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The aim of this investigation was to analyze the materials and techniques of the paintings in the 16th-century ce St Mary's Church, to evaluate deterioration of the paintings, and to propose a suitable conservation treatment for their preservation. The material analysis of ground, pigments, binders, and plasters was undertaken using binocular microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM)–energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in reflectance (KBr) and transmittance mode (attenuated total reflection), thin-film X-ray diffraction, and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for identifying proteinaceous and lipidic materials extracted from the micro-samples. The study generated data on two different red and green pigments used as decorative materials. The red pigments were identified as cinnabar along with traces of hematite and clay minerals, and green as malachite and the minor presence of other minerals. SEM analysis identified cotton fiber embedded in the coarse plaster layer that provided better strength to the plaster. Plant oils and proteins found as the binder in the pigment samples suggested that the painting technique was executed as tempera. Lead white and gypsum materials were used in previous restoration works.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This paper presents the derivations of several new algorithms for the computation of maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of a very general form of the gravity model. The algorithms are then compared with previously available algorithms including GLIM and that given in Sen (1986). One of the new algorithms emerges as far superior in just about every way to its competitors. In particular, it is usually much more than an order of magnitude faster than the GLIM procedure and that given in Sen (1986). It is also not substantially affected by pitfalls such as multicollinearity and (unlike the GLIM procedure) is capable of comfortably handling large O-D matrices.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. In this paper a gravity model is formulated to model a hospital patient flow system. Both spatial and nonspatial measures of separation are used to estimate the model. Travel time was found to provide improved fits over linear distance in modeling patient flow behavior. Transformations of travel time (square root and log) were found to improve model performance further. Model diagnostics suggested additional spatial separation measurw, separation measure parameters demonstrated stability over time. The model is used to forecast the effects of health care financing reform and hospital closure on patient flows in an urban hospital market. Universal health coverage was found to dramatically improve access to hospital services for lower income patient populations. Hospitals at risk for closure were forecast to receive increased patient flows. Medical school hospitals are expected to lose patients after implementation of health reform, with important implications for graduate medical education. Hospital closures were shown to have negative effects on access to services in poor neighborhoods, but relatively little effect on access in the system as a whole.  相似文献   
An earthquake of moment magnitude Mw 7.8 struck Nepal at 06:11 UTC on April 25, 2015. Field reconnaissance focused on the geotechnical engineering aspect of the earthquake was carried out in the Kathmandu Valley and regions near the epicenter. This paper presents briefly the geology of Nepal, the accelerogram, and results of standard penetration tests at selected sites in the valley. The study shows the failure case histories including landslides, road embankment settlement, bridge foundations and abutment damage, and liquefaction. The paper also highlights the impact of local soil properties and basin and ridge effect on the severity of damage.  相似文献   
宋钱版别研究珍贵史料——读叶适《淮西论铁钱五事状》   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘森 《中国钱币》2007,(3):17-21
叶适(1150~1223),字正则,学者称水心先生,浙江永嘉(今浙江温州)人,为南宋著名思想家、文学家、政论家,是与朱熹的道学派、陆九渊的心学派并列为南宋三大学派的永嘉学派的集大成者和主要代表。南宋淳熙五年(1178),叶适以进士第二名及第,后历任吏部员外郎、吏部侍郎、江东安抚使兼沿江制置使等职,官至宝文阁学士、光禄大夫。  相似文献   
在中国学术界,印度华侨华人研究几近空白。在沈丹森博士(Tansen Sen)的建议和帮助之下,本刊特别组织编辑了本期“印度华侨华人专题”。  相似文献   
大安西夏钱,为西夏惠宗李秉常大安年(1074—1084)铸,分为西夏文大安元宝和汉文大安通宝钱,后者为隶书之风格,前所见有背穿上仰月纹,大字版、直读、径25·1、穿7·5、厚1·3mm,青铜泛微黄,系内蒙林西县三道营子村窖藏发现。当时泉界轰动,泉坛前辈卫月望和吴宗信老先生所考证,此币风格、铸造工艺有西夏之气息,无辽币之风韵,定为西夏大安年铸西夏币;又者,清代孟麟《泉布统治》录一枚,也已经考大安通宝为西夏之物。从“大安通宝”的出土情况看,主要发现于西夏故地。除1981年内蒙古林西县三道营子窖藏出土一枚外,辽朝境内至今无第二枚出土。而西…  相似文献   
庄森 《安徽史学》2005,3(5):104-115
胡适的自由思想中容忍具有极为重要的地位.胡适认为容忍既是一种自由的精神,又是一种民主的精神,是自由的根本.一个社会缺乏容忍,自由就不会有保障.社会只有容忍不同的思想存在,容忍有不同的声音,才能使人人都有思想的自由.胡适极力反对不容忍,主张容忍异己,容忍反对党.胡适还强调,一个社会缺少容忍精神,必定会产生唯我主义,走向极权专制.胡适终身奉行容忍,在朋友中倡导互相容忍,反对各种不容忍.  相似文献   
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