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Starting from an econometric model of local employment growth, applied to Canada (1971–2001), residuals—relative to model predictions—are analyzed over time and over space, in turn allowing us to draw a distinction between general explanatory variables and factors of a more local, cyclical or accidental nature. The model's explanatory power grows over time, founded on variables such as urban size, market access and industrial structure, allowing us to conclude that local employment growth in Canada follows an increasingly geographically predictable pattern. However, an examination of the residuals reveals more localized processes. Growth volatility is most manifest in Alberta and British Columbia, home to the most erratic local economies. Emerging patterns are visible in the last period, most notably the underperformance of Northern Ontario and of non‐metropolitan communities between Windsor and Québec City, lying along the Great Lakes and the Saint Lawrence. The over‐performance—compared to model predictions — of small and mid‐sized towns in south‐eastern Québec can, on the other hand, be interpreted as a sign of truly local social processes, generally associated with a particularly dynamic local entrepreneurial class.  相似文献   
The Province of Alberta in 2001 implemented the First Nations Gaming Policy (FNGP) to improve First Nations development potential by permitting the construction of reserve casinos. This article argues that during the policy development stages provincial and First Nations leaders failed to consider the geographic placement of reserve communities, both in terms of where casinos would be placed and how gaming revenues would ultimately be distributed. Therefore, a policy intended to assist with First Nations economic rejuvenation in Alberta has benefitted a small proportion of First Nations while exacerbating regional economic difficulties the policy was in part calculated to ameliorate. The authors recommend revisiting the FNGP to establish a more equitable revenue distribution formula, thus resulting in a greater distribution of gaming revenues to a larger number of First Nations.  相似文献   
This article investigates the production and maintenance of the heritage landscape in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia. It argues that the unequal power relations that produced and were inscribed in the landscape historically continue to operate in the present. It does so by critically evaluating and contextualizing contestation over new high‐rise construction on the streets below Citadel Hill. Drawing on qualitative field work between 2005 and 2008, the article suggests that the meanings and values of heritage resources, such as views that served to protect the city, are not properly understood. A spatialized historical account shows how the creation of the colonial city depended upon the marginalization of groups that were other to the British settlers. A review of the establishment of the modern planning apparatus reveals a model of heritage interpretation that encourages an adversarial approach to the evaluation of proposals for new development. The characteristics and aspirations of pro‐development and pro‐heritage groups are examined. Finally, a case study of a controversial proposal to build a high‐rise building in a prominent location is presented. The article contributes to critical landscape studies by using a postcolonial approach to study the ideological underpinnings of built heritage in the Canadian context.  相似文献   
Over the past three centuries, the story of Canada's coasts has turned from one of resource abundance to depletion, and from the establishment of new settlements to declining populations, economies, and ways of life in many coastal communities. This article explores the potential of collaborative governance for rerouting coastal development onto a more sustainable path. A cross‐case analysis of three coastal watershed governance examples demonstrates that the primary outcomes of these efforts to date have been building governance capacity and slowing—rather than reversing—social‐ecological decline. Challenges include resistance and rigidity within existing policy systems, rivalries and differing perspectives among actors, and cultures that favour exploitation over stewardship and specialization over integration. Leadership and relationships are key factors in achieving sought after outcomes and overcoming resistance to new approaches. Culture and commitment to place can be significant enablers, often personified in a small number of instrumental leaders who link actors across and within multiple scales. Learning and adaptation, and willingness and capacity to share knowledge, resources, responsibilities, and accountability are required if collaborative governance models are to advance sustainable coastal development and foster significant change.

Gouverner le développement durable du littoral : promesses et défis de la gouvernance collaborative dans les bassins hydrographiques côtiers canadiens

L'histoire du littoral canadien a changé de perspective au cours des trois derniers siècles : allant de l'abondance des ressources à l’épuisement, et de l’établissement de nouvelles colonies au déclin des populations, des conditions économiques et des modes de vie dans de nombreuses communautés côtières. L'objet de cet article est de poursuivre une exploration du potentiel de la gouvernance collaborative pour remettre le développement côtier sur une voie durable. Une analyse croisée de trois exemples de gouvernance côtière de bassins hydrographiques montre que les efforts déployés jusqu'à ce jour ont permis de renforcer la capacité de gouvernance et de freiner – plutôt que d'inverser – le déclin social et écologique. Les défis à relever incluent la résistance et la rigidité propres aux systèmes politiques actuels, les rivalités et les points de vue divergents entre acteurs, et les cultures axées sur l'exploitation plutôt que l'intendance et sur la spécialisation plutôt que l'intégration. Le leadership et le réseautage constituent des éléments essentiels pour atteindre les résultats escomptés et surmonter la résistance face aux nouvelles approches. La culture et l'attachement local peuvent servir de catalyseurs importants souvent incarnés par un groupe restreint de meneurs qui nouent des relations entre acteurs sur de multiples échelles d'intervention. Autant l'apprentissage et l'adaptation que la volonté et la capacité de partager les connaissances, les ressources, les responsabilités et la reddition de comptes sont nécessaires afin que les modèles de gouvernance collaborative puissent promouvoir le développement durable des zones côtières et produire un changement en profondeur.  相似文献   
A proliferation of condominiums is fundamentally changing the built, social, and economic fabric of Canada's cities. While developments may be found throughout the urban landscape of cities large and small, most of the contemporary research focuses on luxury towers in the urban cores of Toronto and Vancouver. The following study examines the complete inventory of all condominium units in Halifax, Nova Scotia, revealing spatial and temporal patterns in their development. Nearly 60% of Halifax's condominium units are found in the suburbs, with only 20% in the downtown. Condominium units built since 2010 command the highest prices, surpassing the median single detached house price in the city, while older units from the 1970s and 1980s remain largely affordable. Recent developments can be found in gentrifying neighbourhoods; however, they remain a minority as many more units are found in middle-class suburbs and wealthy inner-city neighbourhoods. Owing to their varied manifestations, the predominant associations of condominiums with a downtown, luxury housing format needs expanding to include locations throughout the metropolitan area, distinct building types, and wide range of prices.  相似文献   
L'automate de l'information est souvent présentée comme un outil de développement des régions. Or, très peu d'études ont été réalisées à ce jour sur les façons dont les villes et les régions se sont appropriées l'internet et l'analyse des effets socio-spatiaux de l'autoroute de l'information reste à faire. Cet article propose un éclairage empirique sur l'appropriation d'Internet dans une ville moyenne particulièrement dynamique au plan économique, Drummondville au Québec. Un total de 127 sites et pages Web portant sur la ville ont ainsi été analysés, tant au plan des organismes associés à leur production que de leur contenu. C'est ce portrait d'une toile en pleine construction qui est présenté ici. II met en lumière une appropriation plutôt timide de l'Internet, dont les usages se rapprochent beaucoup de ceux offerts par les médias traditionnels.
Much hope is placed in the information highway as an opportunity for regional development. Very few studies have been conducted on the actual degree to which the Internet has actually been appropriated at the local and regional scales, and its overall social and spatial impact has been hardly measured. This paper is aimed at shedding some light on the development of the Internet in a mid-sized city of southern Quebec, Drummondville, known for its economic dynamism. A total of 127 websites and pages are analyzed, in terms of the organizations associated with their creation and in terms of their content. The results highlight a very timid approach toward the Internet and uses not very different from those offered by traditional media.  相似文献   
This article focuses on the development of a new industry, namely the brewing industry, in the peripheral region of Southeastern Quebec. Its objective is to understand and describe the main activities of the microbreweries and to detect their contribution to the development of Southeastern Quebec, namely the Lower-Saint-Lawrence and the Gaspé peninsula-Magdelen islands regions. The results of our analysis allow us to shed new light on the contribution of this industry to the development of these two regions.  相似文献   
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