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The time dimension has not attracted enough attention in policy process research in China, yet speed is the most distinctive feature of China’s recent development. This article, based on observations of China’s policy practices, proposes a new research perspective for understanding how the Chinese government has been able to address policy challenges in an era of rapid transition. The approach adopted by the government allows decision makers to respond quickly to serious problems with a truncated decision-making process, and then implement the decisions through a more gradual deliberative process. The article examines China’s coal-mining industry reform as an empirical case to illustrate how this governance approach has been used to achieve major policy reform, namely property rights reform for coal mines, while simultaneously maintaining stability, regulating production safety, and stimulating industrial development. The article concludes with a discussion of the broad implications of this pattern for improving the effectiveness of public policy both in and outside China.  相似文献   
针对莫高窟在保护利用数据传输过程中出现的问题与发展趋势,提出了利用无线网络深度覆盖技术构建数据传输平台,解决莫高窟大型洞窟内保护利用数据无法传输的问题。为构建实用性强的传输平台,采取了如下措施。首先,针对莫高窟保护利用各项业务数据采集、传输模式、传输机制等各阶段特点,提出了基于无线网络深度覆盖技术构建数据传输试验平台的需求;其次,设计了试验平台构建方案,依据莫高窟洞窟分布与建筑形制确定了试验平台构建位置。结合莫高窟目前无线网络覆盖现状,通过选型分析确定了无线网络深度覆盖关键技术,并应用该技术构建试验平台;最后,对试验平台无线信号覆盖范围、信号强度、传输性能、安全性等进行验证,确保数据传输的完整性与连续性。此试验平台已运行一年有余,应用效果良好。  相似文献   
郑晶 《东南文化》2021,(3):161-166
21世纪以来,教育型游戏数量明显增长,同时博物馆也逐渐采用游戏型教育模式开展教育.中国大运河博物馆青少年互动体验展"大明都水监之运河迷踪"将中国大运河作为"百科全书",并以此为出发点,结合大运河线性、多元、活态的特征,将游戏型教育模式融入和贯穿教育空间、活动的设计与开展,设置角色扮演型的互动游戏,立体化、多方位拓展、探索和实现博物馆公众教育功能.同时借由可视化技术与沉浸式交互体验等媒介主导的创造性游戏,以"寓教于乐"的方式提高青少年对大运河的认知.以往鉴来,将游戏型教育植入博物馆的相关展览架构、设计与开发,能够深刻影响观众,并推动今后的持续沟通和互动.  相似文献   
Monitoring is deemed crucial for the incentivization of a decentralized organization, but its function relies on information transparency between the central authority and the delegated individuals. We test this hypothesis by considering changes in the fiscal behavior of Chinese county governments following an exogenous fiscal reform in 2004/2005 that removed information obstacles between provinces and counties. Employing data on 590 Chinese counties from 2000 to 2009, we find that counties in the reform provinces adopt a more proactive fiscal policy after the reform, suggesting that they become more incentivized in the political competition for economic growth. Such effects are stronger in counties with fewer competing peers and counties with either high or low ranks in the records of economic growth among peers. The increase in counties' productive spending leads to higher economic growth in later years.  相似文献   
In real-world applications, the k-shortest-paths between a pair of nodes on a network will often be slight variations of one another. This could be a problem for many path-based models, particularly those on capacitated networks where different routing alternatives are needed that are less likely to encounter the same capacity constraints. This paper develops a method to solve for k differentiated paths that are relatively short and yet relatively different from one another, but not necessarily disjoint. Our method utilizes the sum of a path's distance plus some fraction of its shared distance with each other path. A minimax algorithm is used to select the path whose largest sum of length, plus shared length vis-à-vis each previously selected path, is as small as possible. We present computational results for the Chinese railway system, comparing the paths generated by a standard k-shortest-path algorithm with those from our new model.  相似文献   
As the criterion used by archaeologists for determining early white porcelain is quite ambiguous, the origin of Chinese white porcelain remains a point of disagreement. In this study, we systematically investigate 61 typical Xing porcelains of the late Northern dynasties to the early Sui dynasty (550–600 CE) using spectrophotometer, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), and analyze the differences between early white porcelain and celadon of Xing kiln in terms of their whiteness and raw materials characteristic. The results show that early white porcelain is a new type of ware that differs from celadon, which can be distinguished by whiteness, with a whiteness greater than 8% being early white porcelain and a whiteness less than 8% being celadon. It is assumed that the ancient potters created the whiter wares based on celadon by improving the glaze and selecting new raw materials for the body, but the production of this type of ware was short lived and subsequently refined in the Sui dynasty (581–618 CE) owing to the limited improvement in whiteness.  相似文献   
徐团辉 《华夏考古》2015,(2):109-115,126
从战国初年的历史形势和韩国的发展战略出发,考虑韩国灭郑的军事策略,结合考古材料,韩国迁都宜阳、阳翟的记载应是可信的。对文献记载的混乱现象应予以全新解读:韩国迁都宜阳、阳翟的时候,平阳作为政治中心在继续使用。换言之,韩国在保持平阳都城地位的同时,迁都宜阳、阳翟,以此来服务灭郑的军事战争。宜阳和阳翟是具有浓厚军事色彩的临时性都城,带有战时陪都的性质。  相似文献   
伪色诺芬《雅典政制》史料价值初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伪色诺芬《雅典政制》作为公元前5世纪后期雅典的历史文献,对于研究雅典政治状况、原提洛同盟"盟邦"与雅典的关系以及探析民主政治的实质具有重要的史料价值。作者主要从平民的权利、海上霸权两个方面论述雅典民主制保持完好的原因,评述"盟邦"主权遭到雅典侵夺的历史事实,从而证明雅典民主制乃是建立在全体雅典人对非雅典人剥削、奴役基础之上的。当政者所采取种种强化民主的措施,其目的都是为了维护雅典人的根本利益。  相似文献   
清末围绕立宪法、开国会而展开的“预备立宪”,是中国历史上亘古未有的一场从帝制向宪政过渡的社会革命.同所有改革一样,它需要全社会付出时间和努力加以培育,方可使其逐渐臻于完善.但不管是各省的国会请愿运动还是作为预备国会资政院的速开国会议案讨论,都在先进国家成功的示范和本国危亡的压力下获得空前的社会认同,将上自清廷权贵下至各省士民卷入其中,并使带有激进色彩的“速开”论思潮产生广泛社会影响.回顾资政院速开国会案讨论过程乃至整个国会请愿运动,除了让人振奋于中国民众空前的权利诉求之外,也不难发现运动中激进思潮的愈演愈烈,进而表现出人们对国会制度的多重误读,并由此产生诸多负面的效果.  相似文献   
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