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The full release and circulation of excavation results often takes decades, thus slowing down progress in archaeology to a degree not in keeping with other scientific fields. The nonconformity of released data for digital processing also requires vast and costly data input and adaptation. Archaeology should face the cognitive challenges posed by digital environments, changing in scope and rhythm. We advocate the adoption of a synergy between recording techniques, field analytics, and a collaborative approach to create a new epistemological perspective, one in which research questions are constantly redefined through real-time, collaborative analysis of data as they are collected and/or searched for in an excavation. Since new questions are defined in science discourse after previous results have been disseminated and discussed within the scientific community, sharing evidence in remote with colleagues, both in the process of field collection and subsequent study, will be a key innovative feature, allowing a complex and real-time distant interaction with the scholarly community and leading to more rapid improvements in research agendas and queries.  相似文献   
The publication of the Confucius Sinarum Philosophus in Paris in 1687 represented the apex of the syncretic effort between Confucianism and Catholicism started by Matteo Ricci more than one century before. The present study draws attention to the heart of the text, which is the translation of three Confucian Classics: Daxue (The Great Learning), Lunyu (The Analects) and Zhongyong (The Doctrine of the Mean), where the contribution of Prospero Intorcetta (1625–1696) appears to be predominant.

This article will firstly offer an updated biography of Intorcetta and his mission to Europe. Secondly, it will summarize the long process that led to the publication of the Confucius Sinarum Philosophus. Finally, through a comparative analysis between the former translations and those published in the Confucius Sinarum Philosophus, this study will attempt to extrapolate and determine the contribution of Intorcetta, focusing especially on the way some key concepts of the Confucian philosophy and of the traditional Chinese thinking in general were rendered.  相似文献   

Using the concept of ‘constrained agency’ introduced by Neil Coe and David Jordhus‐Lier, this article attempts to evaluate the possibilities and constraints facing labour agency in the Pearl River Delta in China. By reviewing the social, economic and political background of the changing labour market and labour regulations in China, and through an intensive case study of a workers’ strike and its consequences, the author argues that Chinese migrant workers have begun to challenge the state's regulatory regime on labour, which is based on individual rights. However, the introduction of a regulatory framework based on collective rights is being impeded by the party‐state's manipulation of trade unions and the strong influence of global capital on local labour policy.  相似文献   
H. Chu  G. Chi  I‐M. Chou 《Geofluids》2016,16(3):518-532
Fluid inclusions of the H2O‐NaCl‐CaCl2 system are notorious for their metastable behavior during cooling and heating processes, which can render microthermometric measurement impossible or difficult and interpretation of the results ambiguous. This study addresses these problems through detailed microscopic examination of synthetic solutions during cooling and warming runs, development of methods to enhance nucleation of hydrates, and comparison of microthermometric results with different degrees of metastability with values predicted for stable conditions. Synthetic H2O‐NaCl‐CaCl2 solutions with different NaCl/(NaCl + CaCl2) ratios were prepared and loaded in fused silica capillaries and glass‐sandwiched films for microthermometric studies; pure solutions were used with the capillaries to simulate fluid inclusions, whereas alumina powder was added in the solutions to facilitate ice and hydrate crystallization in the sandwiched samples. The phase changes observed and the microthermometric data obtained in this study have led to the following conclusions that have important implications for fluid inclusion studies: (i) most H2O‐NaCl‐CaCl2 inclusions that appear to be completely frozen in the first cooling run to ?185°C actually contain large amounts of residual solution, as also reported in some previous studies; (ii) inability of H2O‐NaCl‐CaCl2 inclusions to freeze completely may be related to their composition (low NaCl/(NaCl + CaCl2) ratios) and lack of solid particles; (iii) crystallization of hydrates, which is important for cryogenic Raman spectroscopic studies of fluid inclusion composition, can be greatly enhanced by finding an optimum combination of cooling and warming rates and temperatures; and (iv) even if an inclusion is not completely frozen, the melting temperatures of hydrohalite and ice are still valid for estimating the fluid composition.  相似文献   
概述是对全志主要内容和基本规律的高度概括及阐述 ,以启示读者掌握全志之精华 ,利于读者更好地运用志书去为现实和三个文明建设服务。在总体把握上应注意 :概括性、学术性、论理性、导引性。在内容体现上应注意 :一是纵述史迹 ,以彰因果 ;二是总叙概况 ,以表客观条件 ;三是指点关节 ,以辨基本规律 ;四是昭示典型 ,以显地方优势 ;五是评量得失 ,以为将来之鉴。而所有这些又恰恰是在第二轮修志概述编写中应特别注意的问题。  相似文献   
志书质量的优劣 ,主编是关键 ;而强化主编的质量意识 ,则是关键的关键。在修第二轮社会主义新方志时 ,主编应特别注重将质量问题摆在首位。总纂前要制定志书的质量标准 ,并建立完善的志书质量监督保证体系 ,采取切实有效的措施保证志书质量。只有始终牢固树立并强化全方位的质量意识 ,才能编纂出高质量的新方志。  相似文献   
上海万国红十字会救济日俄战灾述论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
池子华 《清史研究》2005,5082(2):62-68
日俄战争爆发后,为“医治战地因战被伤之战国及局外兵民,救护战地之无关战事因战被难人民”,1904年3月10日,中、英、法、德、美五国在上海发起成立“上海万国红十字会”,筹款募捐,添设分会,实施救援。三年中,救护出险、收治伤病、留养资遣、赈济安置总人数达46·7万人,谱写出一曲国际人道主义的颂歌。  相似文献   
有清一代中国东北与俄国的贸易大致可以分成自由交流、边境互市贸易、商埠贸易三个阶段;在贸易性质上,从作为外交关系的副产品转变为近代经济行为;在贸易规则上,由自发无序到法制有序;主要贸易场域则由边境蔓延至东北腹地.清代晚期中俄间的贸易始终是在俄国侵华背景下进行的,因此俄国为获益最大方.但中俄间经济联系的长期存在,对清代中国东北的开发及东北亚国际关系皆产生了重要影响.  相似文献   
本文强调陶渊明对中国诗歌的贡献在创造出足以辉耀整个传统的新美典。文章提出陶氏的社会理想接近"秦汉之际新儒家",故其对力田和个体生命的态度与孔孟扜格。而陶诗美感的源泉,则在与此生命态度相关的"委运"和"乘化"。本文第二、三节转入对陶诗田园世界和抒情自我的讨论,并以三端概括陶诗新美典:首先,"乘化"的生命态度令诗人自时间面去体悟四季、晨昏的循环,天人一体、身心一体地感知熟稔的土地。由此生出的不设色的田园世界,与诗坛逐渐声色大开的局面形成对照。其次,陶诗解构了屈原开创的抒情自我原型,首次将诗人自我形象白描在日常生活化背景之上。最后,陶诗以彻底的内在主义,为中国诗歌由嵇康开始的对超越境界的追求找到了归宿。  相似文献   
延边远处中国边陲,其特殊的地理位置和丰富的自然资源构成决定了她在林业产业发展中举足轻重的地位,而林业经济的发展,则是延边经济发展的关键因素.随着市场经济的发展和林业经济体制改革的深入,非公有制林业应运而生,并成为林业发展的强大推动力.事实证明,发展非公有制林业是实现林区可持续发展的必然选择.然而,在具体的进程中,非公有制林业发展却产生了种种问题,使其陷入困境.本文从延边州非公有制林业现状出发,分析其发展中存在的问题及优势,并提出解决问题的对策,对延边州发展和提高非公有制林业经营效益有一定的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   
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