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This article presents the result of research on two large wooden anchors recently identified in Hanoi, Vietnam. Some features of the anchors show similarities with anchors originating from East Asian regions, but the research demonstrates that they are probably from ships locally constructed in the 18th and 19th centuries. In the attempt to clarify the origin of these anchors, it was discovered that there has been little discussion on the historical development of anchors in East and Southeast Asia. Therefore, this article will also assess the significance of the two anchors in the regional evolvement of anchors. © 2010 The Authors  相似文献   

Wooden Madonna tabernacles from c.1150–c.1350 are today scarce, and it is therefore difficult to get a complete understanding of their original appearance and variations. Nevertheless there are still preserved at least fifteen Madonna tabernacles, or substantial fragments of them, in Scandinavia, which can give us a picture of the variety of appearance and form these large tabernacles had in this period. The surviving Scandinavian Madonna tabernacles have, like the southern European ones, quite a lot of variation in types and appearance, both in their closed and open positions. The largest group consisted of niches with relief-figures on the interior when open, but the scenes could also be painted, or painting and sculpture combined on the same surface. A neglected aspect of these tabernacles is their appearance in the closed position. Often the wings of the tabernacles have their original painting preserved on the exterior, even if the reverse has been overpainted or the wings have been restructured. Many of these original surfaces had non-figural decoration, such as foliage, monochrome surfaces in red or green, or a combination of simple patterns of red and green.  相似文献   
《诗》、史互证是研究上古历史的重要途径,上博简为此提供了新的重要材料。上博简《诗论》“人之怨子”是对于《人之》一诗的评论。《左传》相关记载表明,此诗应当是为春秋后期人们比较熟知的齐国子尾、高强父子之事而作。在流传的过程中,此诗的大部分混入《瞻Mao》篇,小部分混入《小宛》篇。我们将这些内容析出整理后,可以基本看出《人之》一诗的原貌。《诗》中所佚篇章有些是其内容误入他诗因而失名的结果,上博简《诗论》所提到的《仲氏》、《人之》等就是比较典型的例子。  相似文献   
有研究表明,相较于传统的干燥技术,利用超临界CO2流体干燥技术对出土饱水竹木器进行干燥具有周期短、变形小的优势。与出土饱水竹木器相比,海洋出水木质文物除了含水率高外,还含有较多的难溶性盐分,在文物的长期保存和展览中,盐分与水分、空气、文物本身进行化学反应会加速文物的老化和腐蚀。因此,本研究以“南海Ⅰ号”船体的部分构件为研究对象,开展了将超临界CO2流体干燥技术应用于海洋出水木质文物的探索实验研究。实验结果表明,在温度40 ℃,压力20 MPa的条件下,超临界CO2流体干燥海洋出水木质文物效果明显,样品的三向干缩率均低于或者接近健康木材阴干的三向干缩率;含水率大幅度下降,经过超临界技术干燥后不需再做其他干燥处理就能满足文物保存的要求。文物干燥前后含盐率的测量结果表明,此干燥技术还具有明显脱盐的效果。  相似文献   
银雀山汉简《曹氏阴阳》是一种专门介绍阴阳学说的古代典籍。现存竹简百余枚,内容有天地阴阳、日月星辰、四时、山水草木、农作物、动物、人事活动、哲学思想等,是研究传统文化与古代思想的重要典籍。  相似文献   
本文以近十年(1990—1999)新发掘出的简牍古文献实物为基础.探讨了简犊之长短、治竹木的方法、竹木之编连与书写、简与牍之区别等问题,力求以新的实物资料与前人研究相印证.并就简牍之形制作一番探讨。  相似文献   
陈秉新 《江汉考古》2004,2(2):89-91
本对《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书(二)》中的《子羔》、《鲁邦大旱》、《从政》、《容成氏》各篇若干误释和阙释的畜、采、敲、洒、饿、瞌、位、干、怪等字,提出个人的见解。  相似文献   
汉代上计制度论考──兼评尹湾汉墓木牍《集簿》   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
尹湾汉墓简牍的内容是多方面的,其中一批是西汉时期郡县级行政档案,记载有西汉后期东海郡的社会、经济概况,对于研究汉代的上计制度具有重要价值。本文依据这批珍贵的史料对汉代上计制度进行了深入的研究和探讨。  相似文献   
望山楚简考释六则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程燕 《江汉考古》2003,(3):85-90
本在习读简和阅读诸家作的基础上,对其中的“ ”、“壔”等字提出自己的一点浅陋看法。  相似文献   
陈伟 《江汉考古》2003,(2):55-60
《唐虞之道》是郭店竹书中的一篇。本在对众说择善而从的基础上,着重作了两件事:其一,对竹简编连的顺序加以调整,如将第13号简移至第3、第4号简之间,第11号简移至第17号简之后;其二,对数处字重作考定,如13号简第2字改释为“戚”,第7号简最后一字改释为“大”,第11号简第一字改释为“妃”,读为“配”。  相似文献   
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