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In Canada and elsewhere, there is a growing belief that farming and rural communities have become effectively disconnected from one another. While attention to recent media reporting suggests that incidences of conflict are now as common as examples of support and collaboration, it is suggested that many examples of complementarity remain. These evolving relationships may, however, be linked to the nature of specific farm development trajectories. Such possibilities warrant empirical examination, with attention to known diversity in the family farm sector. This paper reports on an empirical investigation of farm and community linkages in North Huron County, Ontario. The paper builds upon a recent investigation of change in family farming in this region and seeks to document the ways in which local farmers continue to look to their rural communities for support of various kinds. Data are drawn from a survey of farmers in Ashfield and Colborne Townships in 1999. The research explores community linkages around three dominant themes: participation in organisations, purchasing and perceptions and experiences of community support for farming. The findings indicate the persistence of strong linkages between farms and local communities in the study region but point to a potential tendency for disconnection between farms pursuing aggressive expansion and local community organisations and businesses. There is some evidence that jobs and a variety of farm household considerations may form key linkage points between the two sectors, with the importance of these mediated by farm business trajectories and the family life course.  相似文献   
This paper builds on earlier investigations of psychiatric asylum closure by focusing on their not infrequent successor role as educational facilities. We ask two questions: what conditions underpin a transition to educational re-use, and how is former asylum use remembered and memorialised in the successor context? Through recounting and interpreting the histories of acquisition and adaptation at two sites (Carrington, Auckland and Lakeshore, Toronto), we build a narrative that suggests a variable response to the shadows cast by stigma and the vilification of asylum. We distinguish between memorialisation (material reminders on site) and remembrance (narratives of past use). Former asylum sites, we contend, are attractive for educational users for their campus-like settings, range of buildings and (now) suburban locations. For city residents and planners replacing one institutional use with another keeps the site green, brings employment, and retains semi-public access. Memorialisation is often strategically low-key and remembrance more personal and individual. The net result is a relict landscape that speaks to the transcendence of stigma despite the relatively recent demise of the asylum.  相似文献   
Iceland’s 2008 financial crisis has received considerable scholarly attention from economics and business science perspectives. Far less consideration has been given to the political–administrative consequences of ‘the collapse’ in terms of its restructuring state-based projects and instituting new scalar strategies, and, specifically, the role played in this process by Icelandic political and policy elites. We focus on this issue by analyzing recent attempts to reconfigure Iceland’s sceptical position towards the EU by promulgating state narratives of ‘EUrope’ as a ‘safe haven’ for the shattered national economy as part of the country’s formal application for EU membership. We show within the Icelandic state there is, however, a highly fragmented and polarized position on EU accession. Drawing on Jessop’s strategic relational approach, we demonstrate that this derives from the actions of different elite fractions seeking to establish parameters for strategic selectivity on EU accession in ways that support their own interests. ‘EUrope’ emerges as a complex institutional category which is both shaped by, and shapes, the rhetorical interventions and actions of Icelandic state elites in often contradictory ways, demonstrating the fundamental political dynamics of what is emerging as a fraught, fiercely contested EU accession process. We conclude that times of conflicting elite narratives are also moments of potentially significant state change.  相似文献   
We argue that the search for rural regimes in particular localities can be usefully advanced through the deployment of a sensitive and suitably nuanced conceptualization of institutional thickness. Empirical validation of this theoretical framework with reference to Languedoc viticulture offers substantial evidence of the interdependency between regime building maintenance and stability, and local institutional integrity. The theoretical framework developed here, based on the notions of consensus and concrete institutions , also provides an analytically rigorous approach for understanding the complex rescaling of the political economy of rural governance, not least by offering some indication of the scalar rationale for consensus compatibility and partnership building between elites situated at different politico-geographic scales. We contend that an understanding of this shared logic of action among local and extra-local administrative and political elites is crucial to the restructuring process unfolding in European rural regions.  相似文献   
How do historians approach objectivity? This is addressed by Mark Bevir in his book The Logic of the History of Ideas (1999) by his argument for an anthropological epistemology with objectivity in the historical narrative resting on the explanation of human actions/agent intentionality equating with meaning. The criticism of this position is at several levels. As sophisticated constructionists historians do not usually ask ‘Can history be objective?’ Rather, they work from the balance of evidence reflecting the intersubjectivity of truth and they acknowledge the problematic nature of inferring agent intentionality and the difficulties in equating this with ‘what it means’. Why Abraham Lincoln issued the 1863 emancipation proclamation is a case in point. No historian would claim to have located its true meaning objectively in effect doubting Mark Bevir's claim that ‘objective knowledge arises from a human practice in which we criticise and compare rival webs of theories in terms of agreed facts’ (The Logic of the History of Ideas, 1999, p. 98). There are also further challenges to an over-reliance on rational action theory and the problems associated with the selection of evidence. Equally, most historians in practice doubt objectivity emerges from an accurate knowledge of the motives that can be matched to weak authorial intentions and that this leads to action via decisions. Few historians today accept that their narrative mimics past intentionality and that this provides true meaning. The article offers four reasons for rejecting Bevir's position and concludes with a defence of the narrative-linguistic determination of meaning. This suggests that history is subject to the same narrative and imaginative constraints as other forms of realist writing, rather than being privileged by an access to knowable intentionality and that this constitutes objective historical knowledge.  相似文献   
This article represents an extension of an earlier paper on the rural population turnaround in Canada. It provides an updated analysis of rural growth rates for(1) two periods, 1976–81 and 1981–86, (2) provincially based regions, and (3) area types based on proximity to urban centres. Unlike the earlier study, it also provides a comprehensive comparison of rural-versus-urban rates of population change in a regional and area type framework and introduces relevant material on rates of natural increase and patterns of net migration. The two shorter time periods, less influenced by definitional problems in the census data, and the interpretation of rural trends against a backdrop of rural-versus-urban growth rates, allow for a more thorough investigation. The analysis reveals that in the period 1976–81, any rural population turnaround was at most a Quebec-specific phenomenon in Canada, while for the period 1981–86, an urban - or more specifically metropolitan - dominated growth scenario is dearly evident. This article is concluded by a discussion of research design issues, particularly as they relate to the identification of the relative contributions of the urban and rural sectors to population growth. Le présent article constitue le prolongement d'une pré-cédente étude concernant les mutations affectant la population rurale au Canada. II propose une mise à jour des taux de croissance rurale durant deux periodes: de 1976 à 1981 et de 1981 à 1986 par provinces et autres types de lieux situés a proximité des centres urbains. Contrairement a la precédente recherche, cet article fournit également une comparaison détaillée des taux de changement de la population rurale-versus-urbaine, dans un cadre à la fois régional et local. II présente aussi un matériel tout à fait pertinent en ce qui concerne les taux d'accroissement naturel et les modèles de migrations nettes. A partir des deux périodes les plus courtes, moins influencées par les problèmes de définition des données du recencement, l'interprétation des courants ruraux, avec en toile de fond, les taux de croissance rurale-versus-urbaine offre une recherche plus approfondie du phénoméne. L'analyse met I'accent sur le fait que, durant la période allant de 1976 à 1981, toute mutation de la population rurale était tout au plus au Canada un pheno-mène spécifiquement québécois, tandis que pour la période allant de 1981 à 1986, un scénario à dominante urbaine, plus spécifiquement métropolitaine, est claire-ment mis an évidence. En conclusion, cet article discute les résultats des modèles de recherche, plus particulière-ment lorsqu'ils sont en relation avec I'identification des contributions relatives des secteurs tant ruraux qu'urbains à la croissance de la population.  相似文献   
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