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韩静  张茵 《旅游科学》2016,(5):24-36
游憩价值评估是识别旅游资源经济价值的重要手段.TCM作为传统评估方法,其评估结果的准确性受多种因素影响,其中游憩需求的影响因素对评估结果的影响是尚待解决的关键问题.游客感知价值是影响游憩需求的重要因素,考察其对评估结果的影响是提高评估结果精确性的一种有益尝试.本文以TCM的两种基本模型ZTCM和ITCM为基础,探索不同介入方式下感知价值对评估结果的影响机制.研究表明:感知价值作为自变量介入ZTCM模型后使人均消费者剩余下降了7.3%、游憩价值下降了4.4%,大于它作为中介变量介入ITCM模型后对评估结果的影响,说明感知价值主要通过与旅行花费共同作用对价值评估结果产生影响.这不仅揭示了游客感知价值影响的复杂性,更体现了游憩价值评估体系中考虑游憩需求影响因素的必要性.  相似文献   
水域景观美学价值评价理论研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
水域景观是自然风景的重要组成部分。美学价值是人类审美和水域景观联系的纽带。水域景观美学价值的评价是天然水资源成为景观水资源(旅游资源)的先决条件,美学价值的高低直接影响水域景观的观赏质量,它是水域景观旅游价值评价的重要内容。本文首先根据人类神经生理、心理学等学科的研究成果探讨人类审美的主观缘源;再重点剖析水域景观的美学特征;最后提出水域景观美学价值评价的理论。  相似文献   
The Romanian dairy-farming sector is marked by subsistence and semi-subsistence farms. Through consolidation in the retail and dairy sector, the price pressure has moved toward producers of raw milk. Through new European, national and private standards and global actors tapping into the Romanian market this development is reinforced. At the same time, the smallholders, formerly accepted to be acting on an informal level, cannot access their main distribution channels anymore. Additionally, through several legal constraints being developed since Romania’s accession to the European Union, the smallholders are neither able to issue invoices, nor to access certain subsidy programmes as they are not considered juridical persons. This article focuses on the consequences of this disembedding of farmers. The peasants are pushed toward informal activities or value chain positions, in which they do not have any bargaining power with the globally sourcing intermediaries they are supplying. The contemporary approaches of global value chains and global production networks build the theoretical framework for the study. Here it is argued that informal markets must be included into these approaches more concisely.  相似文献   
对剩余价值范畴的重新界定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荣燕 《攀登》2005,24(5):137-139
传统政治经济学对剩余价值范畴的定义在其存在的条件、来源和剩余价值的分配等方面均过于狭窄,且界定时采用了非经济的标准,这既有悖于马克思的有关论述,也与当前的实际情况不完全吻合.本文以马克思的有关经典论述为依据,并结合经济生活的实际,对传统剩余价值范畴进行深入思考,以澄清人们的模糊认识.  相似文献   
本文首先探讨了西方社会对乡村认知转型的基本思潮,其演进脉络经历了生产主义、后生产主义和多功能乡村三个阶段。在此基础上,本文尝试建立了从主体和功能两个维度进行乡村认知的基本框架,并从历史视角对中国乡村的认知变迁进行了回溯。新中国成立以来,对于乡村的认知大致经历了牺牲型乡村和追赶型乡村两个阶段,直至城乡统筹的概念提出,才有一定的改变。本文提出了当前中国乡村的三重价值——乡村的农业价值、乡村的腹地价值和乡村的家园价值。基于这样的多元价值,尝试性地提出了"乡村复兴"的概念框架。  相似文献   
黄楼 《史学月刊》2005,(6):77-82
牛肃所撰《纪闻》系唐代第一部小说集,所记多开元、天宝时事。原书大约宋以后亡佚,惟《太平广记》、《太平寰宇记》等存有120余条。《纪闻》中的人物传记、僧侣传记、鬼怪幽冥故事等对盛唐时期的社会生活、政治事件等多有直接反映,其中一些材料还为《新唐书》、《资治通鉴》、《宋高僧传》等所采用,故而具有极高的史料价值。  相似文献   
朱彝尊编纂的《词综》是清代影响最大的词选本。朱彝尊《词综·发凡》以及汪森等人的序文,详细介绍了《词综》的版本来源、编纂体例和校勘考订内容,具有词籍版本目录学价值,成为清人整理词籍的重要参考文献,从而在词籍整理成为专门学术的过程中占有重要地位。  相似文献   
This paper reviews archaeological applications of optimization theory applied to resource use. A model of agricultural corn production is derived for a single Muscogee Creek Indian town (CA 1725–1825) which was situated in the southeastern United States. The corn productivity model is based on soil depletion, soil variation, known locations of horticultural fields, population size, and nutritional requirements. The corn productivity model shows that corn production varied significantly between 1725 and 1825. The residents of the town shifted their horticultural gardens in order to maintain a nutritional minimum. The model was compared to the marginal value theorem and expectations derived from risk minimization models. Residents of Cussetuh abandoned their horticultural fields well before the instantaneous long-term average rate of production for the habitat. The model shows that the residents of Cussetuh were risk minimizers and were not maximizing the long term average rate of corn yield in their gardens.  相似文献   
黄锡之 《安徽史学》2003,(6):101-103,100
《清嘉录》、《桐桥倚棹录》记载清代江南丰富多彩的社会生活与风土人情,对民俗的源流和演变作了饶有价值的诠释和考订,因而颇受史学界的关注。继续探索其深厚底蕴,对文化交流和旅游开发具有现实意义。  相似文献   
释赞宁《宋高僧传》承继梁代释慧皎《高僧传》、唐代释道宣《续高僧传》而作,是记载唐初至北宋初三百多年间佛教僧人精英的总传。要了解佛教在中国的生存发展情况离不开佛教史籍,同时佛教与社会生活密切相关,所以《宋传》成为研究唐代至宋初中国佛教史、政治史、经济史、文化史、历史学等方面的重要资料。  相似文献   
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