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Historical Works Relating to the Qajar Era Published in Iran, 1996–2001

Mabani‐yi nazari‐yi hukūmat‐i mashrūtah va mashrū'ah, bih inzimam‐i rasa'il‐i ‘ulama‐yi muvafig va mukhalif‐i mashrūtah, Husayn Abadian. Tehran: Nashr‐i nay, 1374/1995, no ISBN.

Majlis va intikhabat az mashrūtah ta payan‐i Qajariyah, Mansoureh Ettehadieh, (Nezam Mafi). Tehran: Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1375/1996. ISBN 964–6082–02–5.

Rūznameh‐i khatirat‐i Ghulam ‘Ati Khan ‘Aziz al‐Sultan, (Malijak), 4 vols., ed. Muhsin Mirza'i, Tehran: Intisharat‐i zaiyab, 1376/1997. ISBN 964–6339–04–2.

Isti'mar‐i Britaniya va mas'ala‐i Arvand Rūd, Firuz Mansuri. Tehran: Mu'assasa‐i mutali'at‐i tarikh‐i mu'asir‐i Iran, 1376/1997, no ISBN.

Asnad‐iAbd al‐Mahhab Khan Asif al‐Dawla, 2 vols., ed. ‘Abd al‐Husayn Nava'i and Nilufar Kasri, Tehran: Mu'assasa‐i mutali'at‐i tarikh‐i mu'asir‐i Iran, 1377 /1998. ISBN 964–6357–13‐X.

Rūznameh'i khatirat‐i Sharaf al‐Dawla, Mirza Ebrahim Khan‐i kalantari‐yi Baghmisheh, ed. Yahya Zoka. Tehran: Intisharat‐i fikr‐i ruz, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–5838–80–0.

Inja Tihran ast: Majmū'a‐i maqalati dar‐bareh‐yi Tihran, 1269–1344 HQ (1852–1925), Mansoureh Ettehadieh (Nezam Mafi), Tehran: Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–6082–07–6.

Az mashrūtah ta jumhūri: Nigahi bih advar‐i Majlis‐i qanūnguzari dar dawran‐i mashrūfiyat, Yunes Morvarid, 2 vols. Tehran: Nashr‐i ahadi, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–6376–08–8.

Hujūm‐i Rūs va iqdamat‐i ru'asa‐yi din bara‐yi hifz‐i Iran, Sayyid Hasan Nizam al‐Din, ed. Nasrallah Salihizadeh. Tehran: Shirazeh, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–6578–13‐X.

Asnad‐i Pūst va Telegraf va Telefun dar Dawra‐i Riza Shah, ed. Marziyeh Yazdani. Tehran: Sazman‐i asnad‐i milli, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6189–27‐X.

Zindagani‐yi siyasi‐yi Nasir al‐Mulk, Ramin Yalfani. Tehran: Mu'assasa‐i mutala'at‐i tarikh‐i mu'asir‐i Iran, 1376/1998. ISBN 964–6357–02–4.

Nusrat al‐Dawla, Majmū'a‐i mukatabat, asnad, khatirat‐i Firūz Mirza Firūz, ed. Mansoureh Ettehadieh, (Nezam Mafi), and So'ad Pira. Tehran: Ketab‐i siyamak, Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6141–27–7.

Zindagani‐yi siyasi, sūrat‐i jalisat, mukatabat va murasalat, Riza Quli Khan Nizam al Saltana, ed. Mansoureh Ettehadieh, 3 vols. Tehran: Ketab‐i siyamak, Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6141–27–7(vol. 1), 964–6141–34‐X (vol. 2), 964–6141–35–8 (vol. 3).

Chalish‐i sunnat va moderniteh dar Iran, az mashrūtah ta 1320 S., Muhammad Salari Kasrai. Tehran: Nashr‐i markaz, 1379/ 2000. ISBN 964–305–543–4.

Nameh‐ha‐i az Tabriz az Siqat al‐Islam bih Mustashar al‐Dawla dar rūzegar‐i mashrūtiyat, ed. Iraj Afshar. Tehran: Nashr‐i pazhuhish‐i farzan‐i ruz, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6138–47–0.

Asnadi az madaris‐i dukhtaran az mashrūtah ta Pahlavi, ed. Soheila Torabi Farsani. Tehran: Sazman‐i asnad‐i milli, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6189–31–8.

Dar takapū‐yi taj va takht: Asnad‐i Abū'l‐Fath Mirza Salar al‐Dawla Qajar, ed. Riza Azari. Tehran: Sazman‐i asnad‐i milli, 1378/ 1999. ISBN 964–6189–34–2.

Tahavvulat‐i farhangi‐yi Iran dar dawra‐i Qajariya va madrasa‐i Dar al‐Funūn. Tehran: Mu'asassa‐i jughrafiya'i va kartugrafi'a‐yi Sahab, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6556–29–9.

Mashahir‐i matbū'at‐i Iran: I'timad al‐Saltana, Sayyid Farid Qasimi, vol. 1. Tehran: Sazman‐i ‘hap va intisharat‐i Vizarat‐i Farhang va Irshad‐i Islami, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–422–195‐X.

Sūr‐i Israfil va ‘Ati Akbar‐i Dihkhuda: yak barrasi‐yi tarikhi va adabi, Kamyar ‘Abidi. Tehran: Kitab‐i nadir, 1379/ 2000. ISBN 964–92557–6–1.

Ravabit‐i siyasi‐i iqti?adi‐yi Iran va Alman bayn‐i dū jang, Fatemeh Pira, Tehran: Markaz‐i asnad‐i inqilab‐i Islami, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6196–83–7.

Marja'iyat dar ‘arsah‐yi ijtima'i va siyasat: Asnad va guzarish‐ha'i az Ayat‐i A'zam Na'ini, Isfahani, Qumi, Ha'iri va Burūjirdi, 1292 S ‐1339 (1875–1920), ed. Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Manzur al‐Ajdad. Tehran: Shirazeh, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6578–54–3

Yazd dar asnad‐i Amin al‐Zarb, ed. Dr Asghar Mahdavi and Iraj Afshar. Tehran: Farhang‐i Iran‐Zamin, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–5623–81–2.

Asnad‐i tijarat‐i Iran dar sal‐i 1287 gamari, ed. Asghar Mahdavi and Iraj Afshar. Tehran: Intisharat‐i ‘ilmi farhangi, 1380S/2001. ISBN 964–445–184–8.

Urumiyah dar muharaba‐i ‘alamsūz az muqaddima‐i Nisara ta Balva‐yi Isma'il Aqa, 1298–1300 Sh, Rahmatallah Mu'tamid al‐Vizara, ed. Kaveh Bayat. Tehran: Shirazeh, 1379S/ 2000. ISBN 964–6578–46–2.

Azarbayjan dar mawj khiz‐i tarikh: nigahi bih mabahis‐i milliyūn‐i Iran va jarayid‐i Bakū dar taghyir‐i nam‐i Aran bih Azarbayjan, 1296–1298 S, ed. Kaveh Bayat, Tehran: Shirazeh, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6578–55–1.

Tarikh‐i rūznameh nigari‐yi Iranian va digar‐i parsi navisan, 2 vols. (Paydayish), (Buhran‐i azadi), Nasir al‐Din Parvin. Tehran: Markaz‐i nashr‐i danishgahi, 1377/1998, 1379/ 2000. ISBN 964–01–8156–0.

Nuzhat al‐akhbar: tarikh va jughrafiya‐yi Fars, Mirza Ja'far Khan Haqa'iq Nigar, ed. Sayyid ‘Ali Al‐i Davud. Tehran: Kitabkhaneh‐yi muzeh va markaz‐i asnad‐i Majlis‐i Shura‐yi Islami, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–422–218–0.

Khatirat va asnad‐i Muhammad ‘Ali Ghaffari: Tarikh‐i Ghaffari, volume 3, ed. Abbas Zare'i Mehrvarz. Tehran: Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–6082–03–3.

Khatirat‐i Shaykh Ibrahim Zanjani: Sarguzasht‐i zindagani‐yi man, ed. Ghulam Husayn Mirza Salih. Tehran: Entesharat‐i kabir, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–6144–54–3.

Rūznameh‐yi khatirat‐i ‘Ayn al‐Saltana, Qahriman Mirza Salūr, ed. Mas'ud Salur and Iraj Afshar, 10 vols. Tehran: Asatir,1374–1380/ 1995–2001. ISBN 964–331–191–0.  相似文献   

New Tremadocian ostracod material from the Alborz Mountains of Iran confirms the early and widespread occurrence of the Ordovician genus Nanopsis, and the apparently simultaneous first appearance of ostracods in the fossil record at the level of the P. deltifer conodont biozone (485.5 Ma) from China to Argentina. Nanopsis pairidaeza sp. nov. adds to the pool of species diversity for the Early Ordovician, though documented Tremadocian ostracod generic diversity remains low, with only four genera. The presence of Early Ordovician ostracods in Alborz, their occurrence elsewhere in palaeocontinental Gondwana, Baltica and China coupled to their marked absence from the Tremadocian of Laurentia and Siberia, supports the notion of the earliest occurrence of ostracods centred on Gondwana/Baltica.  相似文献   
Ghavidel-Syooki, M., Evans, D.H., Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E., Álvaro, J.J., Rakhmonov, U., Klishevich, I.A. & Ehsani, M.D., 15.5.2015. Late Ordovician cephalopods, tentaculitides, machaeridians and echinoderm columnals from Kuh-e Faraghun, High Zagros, Iran. Alcheringa 39, 530–549. ISSN 0311-5518.

Late Ordovician (Katian, uppermost Acanthochitina barbata to Armoricochitina nigerica chitinozoan zones) cephalopods, tentaculitides, machaeridians and echinoderms are documented for the first time from the southern Zagros Ranges. A low-diversity cephalopod fauna includes Geisonocerina dargazense sp. nov., Isorthoceras sp. cf. I. bisignatum (Barrande) and other undetermined orthoceratides. The presence of Late Ordovician tentaculitides in the high- to mid-latitude margins of Gondwana has been documented previously, but no examples have been described in detail. Thus, Costatulites kimi sp. nov., which currently occurs associated with brachiopods characteristic of the Svobodaina havliceki (brachiopod) Association, represents the earliest undoubted record of tentaculitides in Gondwana. Machaeridians constitute a relatively common component of the Late Ordovician benthic faunas from the Mediterranean margin of Gondwana, but no previous records on the Gondwanan Iranian-Arabian segment have been reported. Three echinoderm taxa based on dissociated columnals are documented from the Armoricochitina nigerica chitinozoan Zone, including Sumsaricystis radiatus Stukalina, Ristnacrinus sp. and Rosulicrinus rosulus Stukalina.

Mohammad Ghavidel-Syooki [] Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Technical Faculty of Tehran University, PO Box 11365-4563, Tehran, Iran; David H. Evans [], Natural England, Suite D, Unex House, Bourges Boulevard, Peterborough PE1 1NG, UK; Mansoureh Ghobadi Pour* [], Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran; Leonid E. Popov [], Department of Geology, National Museum of Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NP, UK; J. Javier Álvaro [], Instituto de Geociencias (CSIC-UCM), c/ José Antonio Novais 2, 28040 Madrid, Spain; Utkyr Rakhmonov, Kitab State Geological Reserve, 9 Ipak Yuli Street, Sakhrisabz, Uzbekistan; Inna A. Klishevich, Department of Historical Geology, Geological Faculty, St Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya 7/9, 199034 St Petersburg, Russia []; Mohammad H. Ehsani [], Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Technical Faculty of Tehran University, PO Box 11365-4563, Tehran, Iran. *Also affiliated with Department of Geology, National Museum of Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NP, UK.  相似文献   
Mokhaberat‐e Astarabad: Gozareshha‐ye Hosayn Qoli Maqsūdlū, vol. 2, 1335–43/1917–24, ed. I. Afshar and M. R. Daryagasht, (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran, 1363 Sh./1984), pp. 1002.

Enqelab‐e Khorasan: Majmū'eh‐ye asnad va madarek, 1300, ed K. Bayat (Tehran: Mo'assaseh‐ye motale'at va pazhuheshha‐ye farhangi, 1370 Sh./1991), pp. 323.

Dawleh, 2 vols., ed. M. Ettehadieh (Nezam Mafi) and S. Sa'dvandian (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran), volume one: Majales‐e chaharom va panjom‐e taqniniyeh (1369 Sh./1990), pp. 262; volume two: Khaferat‐e mahbas (1370 Sh./1991), pp. 496.

Do sal ravabet‐e mahramaneh‐ye Ahmad Shah va sefarat‐e Shūravi: Yaddashtha‐ye Reia Heravi, Basir al‐Dawleh, ed. M. Tafreshi (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 177.

Asnad‐e matbū'at, 1286–1320 Sh., 2 vols., ed. K. Bayat and M. Kuhestani (1371 Sh./1993), pp. 630 and 567.

Khoshūnat va farhang: Asnad‐e mahramaneh‐ye kashf‐e hejab, 1312 Sh. (Tehran: Sazman‐e Asnad‐e Melli, 1371 Sh./1992), pp. 342.

Vaqe'eh‐ye kashf‐e hejab: Asnad‐e montasher nashodeh az vaqe'eh‐ye kashf‐e hejab dar ‘asr‐e Re?a Khan (Tehran: Sazman‐e Madarek‐e Farhangi‐e Enqelab‐e Eslami, 1371 Sh./1992), pp. 484.

Gozideh‐ye asnad‐e Khalij‐e Fars (Tehran: Daftar‐e Motale'at‐e Siyasi va Bayn al‐Melali, 1369 Sh./1990). Volume one: Jazayer‐e Khalij‐e Fars, 1320–60 (1901–1941), pp. 566; volume two: Ravabet‐e Iran ba keshvarha‐ye hawzeh‐ye Khalij‐e Fars va tahavvolat‐e dakheli‐e anha, pp. 885.

Gozideh‐ye asnad‐e marzi‐ye Iran va ‘Eraq (Tehran: Daftar‐e Motale'at‐e Siyasi va Bayn al‐Melali, 1368 Sh./1989), pp. 254.

Fa"aliyatha‐ye komunisti dar dawreh‐ye Reia Shah, ed. K. Bayat (Tehran: Sazman‐e Asnad‐e Melli‐ye Iran, 1370 Sh./1991), pp. 276.

Parvandeh‐ye panjah va seh nafar, ed. H. Farzaneh (Tehran: Mo'assaseh‐ye Negah, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 595.

Asnad‐e nakhostin sepahbod‐e iran, Amir Ahmadi, ed. S. Sa'dvandian (Tehran: Mo'assaseh‐ye Motale'at va Pazhuhesh‐e Farhangi, 1373 Sh./1994), pp. 414.

Asnad‐e naq?‐e bifarafi‐e Iran dar Shahrivar 1320: Siyasat‐e khareji dar astaneh‐ye eshghal, ed. M. Torkaman (Tehran: Entesharat‐e Kavir, 1370 Sh./1991), pp. 278.

Re?a Shah: Khaterat‐e Solayman Behbūdi, Shams Pahlavi, ‘Ali Izadi, ed. G. H. Mirza Saleh (Tehran: Tarh‐e Now, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 607.

Zendegani‐e tūfani, 2nd ed., ed. I. Afshar (Tehran: Entesharat‐e ‘Elmi, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 925.

Nah?at‐e Jangali va ettehad‐e Eslam va asnad‐e mahramaneh va gozareshha, ed. F. Keshavarz (Tehran: Sazman‐e Asnad‐e Melli‐e Iran, 1371 Sh./1992), pp. 212.

Dar bareh‐ye qiyam‐e zhandarmeri‐e Khorasan be rahbari‐e Kolonel Mohammad Taqi Khan Pesiyan, ed. M. Bahar (Tehran: Entesharat‐e Mo'in, 1369 Sh./1990), pp. 101.

Jonbesh‐e Kolonel Mohammad Taqi Khan Pesiyan bana bar gozareshha‐ye konsūlgari‐e Engelis dar Mashhad, trans. G. H. Mirza Saleh (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran, 1366 Sh./1987), pp. 166.

Khaterat‐e Sardar As'ad Bakhtiyari (Ja'far Qoli Khan Amir Bahador), ed. I. Afshar (Tehran: Entesharat‐e Asatir, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 296.  相似文献   

Ghobadi Pour, M., 21 June 2019. Ordovician trilobites from Deh-Molla, eastern Alborz, Iran. Alcheringa 43, 381–405. ISSN 0311-5518

Seventeen species from 14 genera of Tremadocian and Darriwilian trilobites, plus two taxa recognizable only down to family level, have been documented from the Lower to Middle Ordovician succession of the Deh-Molla area, southeast of Shahrud in northern Iran. Two species, Asaphellus intermedius and Conophrys multituberculatus, are new to science. Unlike previously documented Iranian faunas, the early Tremadocian trilobite assemblage is characterized by proliferation of the olenid Chungkingaspis sinensis, which is also known as the eponymous taxon of the basal Ordovician trilobite biozone in South China. This is the first record of the occurrence of the olenid biofacies in the Ordovician of Iran. Overall, both the Tremadocian and Darriwilian trilobite assemblages show distinct similarity to the contemporaneous faunas of South China down to species level. Trilobite-based correlation with the Ordovician succession of South China confirms the existence of a hiatus at the base of the Ordovician succession in the eastern Alborz and a significant gap, with the upper Tremadocian, Floian and Dapingian parts of the succession completely missing in Deh-Molla.

Mansoureh Ghobadi Pour and ], Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Golestan University, Gorgan 49138-15739, Iran. *Also affiliated with Department of Natural Sciences, Natural Museum of Wales, Cardiff, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NP, UK.  相似文献   
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