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The Krafla geothermal system is located in Iceland's northeastern neovolcanic zone, within the Krafla central volcanic complex. Geothermal fluids are superheated steam closest to the magma heat source, two‐phase at higher depths, and sub‐boiling at the shallowest depths. Hydrogen isotope ratios of geothermal fluids range from ?87‰, equivalent to local meteoric water, to ?94‰. These fluids are enriched in 18O relative to the global meteoric line by +0.5–3.2‰. Calculated vapor fractions of the fluids are 0.0–0.5 wt% (~0–16% by volume) in the northwestern portion of the geothermal system and increase towards the southeast, up to 5.4 wt% (~57% by volume). Hydrothermal epidote sampled from 900 to 2500 m depth has δD values from ?127 to ?108‰, and δ18O from ?13.0 to ?9.6‰. Fluids in equilibrium with epidote have isotope compositions similar to those calculated for the vapor phase of two‐phase aquifer fluids. We interpret the large range in δDEPIDOTE and δ18OEPIDOTE across the system and within individual wells (up to 7‰ and 3.3‰, respectively) to result from variable mixing of shallow sub‐boiling groundwater with condensates of vapor rising from a deeper two‐phase reservoir. The data suggest that meteoric waters derived from a single source in the northwest are separated into the shallow sub‐boiling reservoir, and deeper two‐phase reservoir. Interaction between these reservoirs occurs by channelized vertical flow of vapor along fractures, and input of magmatic volatiles further alters fluid chemistry in some wells. Isotopic compositions of hydrothermal epidote reflect local equilibrium with fluids formed by mixtures of shallow water, deep vapor condensates, and magmatic volatiles, whose ionic strength is subsequently derived from dissolution of basalt host rock. This study illustrates the benefits of combining phase segregation effects in two‐phase systems during analysis of wellhead fluid data with stable isotope values of hydrous alteration minerals when evaluating the complex hydrogeology of volcano‐hosted geothermal systems.  相似文献   
This article explores the securitisation of water aimed at avoiding a political crisis for the Chun Doo-Hwan regime in South Korea (1979–1988) using the case of the Peace Dam. The legitimacy of the Chun regime was vulnerable because of diverse factors such as internal and external crises inherited from the previous regime and Chun’s rise to power through a military coup and civilian massacres. In this political situation, the securitisation of nature could be an effective method of curbing potential resistance and ruling a people facing a complex crisis. The constructed threat of an attack by flooding by North Korea and the consequent alleged need for the Peace Dam were part of a scheme by Chun to maintain political power through the securitisation of water, specifically by establishing North Korea as an external enemy and unifying the South Korean people.  相似文献   
朵云轩传统的木版水印工艺精湛绝伦,复制艺术的水平达到了形神兼备以至乱真的境地。木版水印工艺重梓精印《十竹斋画谱》并取得成功,为我国图书艺术园地继续增色添彩。  相似文献   
杜美龄  孙根年 《人文地理》2015,30(2):155-160
经济全球化背景下,国际"贸易-交通-旅游"(3T)互动日益增强。采用1982-2011年时间序列数据,分析国际贸易、交通和旅游总量的发展历程,从进、出口分量视角考察三者相关关系,运用最小二乘法构建回归方程。结果发现:①30年来国际贸易、交通和旅游的发展呈持续增长态势。国际贸易和旅游日益重要。②国际贸易、交通和旅游增长过程具有同步性,表现为波动周期同涨同落。③所构建的回归方程决断系数R2均在0.99以上,国际贸易、交通和旅游存在显著相关性。国际货运与国际贸易,国际客运与国际旅游之间具有确定、直接的因果关系;国际贸易与国际旅游的因果性尚待探究。  相似文献   
目前国内从微观角度对家庭汽车所有权的研究很少。本文试图基于对北京市的一项大型问卷调查数据,从微观视角分析中国大城市家庭汽车所有权的主要影响因素。结果显示,中国城市家庭汽车所有权主要受能力因素和需求因素两方面影响。具体而言,家庭收入越高、持有驾照的成员数越多、户主受教育程度越高、户主年龄越大、离地铁站越远,家庭拥有汽车的可能性越大。家庭规模、家庭内的孩子数及是否住在内城等在国外研究中较为重要的解释变量在国内并不显著。有车家庭的户主在日常通勤中对汽车的使用强度较高,说明居民购买汽车主要为满足实际需要,"炫耀性"消费的因素不多。  相似文献   
In 2004 excavations at the Barbar Temple dating to c. 2000 BC established that the function of the southeastern subterranean channel connected to the temple pool was to supply the pool with water and not to divert water away from the pool. North and west of the temple the oval terrace wall of its third phase was located. In the centre of the Northeast Temple the remains of a shaft-stairway leading down to a well-chamber was uncovered and shown to be furnished with two subterranean channels leading water into the chamber. South of the Northeast Temple a house with late pottery was excavated. Two stamp seals and two seal-impressed tokens were found.  相似文献   
北宋东京汴河东水门考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李合群 《华夏考古》2005,13(3):98-99
本文综合研究文献记载与考古资料,认为北宋东京汴河东水门应由河道之上的水闸门、汴河南北两岸的陆行门,以及南北拐子城所组成。拐子城,系直门两重,是为了保卫上善与通津两座陆行门和汴河漕运而建,在北宋末年抗击金人的东京保卫战中,起了重要作用。张择端《清明上河图》中所绘制的那座城门,即为汴河南岸的上善门  相似文献   
玉皇庙遗址位于湖北省丹江口市境内,现为丹江口水库中一小岛。1995年,文物工作者对南水北调工程文物调查时发现该遗址。在遗址采集新石器时代和周代遗物。新石器时代遗物与青龙泉和大寺遗址、朱家台遗址和乱石滩遗址等出土的同期遗物相近。周代遗物与官山河两岸早年发现的同期遗物相似。  相似文献   
以往学界对开埠初期上海租界水环境治理,一般采取填浜筑路的视角,而本文通过对档案资料的考察发现,租界当局对租界内的河浜采取了灵活的治理办法,对于挡路和阻碍市政的死水河浜进行填埋,而对于一般的潮汐河浜和航运河浜采取了清淤、疏通的保护措施,挖掘开通了新河浜,从而使河浜水系的功能得以延续。为了排水需要,租界当局辟建了下水道系统,其治理办法却借鉴于治河方法。  相似文献   
水对城市发展至关重要,严重水灾可能会酿成"城毁人亡"的悲局。历史上徐州饱受水灾之苦,特别是黄河决口南徙打乱了原本水系,使得境内水灾频仍,经济和社会发展受阻,在很大程度上导致了城市的衰落。但另一方面,沂、沭、泗以及故黄河所带来的便利灌溉条件则促进了境内古代农业生产;而运河开凿又使徐州处于全国重要的水运枢纽位置,因此带来商贸繁荣、工业发展、人口集聚和城市兴盛。本文在对历史上徐州水系变迁、尤其是水灾频发及其产生原因作出深入分析的基础上,着重探讨了境内水环境变化对徐州城市兴衰主要方面的影响。研究表明:①黄河对徐州水系变迁和城市兴衰影响巨大,直接时间持续近700年;②良好的水环境对历史上徐州境内工农业生产、商品贸易和城市建设起到了极大的推动作用,城市的繁荣兴旺与农田水利的风调雨顺、水上运输的川流不息往往处于同一个时期;③建国后徐州境内水系得到逐步治理与恢复,特别是20世纪80年代中期京杭运河(徐州段)实现全年通航后,其城市发展的水环境得到极大改善,为打造山水生态园林城市提供了良好条件。  相似文献   
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