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华中抗日根据地十分注重对退伍、伤残军人和抗属的优抚工作:制定优抚法律、政策,设立社会保障机构,开展优抚政策的宣传教育,组织拜年和节日慰问活动,帮助抗属解决生产生活问题,减轻各种税费,抚恤烈士,安置伤残、退伍军人。优抚经费既包括政府拨款,也包括民间筹集。华中抗日根据地优抚工作的特点是:物质与精神保障相结合;适度保障,维持基本生活;对国民党军队一视同仁;把保障与鼓励自力更生相结合。优抚工作对于动员民众参军参战,密切党政军民关系,配合统一战线的开展等方面都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
齐春雷 《攀登》2011,30(1):22-26
信息技术革命的发展为加强对统战成员的思想工作、扩大统战成员的政治参与、促进统一战线的民意整合、增强民主监督的实效、变革统战工作的方式带来了难得的机遇。面对信息网络技术飞速发展的新形势,党的统战工作必须抓住机遇,积极探索改进和完善党的统战工作的新途径和新方法,以不断推动和实现党的统战工作的新发展。  相似文献   
李莉 《神州》2011,(8X):68-70
这些年来,接受高等教育的人不断增多,这也直接导致了大学生们的就业难问题。大学生们如何才能在众多的求职者中凸显优势,在以后的工作中快速发展成为热点话题。本文从如何选择公共选修课的角度去探讨解决这一问题的办法。  相似文献   
武伟生  曹淑英  韩宏亮  王霞 《攀登》2011,30(4):8-11
青海的各级党组织从特殊的省情出发,准确把握党的作风建设的特殊要求,不断凝聚干事创业的持续动力,积极谋划科学发展的成功之路,大力密切党群情深的血肉联系,努力构建团结稳定的和谐社会,注重真抓实干的实际成效,形成了在艰苦边远和欠发达地区弘扬党的优良作风的成功经验。青海党的作风建设的实践充分反映了党的作风建设的规律性。  相似文献   
全文结合笔者对国内外博物馆教育工作的理解,对大都会博物馆的教育理念、教育资源、教育活动以及教育工作的统计数据进行了介绍与评析,认为大都会博物馆在教育理念为先、教育体系完善、教育以人为本以及注重基础数据的统计与研究等方面,都值得国内博物馆教育工作参考借鉴.  相似文献   
While the literature on economic restructuring tends to understand neoliberalism as a uniform governance ideology or economic-political reality, we suggest that it is more useful to understand neoliberalism as a loosely knit assemblage of programmatic efforts that consist of various political rationalities and practices of rule that aim to manage social conduct. The paper focuses on the various ways that these efforts are connected to complex state rescaling processes in Canada. Specifically, the first part of the paper examines the restructuring of nation-state responsibilities in social service and security provisions. It illustrates the shift toward a new citizenship regime that renders women as active agents who are responsible for solving problems in an individualized manner. The second part of the paper exemplifies how neoliberal programmatic efforts create new spaces of governance, particularly those of flexibility through non-standard work. The massive rescaling of the public sector, the decreasing demand for women's ‘traditional’ occupations, and the increasing prevalence of women in non-standard work arrangements constitute women as political-economic subjects in new ways. We analyze these processes using data drawn from in-depth interviews with personnel in the Canadian Federal Public Service. We outline some of the implications these initiatives have had on public service programmes and various public sector groups. Additionally, we provide a selection of individual accounts of public sector restructuring and gendered work by professionals and contract workers employed in the public service, and offer empirical illustrations of the contentions surrounding neoliberal restructuring initiatives.  相似文献   
徘徊中前进时期在党史、国史上都是容易被人忽略的时期。实际上,通过大量的史实可以发现新中国从"文化大革命"结束跨向伟大转折的开端离不开这段时期各方面的准备,理论准备就是其中的必要准备之一。十一届三中全会之所以能实现工作重心、对内和对外方针政策的伟大转折,与党在这一时期的理论准备密不可分,对其应予以足够的重视。  相似文献   
王氏父子治学特点别具一格:一在于其思想观念上的“通”,不拘泥于汉儒师说,不束缚于前贤定论,不局限于文字形体,实事求是,无征不信。二在于其知识运用上的“博”,即博采经、史,旁通诸子百家,这是知识的广博;综合运用各科知识、各种手段,对古书字词加以校勘训释,乃至一字之证,博及万卷,这是手段的多样,两者使得王氏父子发现和解决问题比别人高出一筹。三是其研究方法上擅长于“音”,即比同时人和先贤更多地更科学地运用音韵学理论和方法于校勘学、训诂学事业,广泛采取“声训”法,从而形成了自己独特的研究方法与优势。  相似文献   
Drawing on ethnographic research in an upper-class district in Turkey, this article examines social and spatial experiences of young low-wage service workers who travel daily back and forth between their homes in low-income neighbourhoods and their jobs in gated communities, upscale shopping malls and corporate offices. The paper argues that the significance of upper class districts or gated communities for urban inequality lies not in the sites themselves, nor the lifestyles of their elite inhabitants as commonly treated in the literature, but rather in the ways in which they relate to the outside and outsiders. Within this framework, the paper analyses the district’s effect on urban spatial segregation and urbanites’ sense of place in society. While resentment and reaction to inequalities and upper class customers are prevalent in young workers’ narratives, workers’ class subjectivities are also marked by a sense of mobility and liminality between the upper middle classes in their work district and their families, friends and neighbours back home. This sense of socio-spatial ‘in-betweenness’ is reinforced by being young, hence a sense of temporal liminality between youth and adulthood. The study contributes to the understanding of urban inequality at the intersection of spatial, emotional and temporal experiences of urbanites.  相似文献   
This study seeks to explore the visitor experience at heritage sites pre, during and post visit. A conceptual model depicting the heritage visitor experience was proposed. A self-administered survey (n?=?195) was completed by visitors at six heritage sites across Northern Ireland. Visitor characteristics and pre-experience were analysed and results showed that heritage visitors are primarily motivated by recreation and base their visitation decision on advice from friends and family. Results from the exploratory factor analysis showed that audio and visual communication, atmospherics, on-site engagement, information and heritage preservation were the most influential factors during a visit. Post-experience results indicate that 54% of the sample was satisfied with their visit and 85% would revisit the heritage site. The final model suggests a range of factors which positively contribute to the visitor experience at heritage sites though this requires further testing.  相似文献   
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