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纸张纤维素的聚合度是影响纸张寿命及其力学性能的关键因素之一。手工纸纤维素聚合度的研究对确定古籍纸张年代和衡量修复纸质量均有重要意义。为此,本研究以皮纸、麻纸、竹纸和草纸中的迎春纸、苎麻纸、元书纸和龙须草纸为对象,研究了铜乙二胺(CED)法在手工纸检测中的适用性,并探讨了木素含量、溶解时间和空气对手工纸特性黏度的影响。研究发现,纤维素特性黏度和聚合度可按扣去木素含量的实际纤维素浓度计算获得,并且改良的CED法可用于木素含量低于10%的手工纸测试。纤维溶解过程可先使纸张纤维经水浸润2h,从而缩短CED溶解时间。此外,为防止纤维素的降解,在测试过程中应排除空气,以提高测试结果的准确性。  相似文献   
Hair and bone samples procured from the remains of Tycho Brahe were analysed by several analytical techniques. In segmented hair samples, concentrations of Fe, As, Ag and Au at the tips exceeded values for the contemporary population; however, they decreased towards the hair bulbs, similarly to Hg, indicating that recent exposure that was discontinued ~2 months prior to Brahe's death. Several other elements did not follow this pattern. Analyses of bones revealed signs of long‐term exposure to Au, while many other elements were within expected ranges. Histopathological examination of bone sections yielded no signs of severe bone metabolic disorders.  相似文献   
Stephen Skowronek’s idea of political time is tested by applying it to Canada. Skowronek identified a recurring cycle in US presidential politics, in which a coalition was forged around a distinctive set of ideas, dominated the political scene, and then crumbled, making way for a new coalition; a president’s ability to act as an agent of change depended on his place in this cycle. The concept of political time offers insights for the study of Westminster democracies, but Skowronek’s typology cannot be transplanted from the US to the Canadian context. A political orthodoxy cannot be easily identified in Canada, and prime ministers cannot be clearly labeled as affiliated with or opposed to the ideas of a given era. Some seem determined to play a corrective role, accepting much of the orthodoxy but reconstructing some elements of it. This problem of classification is amplified by the very short term of some prime ministers, by the very long term of others, and by a multiparty system, which has meant that Canadians often end up with prime ministers who are out of synch with the dominant ideas of their age. When applying Skowronek’s ideas to Canada, they emerge as overly structural and not sensitive enough to the possibility that leaders can fail to perform according to type.  相似文献   
李勇 《安徽史学》2010,(6):36-40
随着苏南社会近代化进程的加快,苏南渔民生活水平却并未有任何提高,甚至比封建社会时期还要贫困。造成这种状况的原因有很多,其中,渔民渔业权的丧失,封建势力的盘剥,外来势力的掠夺和进行水产品倾销以及市场失灵等是主要原因。探究近代苏南渔民贫困的社会根源,对于如何改善弱势群体的民生或有一些启发。  相似文献   
Given World and Time is a collection of essays that summarizes much of the recent work on the theory of time, including cultural, political, and social conceptualizations of temporality. The grounding narrative of this collection, roughly stated, leads from the German and German‐Jewish ideas of a temporality of crisis developed in the 1920s, to the French poststructuralism of the 1960s and 1970s, and concludes with the American syntheses of the 1980s and 1990s. Methodologically, the book weaves together different historical narratives with a new emphasis on their temporal dimension, all seen from the perspective of critical theory and recent cultural critique. However, it is interesting to point out that the majority of the articles do not challenge the classic critical tools of modernism, in spite of the frequent reference to poststructuralist critique. The volume editor has also not acknowledged more recent work that treats similar topics and themes through the application of a radical political critique, most significantly the work associated with biopolitics and the so‐called theological turn.  相似文献   
篦纹的起源与传播   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
篦纹是裴李岗文化最显著的特点之一。它的产生、发展以及与周边文化的关系,是考古学界所关注的问题之一。根据篦纹在中国的时空分布,其渊源应当是裴李岗文化。它随着裴李岗文化的衰亡而在中原消失,却在中国的南、北方的广大地区得到充分发展,并且距中原愈远则时代也愈晚。  相似文献   
现存《红楼梦》(《石头记》)所有的版本,都只是过录本。这些:过录本,完全有可能不是抄自一种版本,而是拼凑抄的,即都不是据曹雪芹的原稿抄录的(更不是曹雪芹的原稿),这样也就难免出现矛盾现象了。因此,《红楼梦》中存在的“矛盾”现象,不一定都是曹雪芹造成的,而有些是在后来的传抄过程中造成的。同时,还有一些是由于曹雪芹在“披阅十载,增删五次”的过程中,“修改未尽”而留下的“痕迹”。另外,也与作者的注重写意有关。  相似文献   
江苏日伪县知事县长群体分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘敏 《史学月刊》2006,(7):52-57
沦陷时期江苏苏中、苏南地区的伪县知事、县长在清乡(1942年)前后有较大的变化。清乡前大多由地方上的耆老、商会会长等头面人物担任,清乡后则主要是由日伪政权机关任命的较为年轻者组成,且相当一部分人出身行伍。清乡前日伪中央政权及省政府并不能有效控制县级政权,之后其控制范围也仅囿于苏南各县;而日本占领者对县级政权的人员任免和控制程度正好与伪中央政权相反。  相似文献   
学多以为《尚书孔传》始出于东晋梅赜献书,时在公元317或318年,但皇甫谧《帝王世纪》数引此书。皇甫谧生于汉建安二十年(公元215年),至西晋泰始初撰《帝王世纪》,在公元265年或稍晚,足见此书于魏晋间业已存在。  相似文献   
Whereas most theoretical and historiographical accounts of the event have focused on its present and past dimensions, this article addresses the relatively underexplored phenomenon of the future event. As temporal junctures, events often already elicit effects before they come to pass, and even if they never do. Building on foundational work on the relation between experience and expectation by Hans‐Georg Gadamer and Reinhart Koselleck as well as on current historiographical debates on “past futures,” I develop a threefold typology of the future event, distinguishing between the assumption of the routine event, the expectation of the relative event, and the adumbration of the radical event. Engaging with case studies like the year 2000, the ambivalent character of so‐called media events, and ongoing debates about a possible climate collapse and the COVID‐19 pandemic, I show how reconsidering the complex temporalities of the future event can shed new light on the ways in which past societies made their futures present.  相似文献   
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