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2008年4月,为配合荥阳槐西希格玛欧洲产业基地一期工程建设,郑州市文物考古研究院在其一期基建工地范围内共清理魏晋、宋、金、明各个时期墓葬共36座,其中宋墓壁画保存基本完整,墓室西壁绘制的僧侣作法事图是以前从未发现过的壁画题材,它的发现为郑州地区宋金壁画墓的研究增添了新的资料.  相似文献   
Many aspects of southern African San rock art images can be understood in the light of nineteenth- and twentieth-century ethnography. San beliefs about different kinds of rain-animals and the secrecy that attended rain-control rites informed different kinds of social relations between rain-controllers themselves and between them and other people. San communities were less egalitarian than is often supposed, though ongrounds that are commonly overlooked. These points are made in reference to a hitherto unknown painted site.De nombreux aspects de lart rupestre sud-africain peuvent être compris à la lumière de documents ethnographiques des dix-neuvième et vingtième siècles. La croyance des San en différentes sortes danimaux de pluie et le secret environnant les rites de contrôle de lapluie ont révélé plusieurs types de relations sociales entre les faiseurs de pluie eux-mêmes, ainsi quentreceux-ci et les autres personnes. Les communautés san étaient moins égalitaires quon le suppose souvent, bien que cela napparaisse que sur des bases généralement négligées. Ces points sont développés en référence à un site orné jusquà présent inconnu.  相似文献   
为研究清代外销油画《镇海楼》颜料成分及颜料层状况,利用数码显微镜、傅立叶红外光谱、X射线荧光光谱并结合扫描电镜能谱技术对其进行观察和检测。研究表明,此幅清代油画中红色颜料分别为朱砂和赭石,蓝色颜料为普鲁士蓝,黄色颜料则为雄黄和铁黄,白色颜料为铅白。通过显微镜观察发现画中部分颜料层有开裂和局部剥落现象。本研究分析为中国清代油画的材料技法、保护修复及美术史研究提供了极具价值的信息。  相似文献   
A portable XRD/XRF system and complementary laboratory techniques were employed to improve the knowledge of the procedures used to create Roman and Arabic wall paintings. Integrated physico-chemical investigations were conducted on fragments of artworks collected from the archaeological excavation of the Patio de Banderas in the Reales Alcazares’ Palace of Seville (Spain), and a comparative study on the pigments from both historical periods was performed. As a result, pigments such as vermilion, red ochre, yellow ochre, green earth, Egyptian blue, carbon and phosphor-based black pigments were detected in Roman samples; however, in the Arabic fragments, only haematite was observed. In addition, the size and shape of the particles of the wall paintings were studied with an XRD 2-dimensional detector and SEM-EDX.  相似文献   
We report here on a study of 57 fragments of wall painting excavated from the Temple of Venus (Pompeii). These samples were characterised by a wide range of analytical methods. Data showed that the palette is varied, although not so broad as that found in other buildings in Pompeii, and is consistent with pigments used elsewhere in Pompeii and in the Roman Empire. It is composed of: natural earths, minerals and rare artificial pigments. Paintings are made up of thin paint layers (0.01–0.10 mm thick) strongly adhering to the underlying preparation layer. Nonetheless, in some cases thicker layers (up to 0.40 mm) were recognised, often spread on other previous painting layers. Samples were also compared with the microstratigraphic criteria developed in Piovesan (2009) to distinguish wall painting techniques. This comparison demonstrated that both fresco and lime painting techniques were adopted.  相似文献   
南京明城墙砖文中保存的信息有助于对明初役制组织的研究.从已发现的"均工夫"纪年砖可知,明初筑造城墙所需工役人员主要以均工夫役的方式获得,早期组织形式并不完备:约洪武十年后发展为推行以"甲"为建制的基层组织,从官吏到基层的组织形式巳基本完备;至洪武十七年停止.与凤阳中都明初砖文比较可知,这一基层组织形式可能借鉴明中都军工...  相似文献   
The artistic evolution of the Volterran cinerary urns is a good representation of Etruscan painting from the fourth to the first century bc . The interest generated by this type of object directed our research towards the study of the Volterran artefacts, including the analysis of the pigments as well as that of the rocks used for the coffers. The entire colour range shown by the painted urns has been sampled and investigated through Raman microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Rock samples were taken both from the urns and from outcrops in ancient carbonate rock quarries near Volterra, from where they may potentially have been sourced. A set of 30 samples was collected and submitted to stable carbon and oxygen isotope analyses. The results obtained showed that the pigments used for the decoration of the Volterran urns were basically constituted by red ochre, Egyptian blue, carbon black and gypsum. The identification of lead‐based pigments and barium sulphates further informed us about old restorations undergone by several urns. As far as the provenance issue is concerned, the isotopic data indicate that the rocks used for the four urns were favourably comparable to those outcropping at Pignano, while two other urns were more similar to those sampled along the Elsa River at Colle Val d'Elsa.  相似文献   
民国初年,一批富有革新精神的南方画家客居北京,给因循守旧的北京画界带来一股新风。其中姚华和陈师曾并称"姚陈",被公认为北京画坛领袖。他们志同道合,互相影响,密切配合,并肩奋斗,在绘画创作、艺术理论和美术教育等领域都取得了卓著成就,为中国画的复兴和繁荣作出了重要贡献,堪称民初北京画坛的双子星座。  相似文献   
孔冀平 《神州》2012,(6):311-311
语文教学追求诗意的课堂,音乐更是诗的延伸.是诗的魂灵,音乐课又怎能够不充满诗情画意?在我们的音乐课,那更应是充满诗情画意的,因为教材更多偏重于对音乐的欣赏,那行云流水般的天籁之音,那历史沉淀的经典之作,那流行的时尚元素,无不诉说着心灵最美的诗。而大点的学生已有一定的文学素养,他们年龄就是一首最美的青春之歌,心中荡漾着对未来的美好懂憬与向往,看什么都会在心中吟成一首懵懂的小诗,他们的作文已少了童年的稚气,语言也更成熟,头脑中会有无数色彩绚丽的画面,这是他们的年龄所致,这也是我们音乐课堂更应充满诗情画意的理由之一,理由很多,但如何让音乐课堂充满诗情画意是做音乐教师应不断思考的。  相似文献   
西安城墙的墙体常大面积析出白色盐粉,这种现象被称为"泛碱"。大量出现的泛碱现象不但大大影响西安城墙的整体美感,而且会降低砖材的力学强度造成脱落、粉化等病害,甚至对墙体的稳定性和安全性都造成威胁。为了了解其产生的原因,本工作通过X射线衍射分析方法对泛碱物质进行分析。分析结果表明,泛碱主要成分为NaCl、NaNO3、Na2SO4.10H2O、无水芒硝。结合对西安地区环境地下水和降雨等资料的调查,认为"泛碱"的主要原因为原材料以及地下水、雨水等引入的可溶盐。针对这一现象,提出了用"多层纸张贴敷法"除去导致砖石表面酥粉泛碱的可溶盐,再后期杀菌封护的保护方案。  相似文献   
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