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本文是笔者“张家山汉简《二年律令》集释”的第二篇。文章在保存整理小组原注的基础上,广泛吸收了先秦两汉文献及唐宋明清律令的相关资料、秦汉简牍资料以及当代学者有关张家山汉简的研究成果,希望能对张假山汉简的进一步研究贡献微薄力量。  相似文献   
中国明代木质古建西安鼓楼彩绘的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于有关中国木质古建彩绘材料及技术的研究报道较少,本工作通过光学显微镜、扫描电镜能谱(SEMEDX)、X射线衍射及气相色谱质谱(GC/MS)分析方法,对建于公元1380年的中国西安明代鼓楼木建表面彩绘样品进行了科学检测研究,分析了其中的无机材料组成及彩绘所用粘合剂,并收集了所涉及到的相关历史资料。分析结果表明,木建表面彩绘的材料组成和制作技术与历史调查获得的信息完全吻合。地仗层主要由粘土、石灰、干性油(桐油)及纤维织物组成,且地仗层保持最初的原材料。颜料分析结果显示,尽管修复时所使用的粘合剂与最初建造时的粘合剂完全相同,但目前彩绘的颜料即有原来使用的材料,也有十八世纪修复时所使用的材料。  相似文献   
张家山汉简释地六则   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张家山汉简《二年律令·秩律》是研究汉初政区地理的重要材料,本文对其中六个有问题的地名进行重新考释,认为沂阳位于今山西介休县西,汉初属上党郡;第455号简原释作“郑”的字,实为“邺”,属河内郡;销县又见于里耶秦简牍,当即楚金币“少贞”之“少”,六朝之“霄城”或“宵城”县,在今湖北天门东北;南陵和阳城并属南阳郡;南乡并非广乡,而是高帝母昭灵后的陵园所在,在今河南开封东。经过考订,简文地名排列的规律性更加明显。  相似文献   
失水干缩竹简不仅改变了竹简的形貌,而且字迹无法辨认,不能进行考古释文,极大地影响了其承载的历史价值和研究价值。通过海昏侯墓葬等出土竹简等残片的干缩复形研究实验,对复形前后外形尺寸、化学组分、微观结构等方面进行比较。结果表明:经生物碱和表面活性剂等材料浸润后的干缩竹简残片,外形尺寸可恢复到干缩前的98%以上,竹简残片内部干缩变小的空隙结构得到恢复,化学组分无明显变化。运用该技术对干缩竹简进行复形处理,复形后的竹简基本恢复到饱水时的状态,而且对字迹无损伤。  相似文献   
The Cape Stoba shipwreck is located on the seabed off the island of Mljet in Croatia at a depth of 21–28 m. Following initial investigation in 1975, four seasons of excavation have been carried between 2010 and 2014 by the Department for Underwater Archaeology of the Croatian Conservation Institute, joined by the Department of Studi Umanistici of the Università Ca' Foscari of Venice from 2012. The wreck‐site is evidenced by a cargo of nine amphora types dated to the 10th‐11th century AD, produced in the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea area, and glassware of Levantine production. The only direct evidence of the ship itself to date, is one iron anchor.  相似文献   
Thin-folded Shell for the Renewal of Existing Wooden Roofs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, a technique for the renewal of historic building wooden roofs is presented. The solution can be used for the strengthening of existing wooden roofs against excessive lateral thrusts on the peripheral wall or for the recovery of the attics, as it allows removing the existing structural elements, such as possible wooden truss-works of no artistic value. With minor adaptations, the solution can be addressed to enhance the building seismic performance. The technique is minimally impairing on existing buildings and can be applied also in new constructions.

The technique is based on the construction of a thin folded shell, overlaying the existing pitches. Emphasis is given to lightweight folded shells, obtained by overlaying thin plywood panels on the existing roof rafters and planks, without modifying the overall architectural layout.

The technique conceptual design is discussed and a simplified analytical method is proposed, which allows for the clarification of the role of each structural component and can be adopted for the folded shell proportioning and design. The analytical results are validated against numerical results obtained with reference to some case studies. Ultimately, emphasis is given to the detailing, whose correct execution is mandatory for the success of the proposed structural intervention.  相似文献   

Underwater excavations at the Classic period (a.d. 300–900) ancient Maya salt works of Chan b’i and Atz’aam Na in Paynes Creek National Park, Belize, reveal activity areas associated with a substantial salt industry for distribution to nearby southern Maya inland sites where this biological requirement was scarce. Wooden architecture and salt making artifacts are abundantly preserved in a peat bog composed of red mangrove. Excavations, screening, and analysis of recovered material at the submerged underwater sites reveal that the artifacts are overwhelmingly briquetage: pottery vessels used to evaporate salty water by heating over fires to make salt. The spatial distribution of briquetage in relation to the interior and exterior of buildings reveals that salt production was occurring indoors. The plethora of briquetage and the scarcity of domestic artifacts indicate that the sites were specialized salt works and not physically attached to households.  相似文献   
沪简《周易》选释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海博物馆所藏战国楚竹书《周易》,与今本文字多有异同.本文就竹简本中十条异文予以考证,或揭示其释字依据,或分析其通假关系,也间或涉及其讹变关系,提出若干与旧注不同的新观点.  相似文献   
甘肃出土木器依据形态与结构划分,属于典型的糟朽木器类型,材质外观特征与特性明显。制作材质鉴定表明,基本类型有①松科云杉;②松科冷杉;③柏科圆柏。通过对糟朽木器形态类型、结构属性、影响因素及发生改变原因剖析,指出了糟朽木器材质在经历了第一阶段的转折性根本改变后(含水率远低于纤维饱和点),即将面临第二阶段的转折性根本变化(含水率略高或接近于平衡含水率),而这一阶段的改变结果对器物将是毁灭性的;为了避免出土器物在短期内形态发生剧变,运用生物切片、扫描电镜分析技术对木质纤维显微结构进行了观察和研究,研究结果与结构病害腐变结果相吻合。选取与糟朽器物同期考古出土的糟朽棺板木作为分析对象,分别对其化学成分、容积重、含水率以及力学性能进行了实验测试,测得糟朽木器降解损失超过50%,含水率约为10.5%,力学强度指标与正常材质相比,均有明显的下降,且相对差异较大,最大约为正常木材强度的60%。对比分析结果,得出了结论:①糟朽木器的形态与结构状况与实验生物切片分析、电镜显微结构观察和研究结果相吻合,同时材质成分、容积重与力学性能测定结果为上述分析结果提供了有力的数据支撑;②致使糟朽木器形态和结构发生改变的主要因素是胎木含水率,其值是非恒定的并随外部环境而改变,因此含水率可用于反映糟朽木器的材质特性;③纤维饱和点与平衡含水率是影响、衡量和评估糟朽木器形态与结构的两个重要的物理参数;④鉴于糟朽木器的材质特性,后期保存应尽量避免与水分的直接接触,需要严格控制其胎木的含水率,且维持恒定、稳定的保存环境,这点对后期糟朽木器的保存是非常重要的  相似文献   
肩水金关汉简涉及到了西汉太常郡,太常本为职官官名,吕后六年(前182年)长陵置县即为太常所辖,后陵县既多,渐为郡级政区,直至汉元帝永光四年(前40年)不再领县。虽然此郡未能与西汉时期相始终,但已具备郡级政区的基本功能,且有边界和实土,是西汉时期的特殊政区。  相似文献   
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