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《明书》是清初史家傅维鳞(1608—1667)任翰林院编修时所纂纪传体明史,因《四库全书》仅列其入存目,并加以否定,学界对《明书》多有误解与轻视。本文由反驳《四库全书总目》对《明书》的批评入手,从《明书》对官修《明史》的影响、对明史研究的价值以及作为第一部明代全史的史学地位等方面,对《明书》做了相对全面、客观、公允的评价。  相似文献   
资金星 《攀登》2009,28(2):101-105
法价值是法学的基本命题,也是社会关注的焦点。中国自改革开放以来法价值取向随着时代的变化而有所侧重。我们可以认为:自党的十一届三中全会以来,中国法价值取向经历了从秩序到效率、法治与人权的历史流变,但其发展趋势必然朝着公平正义的方向发展。  相似文献   
“普世价值”的意识形态陷阱及其批判   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
包毅 《攀登》2009,28(3):61-66
“普世价值”的是非论争已成为当今热门话题。“普世价值”作为一种社会思潮和思想体系,其理论根源是抽象的人性论,它以非政治话语否定我国的主流意识形态,试图取消马克思主义在我国的主导地位,在本质上表现为西方的话语霸权及其思想渗透的新方式,由此具有明显的意识形态色彩。  相似文献   
Sandstone from several ancient quarries and natural outcrops located at the eastern foothill of Kulen Mountain and in Koh Ker, northern Cambodia, has been characterized by means of petrographic analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and geochemical analysis. The samples have been collected during a series of field surveys organized jointly by The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Authority for the Protection and Management of Angkor and the Region of Siem Reap (APSARA). The data show how the sandstone quarried from these sites is characterized by an overall petrographic and geochemical homogeneity, and is consistent with the upper terms of the Lower–Middle Jurassic Terrain Rouge Formation.  相似文献   
The marine inundation generated by Tropical Cyclone Yasi, north Queensland, February 2011, flooded at least 130 beachfront homes and many commercial businesses, becoming the most substantial marine inundation impact in Australia's modern history. As a consequence, guidelines for building in storm tide impact areas have been developed and discussions are beginning on whether Australia needs a national standard for buildings impacted by these events. Central to this will be determining which areas of coastal land need to be subjected to the standard, and this will likely be based upon the magnitude of a particular return interval event. The veracity of the current method for determining these return intervals is difficult to determine as there has been no objective way to assess the accuracy of this approach. One such method is developed here – applying extreme value theory statistics to millennial scale sedimentary records of tropical cyclone marine inundations. The approach is applied to a 5000‐year‐long beach ridge record of tropical cyclone inundations near Tully Heads and the results suggest that the inundation generated by Tropical Cyclone Yasi here had a return interval of approximately 1000 years. This is a substantially lower figure than the approximately 5000‐year return interval suggested by the currently accepted approach. Irrespective of which method is more accurate, the marine inundation generated by Yasi was a very rare event and one that may become more common under a future altered climate.  相似文献   
西津渡是古代长江下游的重要渡口,相关史料主要涉及历史事件、渡口建设和官设机构等方面.西津渡遗址考古发掘揭示了千年古渡的历史面貌和演变轨迹,其文化价值体现在对我国交通史的重要性、遗址时空的完整性以及文化景观的独特性等三方面.  相似文献   
肇始于法国的遗产保护运动已有两百余年的历史,而遗产价值却一直是个近乎扑朔迷离的话题。与一般商品相比,遗产有何特殊的价值与使用价值,遗产价值如何衡量及其对对现代社会的意义都有待于思考。从某种意义上看,过去之于现在,是古为今用的过程,亦是遗产价值从神圣走向世俗的关键缘由。无论是遗产保护热、遗产研究热,还是遗产旅游热,都在判断、建构、计算与赋予这四个面相上论证着遗产的价值,进而揭示遗产价值表象下人类集团的精神实践活动。  相似文献   
石文斌 《攀登》2011,30(6):52-56
在社会主义条件下,人的自由而全面发展的最高价值目标是在社会主义经济价值目标、政治价值目标、文化价值目标、社会价值目标及生态价值目标实现的基础上才能得以实现的,离开任何一个或强调任何一个价值目标,人的全面发展就无"全面"可谈。因此,经济、政治、文化的发展、社会文明的增进、生态文明的提出,都只是人自身发展的手段,都是为人的解放和全面发展这个最终目的、最高价值目标服务的。把握人的全面发展的内涵及其实现途径有利于我们更加自觉地坚定社会主义信念,建设中国特色社会主义。  相似文献   
The present paper explores the potentials of trace elements in human dental enamel to indicate mobility and to detect the presence of individuals who had migrated into a community after childhood. Three Pre-Hispanic samples of infants from the Yucatán peninsula were chosen, one from the northern coast (Xcambó), one from the coast of the Gulf of Mexico (Campeche) and the last one from the tropical inland rain forest (Calakmul). Infants’ first permanent molars are the term of reference because infants were very likely born in the same place where they died and therefore are supposed to represent the local geo-chemical environment. Their chemical signature was then compared to the one of the adults from the site of Xcambó. The elemental composition was recorded by means of laser ablation-time of flight-ICP-MS. Sr and Ba (and secondly Mg and I) discriminate well the three infant samples. All the Early Classic adults from Xcambó fall within the range of variation of the site’s infants, while 25% of the Late Classic adults fall outside the range in agreement with archaeological, bioarcheological, and isotopic evidence. LA-ICP-Ms analyses of trace elements in archaeological samples can be an important analytical tool to detect foreigners in local populations. The selection of infants as reference values helps reduce the limits faced by trace element analyses in past human populations studies.  相似文献   
韩小雁 《攀登》2011,30(3):106-110
青海藏族的传统文化作为中华文化的重要组成部分具有独特的文化思想基础,在价值追求、思想道德教育功能和社会文化功能方面与社会主义核心价值体系具有一致性,促进青海藏族传统文化与社会主义核心价值体系的和谐发展对于构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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