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Both the form of a stone tool and the anatomy of the individual using it have potential to influence its cutting performance. To date, however, the selective pressures acting on stone‐tool form and hominin biometric/biomechanical attributes have been investigated in isolation and their relative influence on performance have never been compared directly. This paper examines the influence of both tool‐form attributes and biometric variation on the functional performance of Acheulean handaxes. Specifically, it investigates the impact of 13 tool attributes and eight biometric traits on the working forces applied through the edge of 457 replica tools. The relative contribution of tool‐form and biometric attributes to handaxe loading levels were examined statistically. Results identify that both tool‐form attributes and biometric traits are significantly related to loading; however, tool–user biometric variation has a substantially greater impact relative to tool‐form attributes. This difference was demonstrated by up to a factor of 10. These results bear directly on the co‐evolutionary relationships of stone tools and hominin anatomy, and the comparative strength of selective pressure acting on each. They also underline why handaxe forms may have been free to vary in form across time and space without necessarily incurring critical impacts on their functional capabilities.  相似文献   
根据要想追溯青铜器铜矿料来源,必须先了解古铜矿及其冶炼金属产物的微量元素和同位素特征,研究其输出方向这一思路,以前期提出的以较高含量的Se、Te、Ni(Co/Ni大多小于1)、Ag、Au等及相对低含量的Sb、Bi、Mo等作为安徽铜陵等地古铜矿冶炼产物一铜锭产地的特征指示元素为综合判别标志,用等离子发射光谱仪对皖南沿江地区出土的部分青铜器进行多元素分析。结果表明,样品Tc2007、Tc2005、fc12所用铜料不大可能来自铜陵地区,其余样品可能来自当地。鼎、(虚瓦)等大件样品可能在其它地区铸造后传人本地。研究结果说明,利用微量元素判断青铜器铜矿料来源是可行的。  相似文献   
2007年我国的外国史学理论研究具有以下几个特点。其一,马克思主义史学理论研究持续深入发展,在坚持唯物史观基本原理的同时,学者们更加注重理论与实践的结合,自觉地将唯物史观的基本原理应用到中国当前的历史现实中来,取得了不少有影响的成果。其二,人类历史进程重大理论问题始终是外国史学理论研究的重点,关注这些重大问题既有利于中国学者参与世界,也有利于我们反思自身,积极推动中国学术的发展。其三,全球化进程的日益深化使当前的历史研究不可避免地受到影响,关注全球化境况下历史研究的新特点及全球史研究的新动向,对于外国史学理论研究有着重要意义。其四,历史学分支学科的研究日趋全面,跨学科的特点也更加明显,某些分支学科甚至构成当前史学理论研究的热点问题。其五,在坚持唯物史观指导地位的同时,史学理论与史学方法也更为丰富,既有对中国传统史学方法的继承与发展,也有对西方史学理论的批判吸收。下面从马克思主义史学理论研究、人类历史进程重大理论问题、全球化与全球史研究、历史学分支学科及热点问题研究、史学理论与方法五个方面做出综述。一、马克思主义史学理论研究马克思主义是中国史学的指导思想,也是社会主义中国价值观念的重要组成部分。为了突出这一点,...  相似文献   
Handaxes represent one of the most temporally enduring and geographically widespread of Palaeolithic artifacts and thus comprised a key technological strategy of many hominin populations. Archaeologically observable variation in the size (i.e., mass) and shape properties of handaxes has been frequently noted. It is logical to ask whether some of this variability may have had functional implications. Here, we report the results of a large-scale (n?=?500 handaxes) experiment designed to examine the influence of variation in handaxe size and shape on cutting efficiency rates during a laboratory task. We used a comprehensive dataset of morphometric (size-adjusted) shape variables and statistical methods (including multivariate methods) to address this issue. Our first set of analyses focused on handaxe mass/size variability. This analysis demonstrated that, at a broad-scale level of variation, handaxe mass may have been free to vary independently of functional (cutting) efficiency. Our analysis also, however, identified that there will be a task-specific threshold in terms of functional effectiveness at the lower end of handaxe mass variation. This implies that hominins may have targeted design forms to meet minimal (task-specific) thresholds and may also have managed handaxe reduction and discard in respect to such factors. Our second set of analyses focused on handaxe shape variability. This analysis also indicated that considerable variation in handaxe shape may occur independently of any strong effect on cutting efficiency. We discuss how these results have several implications for considerations of handaxe variation in the archaeological record. At a general level, our results demonstrate that variability within and between handaxe assemblages in terms of their size and shape properties will not necessarily have had immediate or strong impact on their effectiveness when used for cutting, and that such variability may have been related to factors other than functional issues.  相似文献   
This article provides an overview of the issues involved in international efforts to open and restructure markets for financial services and to ensure adequate regulation and supervision of financial firms. It discusses the liberalization in the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the first global trade agreement to cover financial and other services, and the roles of various international fora in strengthening national regulatory and supervisory systems and enhancing cooperation and coordination between supervisors. The article emphasizes that measures to liberalize trade in financial services and measures to strengthen prudential regulation and supervision are complementary and mutually reinforcing.  相似文献   
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