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在藏区,人们对佛教极为虔诚,以至刚刚出生的婴儿也首先要领受佛的恩赐。使婴儿在喃喃的六字真言声中诞生成长。给孩子取名,被认为是一件非常郑重的事情。通常都要举行仪式。藏族的婴儿出生以后,经过一定时间,父母带着孩子,献上哈达和礼品,请喇嘛活佛或有威望的长者行赐名礼。比如:在甘南,婴儿出生的第七天,父亲就要带上一条黄色的哈达等礼物,去寺院找活佛给婴儿取名。活佛在问过其属相、生辰、性别及其父母的相关情况后进行占卜。父亲得知所取之名后要严格保密,不能让别人知道,即便是自家人也不行。直到第二天早晨,父亲在婴儿身旁轻轻连叫三…  相似文献   
Climate change adaptation of the tourism sector in the Bolivian Andes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the last 40 years, warmer temperatures have caused a considerable decrease in snow cover on glaciers and high rates of glacial melt, particularly in tropical mountains. In the Bolivian Andes, the Chacaltaya glacier (5400 masl) had been a tourist destination known as the highest ski slope in the world since 1939. As a result of climate change, skiing has not been possible after 1987 and the glacier definitely disappeared in 2009. However, since 2005, the place has become a new attraction for tourists. Travel agencies in La Paz now offer day trips to the Chacaltaya site. In order to understand the present attraction of the site and its potential for reproduction elsewhere, 25 semi-structured interviews were conducted with various categories of stakeholders involved in the tourism industry in La Paz, and archives and images were analysed. Our results show that the multifunctional character of this tourist site, including easy access to a summit, beautiful views, acclimatisation to altitude and opportunity to experience snow, are key factors in its renewed attraction for visitors, together with, to a lesser extent, the incentive of being able to watch a famous and evident full disappearance of a glacier and former ski slope. The stakeholders' groups share general views and perceptions about environmental changes and about the qualities of the site, but they also differ in terms of projects and evaluation of potential attractiveness. In particular, the development of the visibility of climate change impacts on mountain environment is valued by experts or by members of the Andean Club, but not by travel agencies. The example of Chacaltaya shows that multifunctional tourist sites may still be attractive in the future.  相似文献   
作为晚清民国时期的一座区域性大都会,潍县城市地域结构表现为"西绅东商"的特征:士绅主要聚居于主城,东关西半部和白浪河西侧则是工商业最为繁盛之地。这种地域结构特征实际上在晚清以前即已形成,1904年胶济铁路的通车并未在潍县火车站一带形成可观的城市地域,"西绅东商"特征表现出强烈的稳定性。士绅近官署而居的居住习惯、潍县城輨毂胶东的交通区位特征、晚清民国时期颇具规模的城市建设运动和东关因有城墙环绕而表现出的安全优势,是造成这种稳定性的四个内在原因。  相似文献   
李嘎 《中国地方志》2012,(6):55-62,5
明清时期山西的城市洪灾普遍而严重,曾遭受洪水冲击的城市达到62座。地方社会的防治措施大致可以归纳为“拦”、“疏”、“蓄”三类。具体而言,“拦”,即在城郊修筑拦洪堤堰以障水,这是明清山西城市防洪的主要措施,其中某些城市堤堰的筑造技术值得关注;“疏”,即通过开凿水口、疏浚城壕及新凿河渠等手段,使洪水远离城区;“蓄”,就是在城内利用既有低洼之地或新凿陂池,以蓄积雨洪。以上举措并未能彻底改变山西城市洪灾普遍且严重的状况,探究起来,城市的地理坐落、生态环境破坏导致的水土流失、城市建成区的扩展等,是不容忽视的三大诱发因素。  相似文献   
本文从城市发展的内外部环境、城市本体、城市腹地三个方面,对宋金元时期青州与济南二城进行了比较研究。研究发现,在内外部环境方面,北宋时期,青州、济南二城均较为优越,金元时代却截然相反。从城市本体的相关指标来看,城市风貌上,北宋时期的济南城尚落后于青州城,金元时期青州城因迭遭战火,城市风貌已大不如济南;城市占地规模上,北宋时期青州城的占地规模明显大于济南城,而金元时代的济南城已后来居上。在城市腹地发展水平方面,宋金元时期,至少是金元时代,济南城市腹地的户口数量和经济发展程度已经完全超越青州城的腹地。进而指出,金元时代,至少在元代,山东半岛的经济中心城市实际已经转移至济南,明洪武九年(1376年)山东承宣布政使司由青州到济南的移治,只不过是行政中心"追逐"经济中心,对济南经济中心城市地位的一种政治承认而已。  相似文献   
This paper explores the question of the legitimation of cultural policies by examining the case of the Canadian French-speaking province, Québec, where the consensus over the legitimacy and the purpose of a cultural policy was not easily reached. To understand the evolution of the justifications for state intervention in this field, we have analysed three major policy statements issued by the government of Québec as well as the criticisms levelled at the moment of their publication using the analytic framework the Economies of Worth. Developed by French sociologist Luc Boltanski and economist Laurent Thévenot, this framework conceptualises different regimes of justification that can be retraced in cultural policy statements. We explore more particularly the concept of ‘compromise’ which enables us to understand why cultural policies have difficulty achieving consensus. This paper thus aims at assessing the heuristic value of this interpretative device for cultural policy analysis.  相似文献   
河患与官方应对:康雍乾时期的山东小清河治理及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清代初期小清河为患严重,康雍乾百余年中,山东历任主政者主要实施了四次大的治理工程,分别为康熙二十五年(1686年)山东巡抚张鹏治河、康熙三十三年(1694年)巡抚桑格对小清河中游的治理、康熙五十七年(1718年)巡抚李树德治河及乾隆三十七年(1772年)巡抚徐绩治河。数次修治各有得失,完工程度亦不尽相同,短期内取得了一定成效,但并未持久,小清河水患依旧严重。综合来看,政区地理方面的因素造成的地方官彼此扯皮,百姓肆意决堤,缺乏一个专司小清河治理事务的管理机构,康雍乾时期流域内人地关系的日益紧张以及流域内特殊的地质地貌是小清河治理成效甚微的四大导因。  相似文献   
The common expression of ‘cultural development’ appears in many cultural policy statements without it necessarily arousing questions about its precise meaning. Indeed, we usually spontaneously associate ‘cultural development’ to any governmental intervention that aims at stimulating cultural vitality. However, if we look more closely at the origin of this concept, we soon discover that its appearance on the eve of May 68, in France, corresponds to the rise of new concerns in cultural policy matters and to a radical redefinition of the state’s role in this domain. Still enjoying a strong influence, France’s political transformations were closely followed by some Quebecois politicians and socially engaged intellectuals who were participating, at that time, in the formulation of a new political vision in cultural matters in Québec in the 1960s and 1970s. The objective of this paper is thus to retrace the origin of the idea of cultural development and follow its evolution in Québec.  相似文献   
A gas geochemical precursor anomaly was identified prior to the October 2008 Nový Kostel (Czech Republic) earthquake swarm with a peak magnitude ML of 3.8. This anomaly was observed as a deviation of CO2 concentrations from the long‐term annual CO2 concentration trend in the gas extracted from the scree at the Nový Kostel and Old?i?ská gas monitoring stations, which are directly above the Plesná valley‐Po?átky and Mariánské Lázně fault systems. Both sites are located within the major focal zone of the NW Bohemian swarm earthquake region at the northern edge of the Cheb Basin. A decrease in CO2 concentration started at Nový Kostel in September 2008, 17 days before the swarm, opposite to the usually increasing annual trend in the autumn period, and ended with a nearly coseismic drop immediately prior to the onset of the first swarm. The CO2 concentrations at Old?i?ská, deviating from the annual trend, did not further increase after August 2008. The calculated horizontal strain field, based on the data of two permanent Global Navigation Satellite Systems stations, proved there was horizontal compression in this period. The increasing compression along the Plesná valley‐Po?átky and Mariánské Lázně fault systems during the stress build‐up reduced the fault permeability prior to this earthquake swarm as indicated by the decrease in CO2 concentration. The 17‐day duration of the earthquake precursor at Nový Kostel and about 65 days at Old?i?ská lie within the range of the precursor times that are hypothesized worldwide for an ML = 3.8 earthquake. The nature of earthquake precursors and their origin are discussed, for example, as an indication of changed fault permeability by stress build‐up in the case of the Nový Kostel swarm earthquake precursor or as fault opening in other cases.  相似文献   
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