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祠堂、族谱、族田是近世家族制度的三项标志.明中叶,近世家族制度形成以后,宗族设立谱局修谱成为纂修族谱的主要形式,但也还存在个人撰写家谱的现象.设立谱局修谱为公修族谱,个人撰写家谱为私撰家谱.本文主要从规模、篇幅与流传形式,体例与内容,记载内容的真实性三个方面,对徽州私撰家谱与公修族谱之间的差异进行比较研究.  相似文献   
以女性视角从关注女性文化的角度探讨女性写作的母题,是女性文学研究中不可回避的视域。在女性写作中,女性文化是必不可少的一部分。女性在社会中的地位的日益显著使女性文化蓬勃发展,并且在当今社会形成了一道独特的风景线。女性写作使女性文化有了确实的落脚点,并随着女性文学的传播迅速发展。  相似文献   
我国现有的英语教学普遍存在重教轻管的问题,这是英语教学费时低效的一个重要原因。写作是英语教学中的一大难点,也是外语教学研究领域的一大热点。以英语写作为例,先从量化管理的概念、英语写作教学量化管理的理论依据及其具体内容两个方面进行论述,指出量化管理是强化学习动机提高学习效果的有效方法,英语教学改革应走管理之路。  相似文献   
古字考释中常常要遇到通假现象.本从学术史的角度出发,追溯古字考释中使用的通假方法.这种方法的使用有其产生的相关学术背景,经历了从不自觉的实践到理论的提出,至反过来用理论指导实践这一过程.  相似文献   
Most discussions of the relationships between 'the East', 'the West' and writing have, following Edward Said, involved interpreting the representations of people and places within travel writing, novels and other literary forms. This paper argues that this restricted engagement with practices of reading and writing limits the ways in which the relationships between people involved in the global geographies constructed since the fifteenth century can be understood. Through presenting a detailed discussion of the role of royal letters within the voyages of the English East India Company in the early seventeenth century, it argues that an analysis of 'how writing travels' which concentrates on the production, carriage and use of texts as material objects can foreground the active and collective making of global geographies as a contested enterprise involving multiple agents in a variety of sites. This paper presents writing as a global cultural practice and traces its place in the making of an early modern trading network.  相似文献   
关于朱彝尊著作,吴梁先生曾有<朱彝尊著述考略>一文,刊于<古籍整理研究学刊>1992年第4期.今于国家清史项目<清人著述总目>编纂过程中发现上文之外另有朱彝尊著述34种.现将其一一列举,标明卷数、版本、馆藏、出处.合前文所列,朱彝尊著述日臻完备.  相似文献   
This article scrutinises an ongoing concern with how the naming of landscape is informed by micro personal and macro cultural narratives. The author takes the position of a toponymist and linguistic pilgrim. The perspectives identify ways of understanding the meanings of place ascribed through language and placenames, the role of intention in language documentation, and relationships between the affect of place and belonging. Drawing is melded with processes of placenaming, specifically a single fishing ground placename recorded during linguistic fieldwork in February 2008 with an elderly man on Norfolk Island, South Pacific. The argument uses drawing as a method to reveal how elicited stories can reveal the meanings of placenames and the histories of observations that inform them. The view taken questions whether the discipline of toponymy could incorporate a more involved and evolved aesthetic dimension. New ways to contextualise observations about placenaming and documentation within relevant interdisciplinary contexts such as drawing research and cartography are offered.  相似文献   
As a form of travel writing and a highly favoured marketing tool, Instagram provides a blueprint of the ideologies underpinning contemporary tourism. This article argues that consistent visual motifs on Instagram echo a colonial iconography that sees tourist destinations as available for possession and consumption, effacing local place and identity. The reproduction of three motifs – the tropical exotic, the promontory gaze and fantasised assimilation – mediatises ideations that, rather than depicting these destinations as contemporaneous spaces in which a tourist is a guest, depict them as ‘other’ realms for the tourist’s taking. Local residents, when pictured, are configured as genericised icons of exoticism that serve to imbue the tourist’s experience with authenticity. These visual tropes, paired with textual captions and hashtags, present tourists as the rightful occupants and users of local spaces in a way that echoes the colonial seizure of foreign lands, an action that is imaginatively performed as tourists enact these three motifs in Instagram posts. Taken together, the visual regime witnessed and performed on Instagram contributes to the imagined and real perpetuation of unequal power relations in global tourism, which continue to privilege wealthy tourists over local residents.  相似文献   
北宋中期,《新唐书》在宋祁、欧阳修的主持下,历十七年终于修成。然而人们对《新唐书》的批评很多,集中在书法问题上,包括史料的取舍、语言的采用、褒贬体例等。《新唐书》之所以在书法上出现这些问题,主要原因是修书组织存在重大缺陷,而且修史官员对春秋笔法理解方面有较大的差异,文人修史存在着如修史者的态度、主观好恶、修史风格等许多弊病。  相似文献   
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