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A shipwreck from the early 3rd century BC was discovered in the Black Sea's suboxic depths off Ere?li, Turkey, during the 2011 E/V Nautilus expedition. Remote investigation revealed the trawl‐damaged remains of a merchant ship carrying multiple amphora types associated with Aegean and Pontic production areas. Also discovered were elements of the ship's hull that show evidence of both pegged mortise‐and‐tenon and laced construction. The wreck provides crucial archaeological evidence for both maritime connectivity and ship‐construction methods during a period of political and economic transition.  相似文献   
李爽  黄福才  饶勇  魏敏 《旅游科学》2006,20(5):1-7,25
本文对国外旅游界最具影响力的两大旅游研究刊物Annals of Tourism Research(ATR)(1974—2005)和Tourism Management(TM)(1980—2005)中运用计量经济分析方法的122篇文献进行了全面回顾。在对计量经济分析方法的构成情况及应用领域进行统计分析的基础上,对其在国外旅游研究中的应用演进情况做了归纳和概括。研究发现,计量经济分析方法正逐渐成为国外学者进行旅游研究的主要手段之一,其中回归模型、时间序列模型和面板数据模型是最常用的手段;方法的应用主要集中在旅游需求研究方面,其次是旅游产业与环境关系研究、旅游供给研究。从研究方法的应用演进来看,经过30多年的发展,从静态的零星运用到比较系统的、动态的多种方法的整合运用,计量经济分析方法在旅游研究中的应用日渐成熟。  相似文献   
Julia Sizek 《对极》2023,55(6):1898-1918
A proposed project will take water from an aquifer in the California desert to the coast. Lacking final approvals more than 30 years after it started, the project remains a plan despite sizeable opposition. What is its secret? In this paper, I examine the imaginaries of the underground aquifer underneath the lands of Cadiz Inc, the project proponent. While local theories insist the company is at the centre of a Chinatown conspiracy, I argue that the company stays alive through regulatory alchemy, a term that reveals the magic at the heart of scientific and regulatory approval processes. I examine narratives of the aquifer in environmental compliance and financial reporting in order to reveal how regulatory processes become the conditions of profit-making, building on debates in critical legal geography and political ecology.  相似文献   
A noted specialist on the Russian economy presents an assessment of the impact of the global financial crisis on the mechanism of the country's economic growth. Focusing on the demand side of the economic ledger, the author explores the question of whether Russia will be able to re-attain the high economic growth rates of the period from 2000 to 2007 after recovering from the crisis. The paper analyzes the sharp drop in production in 2008 and the first quarter of 2009, attributing most of the damage to liquidity problems and declines in the price of oil. Empirical evidence is based primarily on data collected by the author from the Central Bank of Russia and the country's federal bureau of statistics (Rosstat). Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: E010, E200, E660, F210, G010. 11 figures, 3 tables, 29 references.  相似文献   
水对城市发展至关重要,严重水灾可能会酿成"城毁人亡"的悲局。历史上徐州饱受水灾之苦,特别是黄河决口南徙打乱了原本水系,使得境内水灾频仍,经济和社会发展受阻,在很大程度上导致了城市的衰落。但另一方面,沂、沭、泗以及故黄河所带来的便利灌溉条件则促进了境内古代农业生产;而运河开凿又使徐州处于全国重要的水运枢纽位置,因此带来商贸繁荣、工业发展、人口集聚和城市兴盛。本文在对历史上徐州水系变迁、尤其是水灾频发及其产生原因作出深入分析的基础上,着重探讨了境内水环境变化对徐州城市兴衰主要方面的影响。研究表明:①黄河对徐州水系变迁和城市兴衰影响巨大,直接时间持续近700年;②良好的水环境对历史上徐州境内工农业生产、商品贸易和城市建设起到了极大的推动作用,城市的繁荣兴旺与农田水利的风调雨顺、水上运输的川流不息往往处于同一个时期;③建国后徐州境内水系得到逐步治理与恢复,特别是20世纪80年代中期京杭运河(徐州段)实现全年通航后,其城市发展的水环境得到极大改善,为打造山水生态园林城市提供了良好条件。  相似文献   
In more than 75% of households around the world in which water needs are fulfilled by retrieving water, women are typically tasked with this critical responsibility. This is true in Kenya, and the challenges women in rural areas of the country face are compounded by a lack of reasonable access to safe water by 56.5% of rural households. More than 25% of the population must travel at least 30?minutes to collect water, and 70% of all diseases in the country are water-borne (Kameri-Mbote and Kariuki 2015). Given their role as the primary household decision-maker about water, women have an astute understanding of water availability, access, quality and household use, and women’s perspectives would enhance decision-making in groups that address water resource management. However, women have historically been marginalized from participation in such processes for numerous reasons related to lack of empowerment, leadership, and voice, and the practicalities of the demands on her time that prevent her from having discretionary time to devote to civic processes. In this study, we interviewed 153 women living in three different watersheds in the Laikipia region of central Kenya about their views on water resource management, and interest in participation in water resource user associations (WRUAs) as members and leaders. Our results are consistent with prior research in that marginalization of women from WRUA participation is steeped in entrenched normative beliefs and behaviors about women’s roles and her domestic responsibilities, a lack of money to participate, and a lack of time given her other responsibilities.  相似文献   
A low level of co‐movement between different euro country housing markets creates difficulties for the ECB in setting monetary policy. Such co‐movement across eurozone countries has been the subject of a number of studies, using different methodologies and finding mixed results. In this study, we use endogenous break methods to explicitly test for whether the introduction of the euro has changed home value co‐movement. We also employ informal correlation analysis. Endogenous break results indicate no sustainable increase in co‐movement attributable to the euro, whereas correlation analysis is suggestive of a decrease in synchronization since the currency's introduction.  相似文献   
This study analyzes the interplay between the agglomeration of economic activities and interregional differences in working hours, which are typically longer in large cities, as they are normally more developed than small cities. For this purpose, we develop a two‐region model with endogenous labor supply. Although we assume a symmetric distribution of immobile workers, the symmetric equilibrium breaks in the sense that firms may agglomerate when trade costs are intermediate and labor supply is elastic. We also show that the price index is always lower, while labor supply, per capita income, real wages, and welfare are always higher in the more agglomerated region.  相似文献   
L. Jiang  W. Pan  C. Cai  L. Jia  L. Pan  T. Wang  H. Li  S. Chen  Y. Chen 《Geofluids》2015,15(3):483-498
Permian hydrothermal activity in the Tarim Basin may have been responsible for the invasion of hot brines into Ordovician carbonate reservoirs. Studies have been undertaken to explain the origin and geochemical characteristics of the diagenetic fluid present during this hydrothermal event although there is no consensus on it. We present a genetic model resulting from the study of δ13C, δ18O, δ34S, and 87Sr/86Sr isotope values and fluid inclusions (FIs) from fracture‐ and vug‐filling calcite, saddle dolomite, fluorite, barite, quartz, and anhydrite from Ordovician outcrops in northwest (NW) Tarim Basin and subsurface cores in Central Tarim Basin. The presence of hydrothermal fluid was confirmed by minerals with fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures being >10°C higher than the paleo‐formation burial temperatures both in the NW Tarim and in the Central Tarim areas. The mixing of hot (>200°C), high‐salinity (>24 wt% NaCl), 87Sr‐rich (up to 0.7104) hydrothermal fluid with cool (60–100°C), low‐salinity (0 to 3.5 wt% NaCl), also 87Sr‐rich (up to 0.7010) meteoric water in the Ordovician unit was supported by the salinity of fluid inclusions, and δ13C, δ18O, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic values of the diagenetic minerals. Up‐migrated hydrothermal fluids from the deeper Cambrian strata may have contributed to the hot brine with high sulfate concentrations which promoted thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) in the Ordovician, resulting in the formation of 12C‐rich (δ13C as low as ?13.8‰) calcite and 34S‐rich (δ34S values from 21.4‰ to 29.7‰) H2S, pyrite, and elemental sulfur. Hydrothermal fluid mixing with fresh water in Ordovician strata in Tarim Basin was facilitated by deep‐seated faults and up‐reaching faults due to the pervasive Permian magmatic activity. Collectively, fluid mixing, hydrothermal dolomitization, TSR, and faulting may have locally dissolved the host carbonates and increased the reservoir porosity and permeability, which has significant implications for hydrocarbon exploration.  相似文献   
The existence of gendered knowledge has been identified as a significant feature of Indigenous Australian culture, and the importance of considering the implications of gendered environmental knowledge in collaborative cross-cultural natural resource management has been highlighted. There is a lack of case studies that demonstrate how Indigenous women's knowledge and laws can be provided for in resource management contexts. From collaborative research with Anmatyerr women in central Australia, we discuss the implications of gender bias in relation to gendered knowledge in natural and cultural resource management, with a specific focus on Anmatyerr women's involvement in providing inputs about the cultural values of water within water allocation planning processes. This research highlights Anmatyerr women's own perspectives of their roles in contemporary contexts and identifies the existence of cultural change and continuity in relation to rights and responsibilities around water.  相似文献   
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