualitative study of two Italian cases of grassroots online participation: a local electoral campaign and a single-issue social movement. The first case is ‘Tell your Milano’, a project that took place during the electoral campaign for Mayor of Milan in the spring of 2011. The second case is the ‘Purple People’ (Popolo Viola), an Italian social movement started in 2009 to demand the resignation of the Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi. The article introduces the concept of a ‘grassroots orchestra’: a grassroots campaign aimed at a short-term objective, coordinated by a non-grassroots political actor and performed by a community sharing a uniform and coherent context.

数字媒体的扩散导致了草根运动家与组织者之间新型关系的出现。本文对两个意大利草根在线参与案例——一为地方选举运动,一为独立议题社会运动——做了对比定性研究。前一个案例是所谓“告诉你一个马力诺”,是2011年春米兰市长选举中的一项活动。另一个“紫色人民”始于2009年,是一个要求贝卢斯科尼总理辞职的社会运动。本文引进了“草根乐队”的概念,意即短期目标的草根运动,由非草根政治主体协调,并由处在同一语境中的一个社群来完成。  相似文献   

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