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地方政府企业化主导下的城市空间发展与演化研究   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:20  
在经济全球化、市场化、分权化的不断作用下,中国的经济与社会发展正在经历着深刻而全面的转型,其中政府角色与作用的变迁是一个值得关注的重要领域。与西方国家政府进行的"企业化管治"所不同的是,中国地方政府更倾向于将行政资源直接移植到新的城市竞争体系之中,即表现为强烈的"政府企业化"特征。在全球竞争时代,城市空间资源是地方政府通过行政权力可以直接干预、有效组织的重要竞争元素,也是"政府企业化"的重要载体,城市空间的发展因而也表现出政府强烈主导、逐利色彩浓厚的特征。本文将从政府企业化这个角度审视中国当前城市空间发展演化的深刻机制,并且对其相应的衍生效应给予客观的评价。  相似文献   
基于制度转型的中国城市空间结构研究初探   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
1990年代以来全球范围内的众多国家发生了重大制度转型,以中国为代表的社会主义国家转型引起了国际学者的广泛关注。城市空间结构是城市社会、经济发展的空间投影,对其理解也必然要从制度转型的深刻层面去加以认识。文章系统回顾了西方城市空间结构研究经历的城市形态研究、实证主义方法、政治经济学分析等过程,揭示出其基本走向是转向对深层制度性因素的关注。继而文章着重分析了中国制度转型的三个根本方面,并概要性地阐释了其对城市空间的影响,最后列举了相应的一些重要研究领域和基本方向。  相似文献   
Aerial photography has made the single most important contribution to our improved appreciation of the density, diversity and distribution of archaeological sites in Britain since World War Two. This is particularly the case for areas of intensive lowland agriculture where ploughed-out sites are known mainly from marks in the crops growing above them. However, reconnaissance for such cropmarks is not equally effective throughout the lowlands, because of the particular conditions of drier weather, well-drained soils and arable agriculture required before they become visible, and is highly unpredictable.  相似文献   
This paper considers how higher education geography is a discipline that can make a significant contribution to addressing inequality and engaging with the agenda for social change. It adopts the view that the teaching of geography can promote social transformation through the development of knowledge, skills and values in students that encourage social justice and equity. The paper explores how teaching about social transformation is closely interlinked with teaching for social transformation and considers some of the pedagogical approaches that might be used to achieve these. It considers how the lack of diversity of higher education geography teachers impacts on these issues before moving on to consider how the nature of different higher education systems supports or constrains geographers' abilities to teach for social transformation. Finally, the paper ends by asking individuals and geography departments to consider their commitment to teaching for social transformation.  相似文献   
中国社会正处于转型时期,经济建设取得重大成就的同时,也形成了许多问题,如社会管理盲区增加、社会发展不平衡加剧等,导致了新的社会矛盾。因此,我们需要借助中国传统文化资源,复兴中国文化并完善城乡社会组织,建设社会主义和谐社会。  相似文献   
李媛媛 《攀登》2010,(6):59-62
本文旨在对作为一种哲学立场的“实用主义”进行正名,对实用主义学说的精神内涵进行重读和清理。实用主义把哲学的首要价值定位为研究人的问题,改善人的生活,其着眼点是讨论生活和行动的意义,从根本上说.它是一种人本主义思潮。  相似文献   
新中国成立后,新民主主义的房屋政策明确保护城市私房的所有权和经营权。1956年以后由保护转变为改造,1958年时达到高潮,至1964年全国范围内的私房改造基本结束。公私合营和国家经租是主要的改造方式。由于改造中使用了整风和群众运动中一些"左"的做法,致使改造工作过头,遗留下来一些问题。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This article presents a (critical realist) constructivist critique of both consociational and civil society/transformationist approaches and their crude understandings of politics and the prospects for political change. Consociationalism's primordialist or essentialist foundation leads it towards a world‐weary, pessimistic, conservative realism about how far ‘divided societies’ may be transformed. Advocates of the civil society approach, in contrast, take an instrumentalist view of identity and are optimistic that a radical transformation can be achieved by mobilising the people against ‘hard‐line’ political representatives. The constructivist approach can provide a framework in which a more complex and nuanced understanding of identities is possible. This better equips us for understanding the prospects of bringing about desirable political change. The first part of this article is a critique of Nagle and Clancy's consociationalism. The second part provides a brief outline of a constructivist critique of both the consociational and civil society understandings of politics and their contribution to understanding the politics of managing conflict.  相似文献   
The period of the Beijing government of Republican China (1912–1928) occurred after the 1911 Revolution that toppled the imperial system and before the rule of the Nanjing Nationalist government. For modern China, it was an era of frequent trial and error in implementing political systems, as well as a significant phase of institutional transition following the New Policy reforms of the late Qing. Many twists and turns during this period of historical evolution stemmed from problems of the late Qing political reform. The three major issues occurring during the 1912–1928 era, namely the legitimacy of the government, the relationship between its legislative and executive branches, and the relationship between the central government and the provinces, were all dominated by the profound influence of traditional Chinese political and cultural frameworks. All of this made the 1912–1928 era more complicated than the late Qing period, increased the difference between one stage of institutional change and another, and accelerated the change in political systems while also broadening the choices available. Therefore, we should not only focus on the complex contention among all parties, but also acquire a deeper understanding of the limits imposed upon institutional renovation by tradition and circumstances through examination of the institutional adaptations behind the chaotic partisan politics.  相似文献   
晚清汉学在地域上的扩充,使汉学家成为影响近代社会变迁不可忽视的力量。尤其是其中的重要学者,他们或任职朝廷,或为大吏幕宾,或掌教各地书院,无论在朝在野都具有很强的号召力,对近代社会风气的转移、新事物的传衍起到程度不同的作用。实际上,汉学家在近代各个领域都有出色表现,不仅没有固执华夷之辨,且领时代潮流之先风,在历次大的社会变革中均有涉足。详究其中原因,首先,这与汉学的治学内容及其治学精神和西学有相通之处不无关系;其次,晚清汉学家重新标举顾炎武的明道救世,提倡经世致用,有利于其投身于社会变迁实践。  相似文献   
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